US PRC RP Triangular Affair

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Daphney Dee A.

AB Foreign Service 301
International Political Economy
Jumel G. Estrañero
March 5, 2018

US-PRC-RP Triangular Affair

The United States, China and the Philippines are involved in a triangular relationship that
continues to stir up the political economy of the said countries, and even its neighbouring
countries. If we look back at the history of their relationships, there has been a roller coaster of
issues and agreements among these countries.

The Philippines was a colony of the United States for years as a result of their agreement
with Spain. The Philippines was acquired by the Americans as a compensation for 20M dollars
to Spain. After years of being colonized, the Philippines eventually gained its independence from
the United States. However, the ties between the United States and the Philippines were still
present after the succeeding decades. The United States, being a superpower, aided the
Philippines for a long time in times of calamities, issues, etc. However, our current President
Duterte believes that the Philippines can develop even if we cut ties between the United States.
Today, Duterte favors a foreign policy that is less dependent on the United States.1 In my
opinion, it is a very bold move by the President to be less dependent on an economic superpower
but I believe that it will benefit our country because when all else fails, we will only have our
nation to count on. I believe that it is time for the Philippines to rise to the occasion and become
truly independent.

China and the Philippines can be somewhat bipolar in terms of their relationship. During
the reign of Ferdinand Marcos, China decided to renounce its support for the Philippines. 2 Their

Philippines–United States relations. (2018, March 04). Retrieved March 05, 2018, from
China–Philippines relations. (2018, March 03). Retrieved March 05, 2018, from
relationship worsened because of the distinguished issue of the South China Sea. This issue
really put their bilateral relationship on the rocks creating a vicious atmosphere for the parties
involved. However, President Duterte appeared to have a change of heart regarding the
relationship between China. This filled the news with different opinions and recommendations
about how unusual it was for the citizens of the Philippines. In my opinion, our President is very
unpredictable when it comes to his surprising strategies but, as time passes, his plans are slowly
taking its shape and fulfilling its purpose for the country.

The United States and China have long been political and economic superpowers, both
equipped with large economies, adequate military support and security, and stable resources.
However, since the maritime issues took place, this strained the relationship between the two
countries. 3 The ties between the two gradually evolved through time. The current administration
of the two parties have settled and according to China’s president, Xi Jinping, “China is willing
to work together with the United States to respect each other, seek mutual benefit and
reciprocity, focus on cooperation, and manage and control differences.” In my opinion,
although this might be idealistic, if the relationship of these countries can be kept in peace, it will
benefit the said nations and even its neighbouring countries. The Philippines should maintain
mutual relations with different nations because we cannot afford to settle disputes through war-
related circumstances due to our lack of funding and resources.

As a student studying diplomacy, I hope that in the next 10 years, the relationship among
the countries involved will eventually improve and promote peace among the states. Conflicts
may still be present for it is inevitable but, it can always be resolved hopefully in a diplomatic
way. If we lessen the threats and hidden agendas that are present among states, we can also
lessen the conflicts that might result to larger waves of dissonance.

China–United States relations. (2018, March 04). Retrieved March 05, 2018, from
Baffled by Sino-US relations? Here's everything you need to know. (2017, December 20). Retrieved March 05,
2018, from

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