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These days juvenile crime is increasing vigorously-----cause and how to solve??

In the past, juvenile delinquency was not a great threat but now it is a big
problem in many countries. While there are many causes of this precarious Commented [z1]: It is way better to paraphrase the question

problem, I think that failed parenting and drug availability are the principle factors Commented [z2]: Poor….

for this rampant crime. However, there are a number of actions that could be
implemented to tackle this problem.

The first and foremost reason, in my opinion is that misdeed is often as a result of Commented [z3]: Comma missing
Commented [z4]: Wrong word
failed parenting. This is particularly very common in developing countries, where
parents are not conscious about their children. Due to this, children don’t get Commented [z5]: ………….activity

proper lesson, which leads to vigorous juvenile crime. However, one immediate Commented [z6]: Too short sentence

answer is to educate parents. By doing this, they could accept the consequence of
their not being more conscious about their children’s movement; eventually this Commented [z7]: Less relevant

could reduce the crime rate. A good example is seen in Singapore, in which an
awareness program has been introduced in 2011, which has decreased the crime
rate by 5%.

Another important cause is drug availability. In fact, if law enforcing agencies

were so strict, our social stability couldn’t be in jeopardy due to juvenile Commented [z8]: Really good………

delinquency. This is illustrated by the fact that in England over 60% juveniles are Commented [z9]: ,……………………….., two comma

severely depressed because of soaring juvenile crime rate. This pressing problem
is addressed by implementing the strict law on selling drug. I think, government
should take this ground-breaking step so that it could act as a deterrent to people
who wish to spread illegal drugs into juvenile.

In conclusion, reducing juvenile crime is never easy but government and people
should come forward to tackle this threading issue. Otherwise, it is not far away
when we see this detrimental problem has been our leading concern

Jamil al masrur. Commented [z10]: Well deserve 7.0

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