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The honourable English teacher,

And beloved of my friends

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb

First of all, I would like to say thanks to Allah Swt. Who has us a mercy and blessing, so we can present in this

Secondly, I don’t forget to send shalawat and salam to our Muhammad Saw. Who us brought to the darkness and
lightness, who has given me the best chance my speed under tittle “the Colour with Education”.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Education represent one of the factor of esensial reach for efficacy and success fullness in life in this world.
Education of vital importance and have an effect on in life we, because without education of our life felt emptiness and no
meaning. Like aphorism telling life without science as vegetable without salt. Meaning that life we will not felt perfection and
full of magic power if do not flavor with science. Besides, without education or science, we cannot recognize and know
something. Example of the so small is internet. Internet is media facilitating us to communicate with others and also get
wanted information. At the time of this time, throng people use internet as media look for study materials, internet even also
used to be many to be gone to schools to look information about a lesson. Even, at the time for the registration of new
student, have to pass internet situs. Will be like if us do not know and do not know to operate internet.

Hance from that, fill this life with Science, so that what goal us of desire idea earn from. And use that science for
matter which good for nation and country and also make that science as guidance to become proud new generation of the

Ladies and gentlemen,

That’s all my which can submit at this opportunity, easy to may what me submit to earn us pluck its it to be made by
guidance of life up at better.

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