English Assessment Grade 3

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English 2018

Name: DAANISH SINGH Class: 3rd Sec: A Roll No: 8

SECTION-A (Creative Writing)

1. Read the poem and choose the correct options:

Here comes the elephant, swaying along;

With his cargo of children, all singing a song
His legs are in leather and padded his toes;
He can root up an oak, with a whisk of his nose.

With a wave of his trunk and a turn of his chin

He can pull down a house or pick up a pin.
Beneath his grey forehead a little eye peers;
Of what is he thinking between those wide ears?

If he was not kind, he could play bat and ball,

With Robert and Helen, and Uncle Paul.
But the grey forehead, those crinkled ears,
Have leant to be kind, in a hundred years!

1. The elephant can root up __________ with his nose.

a. a pine b. an Oak c. a Banyan
2. Elephants have __________ ears.
a. small b. round c. wide
3. The elephant can pick up a pin with his __________
a. trunk b. legs c. nose
4. What is the colour of forehead of the elephant?
a. black b. grey c. brown
5. Which game can the elephant play if he was not of this kind?
a. Hockey b. hide and seek c. bat and ball
6. Pick out the two rhyming words of ‘ears’ from the poem.

2. Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

There is a beautiful park in our neighbourhood. It is large and covered with soft, green
grass. There are flowers of many kinds in the park. Many children come to play every
day. They like to play on the swings and slides. Some old people visit the park too. They
sit and watch the children at play. I love going to my neighbourhood park.

1. What did the children like to do in the park?

2. Why do old people come to the park?
3. Find four nouns from the passage:
a. _____________________ b. ___________________
c. _____________________ d. ___________________
4. Find four verbs from the passage:
a. _____________________ b. ___________________
c. _____________________ d. ___________________

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English 2018
5. On the basis of your reading of the passage fill in the blanks:
a. They like to _______ on the swings and slide.
b. Some __________visit the park too.
6. Tick the correct answer:
A. There are many flowers of many______
a. Colours b. Kinds c. Leaves
B. I love to go to my ________
a. Neighbour house b. Neighbourhood park c. Both 1 and 2
7. Frame meaningful sentences using the following words.
a. Beautiful b. Park c. Green d. Soft

3. Write the paragraph on “My School Library” using the given hints:

Our school ............... library which ............. store house of books. It ........ books of
different types. .............. books on .......... subjects in our library. Students can get
any ......... issued in their names. ................ magazines and daily news ............. in our
library. In our ............, books are arranged in shelves ........... cup boards. ................ is
a huge hall and is divided into sections with glass partitions. .............. room for the
librarian and the staff of the library. The other part of library is a reading ......... It is
quite place. It remains open all day. ........... students sit there and study. Our school
librarian ...... polite and humble. ............. very helpful by nature. He keeps the books in
perfect order. ................. is the treasure house of knowledge, past and present. It
creates love for books among .............. .

4. Complete the conversation between a student and a teacher:

Teacher: Why were you absent __________________________?

Student: I was not ______________________________________.
Teacher: What happened?
Student: _________________________________________________.
Teacher: Complete your _________________ by ______________.
Student: I will ____________________________________________.

SECTION-B (Reader)

1. Answer the given questions:

1. Describe how an elephant looks.
2. Does the story mention the name of any character? Whose?
3. How do elephants hear with their feet?
4. How do elephants show friendship?
5. Was the younger girl fortunate? How?
6. What food do elephants eat?
7. What is the difference between an African and an Asian elephant?
8. What is your opinion about the mother’s treatment of her children?
9. What was fairy’s boon to the girl?
10. Why did fairy appear in the dress of a Princess to the elder girl?
11. Why did the mother send the elder daughter to the spring?
12. Why do some people kill elephants?

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English 2018
2. Word Meanings:
i. Boon ii. Biologists iii. Curse iv. deity
v. Flagon vi. Fusion vii. instant viii. Majestic
ix. pageant x. pitcher xi. rinsed xii. Scattered
xiii. snorkel xiv. sulkily xv. thrash xvi. vibration
xvii. viper

3. Make Sentences:
i. arrogant ii. confused iii. friendly iv. magnificently
v. memory vi. precious vii. probably viii. resembled
ix. scolded x. spring xi. Tusks

4. MCQs:
1. An Asian elephant is called an __________________
a. American Elephant b. Indian Elephant c. African Elephant
2. The tusks of elephants are called as _____________
a. jewellery b. twigs c. ivory
3. Where did the younger daughter go and hide from her mother?
a. in a forest b. in a house c. in a cage
4. Who came in disguise of an old woman to the younger daughter?
a. the elder sister b. her mother c. a fairy
5. Who could produce coins, ash and fruits from air?
a. Tenali Raman b. the Sadhu c. King of Vijayanagara

5. RTCs:
1. Who said these words to whom?
i. “_____________ all of us can get rich by working hard.”
ii. We need to be wary of this man.
iii. Get up my child, you are a true devotee.
iv. Please do not deny your devotees the keys to heaven.
2. Who is being referred to as.......
i. Imposters: “_____________ The king’s men will arrest the imposters.”
ii. This Man: We need to be wary of this man.
iii. Devotee: Get up my child, you are a true devotee.
iv. Keys to heaven: Please do not deny your devotees the keys to heaven.
3. Who is ‘I’ , ‘me’ and ‘you’ in the given statements:
i. I: “You can go now. I have to discuss something __________.”
ii. I and you: I will definitely make you rich.
iii. me: Allow me to pluck a hair as well.
4. Who said this line?
i. The great saint is opening his eyes!
ii. He is such a holy man!
iii. As you wish, Your Majesty.
iv. I will look forward to hearing your report.

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English 2018
SECTION-C (Grammar)
1. (a) Underline the action words and circle the adverbs in the given sentences:
1. Deepa speaks politely with everyone.
2. Shaifali looked for her slippers everywhere.
3. An old man walks slowly.
4. My father drove his car below the tunnel.
5. I watched a cartoon show yesterday.

(b) Pick out the adverbs and state their kinds as adverb of manner/place/time
1. The principal heard the complaint patiently.
2. I sometimes sing in the shower.
3. The children ran quickly towards the ground.
4. We want to watch this movie tomorrow.
5. The boys are playing inside their houses because of rainy weather.

(c) Fill in the blanks with adverbs given below:

upstairs today fast

1. The horse ran _________________.

2. The maid went _________________ to sweep the floor.

3. I am going to attend a Seminar _________________.

(d) Write the opposites of the underlined adverbs with words given below:
below never untidily

1. My mother arranged the things tidily. _________________

2. I always help the poor. _________________

3. The pigeons flew above the tree. _________________

2. (a) Punctuate and rewrite the given sentences:

1. such a mesmerising performance
2. i am participating in the play
3. are simi tiah and leena coming for the party
4. where does this road lead to
5. the gate way of india ia in mumbai
6. what a beautiful dress
7. suresh has kept his pencils erasers sharpners and colours in a pouch
8. my fathers watch is very expensive

(b) Rewrite the following phrases using ‘s:

1. the photograph of Cyrus
2. the birthday gift of Aisha
3. the toys of his friend
4. the show of the magician
5. the advice of my parents

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English 2018
3. (a) Read the following sentences and write their kinds (statement, question,
imperative, exclamatory)
1. How was your experience? 5. It’s a miracle!
2. Anushka got a medal in the Olympiad. 6. What do you plan to cook today?
3. Raman does his work efficiently. 7. Never hurt the feelings of others.
4. What a peaceful place! 8. Please switch off the light.

(b) Rearrange the following group of words to form sentences:

1. wood / the / made / chair / of.
2. gave / birth / Nisha / a / wonderful / on / part / her.
3. my / are / favourite / daffodils / flowers.
4. before / you / leap / look.
5. on / we / Republic Day / 26th January / celebrate.

(c) Choose the most suitable word to complete each sentence:

1. _________________ (hockey/football/cricket) is National game of India.
2. We get silk from _________________ (sheep/silkworm/cow)
3. The _________________ (cow/lion/bear) is a domestic animal.
4. We wear _________________ (cotton/woollen/synthetic) clothes in winters.
5. People fly (balloons/flags/kites) on Makar Sankranti.

(d) Circle the Subject and underline the Predicate of following sentences:
1. Rohan and Roshant like to study together.
2. Sakshi and Radha were wonderful hosts.
3. Peacock is our National bird.
4. Amit and Sumit play together in the park.
5. Radhika is a good singer.

4. (a) Circle the conjunctions in these sentences:

1. A dog can bite and bark.
2. I asked Shyama if she would help me.
3. The Pied Piper played on his pipe and the children danced.
4. You must start your homework now or you will not be able to finish it.
5. Shilpa sat down because she was tired.
6. Our neighbours may be rich but they are not happy.
7. If you won’t have these books, we will have to buy them from the next shop.
8. Pogo is an African elephant but Sundari is an Indian elephant.
9. I would like to go and see the Play but I am busy.
10. Anamika is going to Paris and she will study there.

(b) Choose the correct conjunction to complete the following sentences:

1. Is the colour of your bag blue ( but / or ) green?
2. Rudra could not go to the trip ( because / so ) he was unwell.
3. I will go to the Co-ordinator ( if / so ) you don’t listen to your teacher.
4. They tried their best ( but / so ) could not win the match.
5. You will succeed ( because / if ) you work hard.
6. The rain stopped ( and / or ) we went out.

(c) Use suitable conjunction (and/or/but/because/so/if) to join the following pairs

of sentences:
1. Mother threw the food. It was smelly.
2. The puzzle was difficult. Shubham could not solve it.
3. Ram goes to the field. Shyam goes to the field.

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4. Rohit likes Football, Sohail likes Golf.
5. My mother is baking cake. My mother is baking apple pie.
6. You can have milk. You can have coffee.
7. The Mehtas are inside the house. It is raining.
8. Is this a baby boy? Is this a baby girl?
9. He worked hard. He could not succeed.
10. Harish does not write fast. He writes very well.

(d) Use Suitable conjunction (and/or/but/because), in the following sentences:

1. We cannot play outside _________________ it’s raining.
2. His shoes are not old _________________ he wants to buy new owns.
3. I am going to the market to buy milk, butter _________________ bread.
4. He bats well _________________ he has not yet scored a century.
5. Let’s walk fast _________________ we will be late for school.
6. I am not going for the movie _________________ I have to do my work.
7. He ran very fast _________________ won the race.
8. He is intelligent _________________ he is lazy.
9. They won the match _________________they played well.
10. We thanked him _________________he helped us.

5. (a) Choose the most suitable prepositions from the given options:
1. Megha left her books ( in / under ) the class.
2. Meetu kept her shoes ( under / on ) the cupboard.
3. Neha is sitting ( between / under ) Aman and Jyoti.
4. Sonali cut the cake ( with / by ) a knife.
5. My birthday is ( on / in ) August.

(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. Sumit loves ___________ talk over the phone.
2. I got a beautiful gift ___________ my Uncle.
3. The little girl jumped ___________ the fence.
4. The newspaper are kept ___________ the table.
5. The train stopped ___________ the station.

6. (a) Identify the tenses of the given sentences:

1. I met Kapil at the railway station yesterday.
2. Mona will participate in the Fancy Dress Competition.
3. My mother cooks the tasty food.
4. We are getting ready for the party.
5. My aunt will come tomorrow.

(b) Rewrite the sentences as directed:

1. Moksh is leaving for Chandigarh. (Simple Past Tense)
2. The little girl plays in the park. (Past Continuous Tense)
3. My mother bakes tasty cookies. (Simple Past Tense)
4. The birds flew high in the sky. (Simple Present Tense)
5. The Carpenter chairs and tables. (Simple Present Tense)
6. The Sun shines brightly. (Simple Past Tense)
7. My mother chops the vegetables (Present Continuous Tense)
8. Reeta kept her valuable things in her cupboard. (Simple Future Tense)
9. The stars twinkled in sky at night. (Past Continuous Tense)
10. I will fill fresh water in the bottles. (Simple Past Tense)
11. The clerk is arranging the papers in the file. (Simple Present Tense)
12. The doctor was examining the patient (Present Continuous Tense)

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(c) Fill in the blanks with Simple Future Tense with the help of the words given in
1. I _________________ a new dress tomorrow. (buy)
2. My Uncle _________________ us next week. (visit)
3. Roma _________________ a letter to her friend. (write)
4. My father _________________ his wallet safely. (keep)
5. I _________________ wet if I go out in the rain. (get)

SECTION-D (Vocabulary)
1. Complete the sentences with words that describe feelings:
1. Arun now has a baby sister. He is very _______________.
2. Harsh got 96 marks out of 100. He feels ___________________.
3. Manish is very ______________ because his father will take him to see the Mr. Bean
movie tomorrow.
4. Shalini is ________________ because Anna’s paintings are more beautiful than hers.
5. The cat brought a dead snake into the house. So mother became _______________.
6. The poor farmer was ____________ because the storm blew away the roof of his hut.
7. The thief became _________________ when he heard the siren of the police van.

2. Tick the special features of the animals listed below:

1. Camel Mane Wings Sting Hump
2. Cobra Hood Tail Claws Ears
3. Elephant Mane Trunk Legs Talons
4. Kangaroo Shell Horn Pouch Gills
5. Lion Hoofs Mane Feelers Sting
6. Octopus Legs Hair Tentacles Horn
7. Porcupine Talons Beak Fur Quills
8. Rhinoceros Claws Fur Horn Hood

3. Fill in the blanks with correct size words and write their opposites as well:
high wide shallow thick tall
1. The cover of the book is______________. ______________
2. The lady is very ______________. ______________
3. The road is wide ______________. ______________
4. The roof of this house is very ______________. ______________
5. The swimming pool is ______________. ______________

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