Performance Evaluation Report For Practicum Trainees

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Name of the Trainee: _________________________________________________________________

Training Establishment: ______________________________________________________________
Department / Section: ________________________ Date Covered: from ___________ to ___________

TO THE RATER: This form has been developed to monitor the performance of each practicum trainee not only
for grading purposes but also to provide basis for identifying his strengths and weaknesses. As a supervisor, you
have a key role in training our future hoteliers and restaurateurs.

Kindly rate the trainee in each of the traits indicated below by encircling the appropriate number that corresponds
to the OBJECTIVE EVALUATION of his performance in your unit/department. Traits which have not been
observed during the trainee’s stay may be marked N/O (not observed). Also, kindly discuss the results of your
evaluation to the trainee concern. Please send accomplished evaluation forms to the training coordinator of your
company. Thank you very much!

1. QUANTITY OF WORK Consider his quantity of work output expected of the job
Extremely low. Unacceptable Below minimum standards. Meets required standards. Well above average. Very fast Exceptionally fast worker.
Can just get by. Works steadily. worker.
1 2 3 4 5

2. QUALITY OF WORK Consider his neatness, accuracy and general efficiency of work
output required by the job.
Work inaccurate, incomplete, Quality of work often requires Quality of work consistently Good quality of work Exceptional quality. Always
sloppy, and unacceptable. re-working. good. May require minor surpassing the acceptable level. accurate, thorough, and neat
1 2 3 4 5

3. KNOWLEDGE OF WORK Consider the extent of his job knowledge and of other work
closely related to it.
Fails to meet minimum Just meets minimum Good knowledge of most Very good knowledge of the Comprehensive knowledge of all
requirements. Lack of requirements. Extra direction is aspects of job. May require job. May require assistance on aspects of the job.
knowledge in most aspects of frequently required. assistance on some phases of more complex non-routine
the job. the job. aspects f the job.
1 2 3 4 5

4. APTITUDE & ABILITY TO LEARN Consider how quickly he learns new work and retains what he
has learned and the case which he follows instructions.
Learns very slowly. Requires Requires frequent instructions Learns fairly quickly. Needs Eager to learn. Possesses good Learns very rapidly. Excellent
excessive instructions. in work procedures. guidance occasionally. memory. Learns rapidly. memory. Very eager to acquire
new knowledge.
1 2 3 4 5

5. DRIVE & INITIATIVE Consider his resourcefulness and drive to think (e.g. generating
new ideas) and act in the absence of instruction.
Lack resourcefulness. Display no Not inclined to suggest new Usually displays initiative and Regularly displays initiative A self-starter. Enterprising:
initiative or drive. ways of doing things. drive. Occasionally suggests and drive. Is imaginative. Plans continually seeks new and better
Possesses limited drive. new ways of doing things. work well. ways of doing things.
1 2 3 4 5

6. RESPONSIBILITY & DEDICATION Consider his ability to work thoroughly and conscientiously and
his work attitudes.
Puts in less than the minimum Makes minimum effort. Show Shows interest and involvement Willing and committed worker. Exceptionally dedicated.
effort. little dedication. in work. Always does a full day’s work. Industrious and conscientious in
1 2 3 4 5

7. TEAMWORK & COOPERATION Consider his willingness to work and help others. Does he
cooperate in manner as well as in action? Is he willing to
assume his fair share of work and responsibility?
Lacks team spirit and refuses to Generally difficult to work Cooperates in a positive Always congenial and helpful. Goes out of his way to cooperate
cooperate with others. Is with. Tends to exaggerate manner. Is tactful and obliging. Is a good team leader. and help others. He has a strong
negative and quarrelsome. problems. motivating influence.
1 2 3 4 5

8. SUPERVISION OR GUIDANCE Consider the amount of direct supervision/guidance he needs of

REQUIRED ensure proper performance of the job.
Almost always has to be Requires more than the average Requires normal Requires minimum Is able to work independently
told exactly what to do. amount of supervision/guidance. supervision/guidance. supervision/guidance without supervision or
1 2 3 4 5

9. DISCIPLINE Consider his conduct, punctuality and regular attendance.

Habitual late; poor in Often late without good reasons. Regularly punctual. Attendance Punctual most of the time. Sets Always punctual. Sets excellent
attendance and conduct. Attendance and conduct need and conduct meet expectations. good example to others. example to others.
1 2 3 4 5

10. CUSTOMER & EXTERNAL Consider his ability to promote goodwill and create favorable
RELATIONS impression on customers, general public, and other
Is ineffective and damaging to Minimal effectiveness. Not Effective. Generally leaves Very effective. Always leaves a Exceptionally effective.
relations. tactful and cooperative. good impression. positive impression. Enhances relations.
1 2 3 4 5

11. SAFETY & HOUSEKEEPING Consider his safety consciousness and the extent of care
exercised in keeping the workplace neat and orderly and
operating the machines.
Careless. Is a hazard both to Has to be reminded of safety Exercises normal care. Follows Pays more attention on safety Observes all safety rules. Takes
himself and others. requirements. rules. and care. excellent care of workplace and
1 2 3 4 5

AVERAGE*: __________
*to get the rating average, add all the ratings and divide the
sum by 11






Evaluated by:

________________________ _______________________ __________________

Signature over printed name Position Date


_______________________________ __________________
Trainee Signature over printed name Date

Noted by (company’s training coordinator):

________________________ _______________________ __________________

Signature over printed name Position Date

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