Final Draft - Play Synopsis Draft

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The setting of the play

It is on a Monday 8th September 2017 at 11:30 am, in the waiting room of Mukami & Partners
Advocates, after an interview for which two positions for junior partners had been advertised Lynn A,
Mercy W, Alvin O and Joseph K are lucky to have done Law degree and come across job
advertisement, so they have tried their luck to attend the interview. Lynn A is a Luo by tribe and has
first class honours, is aggressive and humble. Mercy W, Gikuyu by tribe, holds a second lower class,
she is rude and only focused on her looks. Alvin O, a Luo as well, is an advocate with 3 year
experience working in the County Government Legal Office. Joseph K, a Gikuyu, is a spoilt rich kid
with extreme air of entitlement, holding a second upper class, though most grades purchased using
parent’s money. The four have each been interviewed and therefore they sit and start discussing about
the interview.

Roles of the Characters

Lynn- Indicate segregation of aggressive women in the work environment and ignoring of credentials
as considered threatening

Mercy- Indicate the bias and patriarchal nature of the workplace as chosen because of tribe and looks

Alvin- Indicate discrimination on basis of tribe

Joseph- Indicate discrimination of the average in favour of the rich and tribal discrimination

How the characters bring out the issues

Lynn- the interview questions directed to her were not directed to her male counterparts

Mercy- she was ogled by all the male interviewers and asked irrelevant questions about her beauty
care and very little about her credentials

Alvin- has higher credentials but was told will be contacted

Joseph- asked minimal questions about credentials and was promised that an opportunity will be
made available for him.

The Acts

Lynn -“Hi guys!” (They are all seated. The others greet her as well. She looks a bit discouraged,
shakes her head and begins to talk about the tough questions that have been asked to her during the
interview, mostly by the male interviewers). “How was it? (they pay attention) I was asked questions

that I didn’t expect at all: the roles of women in the society, the probability that women can perform
better than men in professionalism, why women should be considered in job positions while at the
same time expected to help maintain homes for their husbands, who maintains a home where both
spouses go daily to work; and, why parents educate daughters who are eventually married to men of
other families. The female interviewer was the last one who commented her credentials and told me
that she I will be contacted”. (This captures more attention of all the other three interviewers who
look surprised and develop the urge to share more about what transpired in the interview room)

Mercy – “What!? ”(Expresses much excitement and starts talking about the easy questions that the
male interviewers have asked her) “Wow! Mine was very interesting. Just easy! My resume and
intended area of specializing, my tribe, how I manage my nice hair and my beauty as well. Of course I
couldn’t hide her smile” (she laughs rudely but Alvin interrupts)

Alvin - (Hopeless and a bit pissed off) “Mine was a very different one guys! The questions were few
but irrelevant, although my credentials impressed the interviewers. However I wonder why they asked
me about my tribe, the county the county that I have been working with, and whether I think that Luos
should work in this Law Firm. Only that and then they conspired and one of them directed me to wait
outside until I will be contacted”

Joseph – (boastful, excited and loud) “hahaha….I have a strong hope in securing the job position
guys. I was just asked few and brief questions: my credentials for different education levels and
working experiences, my tribe, place of residence; and my parents’ occupation. After telling them that
my father is the Managing Director at the Kenya National Cereals and Produce Board, I was promised
an opportunity for the job” (he mannerlessly jumps up three times and Mercy hugs him and the two
start whispering to each other, Lynn and Alvin get upset and total silence follows. Everyone seats and
calmness prevails)

The rationale behind this plot

This play postulates breach of the right under Article 27 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, about
equality and freedom from discrimination. It reflects the rampancy of discrimination at work place in
Kenya based on various ethnicity grounds which include: race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, health
status, ethnic or social origin, colour, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, dress,
language or tribe. The main emphasis is on the manner in which many people are victimized to
discrimination because of corruption that is done in various ways by those in power or entrusted in
administration processes, as seen in the play.

The audience
The mostly targeted people in this skit are generally all Kenyans since the message is important for all
and reflects to what actually is happening in the society. However, the immediate impact is on the
Employment Officers mostly the employers who are tasked with fair administration which include
recruitments, and interviews. All labour officers are being herein informed of their obligations on just
and fair administrative actions as stipulated under the Law: The Constitution, Employment Act,
Labour Relations Act, and Fair Administrative Actions Act. The message is also relevant to all legal
professionals to think of what actually is happening in our country and how social justice is being
abused. This


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