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Running Head: Analysis of Vocation 1





Analysis of Vocation 2

Reflective Writing Assignment 3

Gifts and abilities are generally natural talents one acquires at birth. Kushner, (2002).

These abilities give one strength of uniqueness. Some of my gifts and abilities are in areas of

creativity, leadership, public speaking, first learning, networking and singing.

In life, I have come to realize some of the areas that interest me and I am very much

passionate about. One of these areas is in the music industry. God gave me the ability to

create, write and sing. I believe I was blessed with a nice voice that can move rocks and

mountains. With this ability and realization of what I am capable of, I have gained a lot of

interests in the music industry and I am passionate that I will be one of the international icons

in this particular industry. I also believe that with this industry, I will be able to address some

of the challenges I see in our daily lives through my writings and songs.

Frederick Buechner in one of his writing stated that the direction where God calls you

is where ones deep gladness meets the world's hunger. I have examined this and realized that

this point in my life is in the area of leadership. I have been able to achieve this because

whenever I walk around, I often find a lot of things that I feel should be addressed. I often see

myself as the solution to all these daring issues. So I strongly believe this is where I am being

called. I sometimes believe that just like Moses calling in the Bible to deliver the Israelites

from slavery, I strongly believe that this is Gods calling me to lead my community and give

them the best services they have never received.

How did I get to realize my calling? I realized that when given a chance, I can offer

leadership without any expectation of gaining anything, especially of monetary value. Simon,

Schuster. Schwehn & Bass, 2006 defines vocation as an act one does for its own sake and can

do it without being paid a penny. I also realized my calling as I always feel satisfied in life

when in a leadership position.

Analysis of Vocation 3

Kushner, (2002) indicated that those individuals who have jobs are the ones satisfied the

least followed closed by those with careers but those with vocation tops the list as the most

satisfied with their life.

With this leadership calling, I have been able to learn a lot of leadership skills as I

prepare to take up this challenge sometimes in future. I have learned to be committed as a

leader. This will surely assist me in driving all the aspects that need to be addressed towards

the positive end. I have also tried to get some insights into unifying people. As a future

leader, I must learn some of the traits I will use to unify my subjects towards the betterment

of the society.

In my career, I am pursuing a very different course away from my calling. It could

have been my pleasure to be in a career filed that sharpens my leadership skills but so

unfortunate for me. Nevertheless, the knowledge I gain from my career field will still be a

great impotence in assisting me to follow my calling. The knowledge I acquire in my career

field has enriched my mind. I am capable of articulating my opinions well. I have also been

able to acquire public speaking skills through the presentations we do in classes. This has also

boosted my confidence.
Analysis of Vocation 4

Reflective Writing Assignment 4

Looking at my beliefs when I first joined college, I have realized a big change in

some of my interests, passions, talents, and abilities. For instance, during my early childhood,

I used to love playing soccer. I together with my friends in the neighbourhood utilized every

slightest opportunity we could come by to play football. I remember trying to dress like some

of those great footballers of that time. I used to copy everything I see the footballers do. Walk

like them, dress like them and interestingly shave our hair the same way they do. All these

showed how passionate I was about soccer. But all these changed over time. I joined college

and had a taste of the outside world and started viewing things from a different dimension.

This greatly impacted on my passions.

Before I joined college, I used to know that I am a talented dancer, it was until I

joined the college that I realized my real talent. This was singing and writing songs. When I

was growing up, I was able to receive a lot of congratulations following the way I used to

dance in the church choir. So many people including my parents and peers told me that I was

born a dancer and I knew that was my talent. Since I joined college, I have been able to meet

people who we share ideas with and in turn, give me a wider view of the world-shaping my

talents. On my abilities, I have not realized any major change that is worth noting, my

abilities in creativity are still intact. I can still come up with crazy ideas just as I was before I

joined college.

My understanding of vocation has really impacted on where I feel I am in the world.

The knowledge of vocation has provided me with an opportunity to realize my worth and

follow my calling. I have also realized that indeed an individual can never run away from his

calling. The more you avoid it, the more it comes nearer and nearer. I have also been able to

realize my position in the world as a leader after carefully following my calling.

Analysis of Vocation 5

When I just started this journey of higher education, I had close to zero calling but

believe me or not as we talk now, I have a variety of calling. Besides the leadership calling, I

hear a lot of calling like in the music industry; I hear this calling of being a great musician. I

am a good singer and I am passionate about it so that one of the contributing factor towards

this call. I also hear a calling of being a great dancer. This is a calling that is accruing from

the childhood memories. One of the contributing factors towards this calling at this time is

the presence of such clubs as drama in college. It brings up the childhood memories I had as I

always feel getting lost in the rhythm whenever I am around those areas.

I have also heard this calling of being a preacher. Sometimes I feel that there are a lot

of things that I can achieve when I am a preacher. There are a lot of evils that are being done

by people around the world and I believe that the only way some of these can be stopped is

the word of God. Vocation, therefore, is the most important thing that can ever happen to an

individual’s life. It gives one a different view of his beliefs and abilities as well as passions.
Analysis of Vocation 6


Kushner, H. (2002). When all you’ve ever wanted isn’t enough: The search for a life that

matters. New York, NY

Parsons, F. (1909). Choosing a vocation. Houghton Mifflin.

Simon & Schuster. Schwehn, M. R., & Bass, D. C. (Eds.). (2006). Leading lives that matter:

What we should do and who we should be. Grand Rapids, MI:

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