Presence of Insurgency in The Philippines

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Name: Micah Jonah A.


Course and Section: ABFS 302

Subject: International Political Economy

Date: February 25, 2018

Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero

Presence of Insurgency in the Philippines

December 5 2017, Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte formally declared that he
already terminated all the peace talks between the government and the New People’s Army
(NPA). The decision of the President has received positive and negative reactions among the
citizens. Jose Mari Sison, the founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) said that
the decision of the President regarding the said matter will lead to more suspicious attacks from
the so called terrorists.

The Communist party of the Philippines (CPP) was established was established in 1968
by Jose Mari Sison, followed by the making of the New People’s Army (NPA) in the following
year. The goal of this group is to overthrow the government and to establish a Maoist-style
communist regime that will end the US Imperialism in the former American colony.

Insurgency is defined as the act of violent groups against the country’s government. Not
all rebellions are considered as insurgent. The 1980 EDSA People Power Revolution had proved
that not all actions against governments are considered as rebellion and insurgent. The Duterte
Administration already recognized the New People’s Army (NPA) as a terrorist group because
(1) They continued their depredations, and rebellions and (2) they killed many innocent people
even an infant. Because of this, this group of people won’t be recognize anymore as legitimate
rebels, but as terrorists.

Insurgency and belligerency have minimal distinctions. Insurgency means rebellion, riot
or mutiny by portion of the citizens of a State against the established government. While
belligerency signifies a stage of the civil war in which there are two contenders for power that
can be placed on a platform and there is something like a state of war, and not only civil
conflicts. In my opinion, these groups are not belligerent because of they are already considered
as terrorists.

Communism is a theory advocating to a society in which all property is publicly owned

and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Activism on the other
hand is an action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change. While
Political economy focuses on the household management based on the laws of the state and it
permits a variety of ideology perspectives and theoretical paradigms.
The NPA leaves remarkable implications to the citizens of the Philippines in the form
threat, misused of power from the government and destruction of the country’s reputation to
other nations.

As my recommendation, the government should exert more effort in protecting its people
and to give them more welfare rather than focusing on countering the NPA’s action. The
Administration needs to rest assured that the information’s are well disseminated to the people
for them to be aware about the future actions of the opposing party. The people should focus
more on educating themselves to the things that is happening, and prioritize education. The
NSTP program of the Universities specifically the ROTC should be compulsory implemented so
that our country will be ready for future war/s. And lastly, peace talks are still necessary in spite
of the conflict. The government should pursue continuous communication with the terrorist
groups to as much as possible avoid war.

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