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Astral Projection Informative Speech Outline


I. Attention Getter-

Imagine being able to visit other worlds. Imagine being able to explore other planets.
Imagine being able to interact with beings not from this dimension.

II. Thesis-

Today, I am going to speak to you about the phenomenon known as astral


III. Significance-

Astral projection is important because it expands our consciousness by allowing

us to experience a form of consciousness in a way in which we are completely
unfamiliar with. According to the spiritual book, “Know Thyself – Unraveling
the Mystery of Mind”, published in 2013, stated that we are largely unaware of
the power of consciousness, and if we can make use of even a fraction of this
power, we will be able to experience the wonders of existence.

IV. Preview-

Today, I am going to be explaining what astral projection is, the methods to do it,
and the common fears associated with it.

I. Main Point Announcement Goal 1-

First, I am going to be explaining what astral projection is.

A. Subpoint Announcement 1-

Astral projection is considered an out of body experience.

1. Personalization-

I have read numerous stories of those who have claimed to astral project and
listened to various Youtubers’ comment on their experience. They all describe
the feeling of leaving their bodies and being separate from their physical

2. Citation-

According to the research paper titled,“Out-of-body-induced

hippocampal amnesia”, written by Nyberg and Ehrsson, published in
February 2014, said that when the participants discussed their out of body
experience, they mentioned being aware and conscious but seeing their
physical body lying down.

B. Subpoint Announcement 2-

Astral projection is also considered another form of consciousness.

1. Personalization-

I personally believe consciousness in itself, is already a strange and complex

concept. Many tend to believe consciousness is just limited to the awake state of
consciousness, but I believe there are multiple layers of consciousness.

2. Citation-

According to Erin Pavlina, a spiritual blogger, in 2016, stated that

when you are in an astral state you dissociate from your body and your
mind shuts off awareness from your physical body and transfers your
awareness to your astral body.

Transition: Now that I’ve told you about what astral projection is, next I am going to tell
you about the methods to astral project.

II. Main Point Announcement Goal 2-

I am going to tell you about the methods to astral project.

A.Subpoint Announcement 1-

There are copious amounts of methods to induce an astral projection, but I will
focus on two. The first is through a visualization technique.

1. Personalization-

This technique, along with many others, requires you to lie down with your arms
to your side and your legs uncrossed, and your eyes closed. Make sure not to fall
asleep and remain perfectly still. One is then suppose to visualize their body
moving without actually moving it. It is a long process that requires focus, and
deep breathing.

2. Citation-

According to, a how-to website, last updated in 2016, stated

that one must focus on the body part until you can visualize it perfectly, even
with your eyes closed. For instance, visualize your toes curling and uncurling,
or your fingers clenching and unclenching, until it seems as though they are
physically moving. Once this is accomplished, one can begin to project away
from their physical body.

B. Subpoint Announcement 2-

Another way someone can induce an astral projection is through a guided

hypnosis involving the use of binaural beats.

1. Personalization-

I have personally used binaural beats for various self-hypnosis and meditation
practices, but when I checked out the ones associated with astral projection I
found them all to be eerie and a tad bit disturbing. I am not sure how anyone
can possibly relax in a dark room by themselves, while listening to those

2. Citation-

According to, a website dedicated to binaural beats,

written in 2016, states that binaural beats entrain your brainwaves to reach
the hypnotic state required to project.
Transition: Now that I told you a couple of methods to be able to experience astral
projection. I am now going to address the common fears of astral projection.

III. Main Point Announcement Goal 3-

Lastly I will speak about the common fears of astral projection.

A. Subpoint Announcement 1-

One of the biggest fears or questions people ask is how can I return to my body.

1. Personalization-

Many of the common threads, discussions or comments I have read on astral

projection blogs and videos address the fear of not being able to return to your
body and getting lost in another realm. One of the reasons this shouldn’t be a
concern is because every astral traveler has mentioned a silver cord.

2. Citation-

According to the beginner’s guide to astral projection, an astral

projection downloadable pdf, written in 2010, mentions that the silver cord
is the link between your astral body and your physical body. It is an energy
cord that allows your two bodies to communicate with each other and no one
can ever sever this cord.

B. Subpoint Announcement 2-
The next greatest fear for many individuals is that they are worried that their
physical body may be taken over by a dark entity while they are away from it.

1. Personalization-

In the film Insidious, the son and the father both can astral project and are in
the astral realm. In the movie they encounter dark entities and there are some
that hover around the son’s physical body hoping to get in.

2. Citation-

According to the, a science and technology website,

written in 2013, states that there are negative entities in the astral plane, but
they can do no harm to you. It also states that there is no danger of your
physical body being possessed by other entities.

I. Restatement of Preview-

Today, I have explained what astral projection is, the methods to do it, and the
common fears associated with it.

II. Tie-Back to Attention Getter-

Feel free to try it on your own, possibly explore different worlds, meet heroes
from history, communicate with your ancestors, the possibilities are endless.
III. Clever Last Lines-
So the next time you choose to take an afternoon nap or it is time for bed. Instead
of doing the usual and going to sleep, maybe try out astral projection and have an
adventure that is literally out of this world.

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