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Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Chapter 3


Chapter Three includes five parts: Purpose of the Study and Research Design,

Respondents, Instrument, Data Collection, and Data Analysis.

Part One, the Purpose of the Study and Research Design, presents the reasons on why and

how the study was conducted.

Part Two, Respondents, presents the participants in this study and how they were chosen.

Part Three, Instrument, describes the number of items and structure of questions.

Part Four, Data Collection, presents procedures or steps in gathering the data needed for

the study.

Part Five, Data Analysis, describes the method used to analyze and interpret the gathered

data in the study.

Research Design

This study aimed to determine the Causes and Benefits of Online Gaming to the Study

Habits of SHS Students as perceived by SHS students in JBLFMU-A. Specifically, this study

sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the Causes and Benefits of Online Gaming to the Study Habits of SHS

Students when taken as an entire group?

2. What are Causes and Benefits of Online Gaming to the Study Habits of SHS Students

when they were classified according to their age and sex?

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City


The respondents of this study were the 20 SHS students of John B. Lacson Foundation

Maritime University- Arevalo, during second semester, A.Y. 2017-2018. The data were gathered

using a structured interview to determine the Causes and Benefits of Online Gaming to the Study

Habits of SHS Students.


The data-gathering instrument used in this research was a structured interview Causes and

Benefits of Online Gaming to the Study Habits of SHS Students as perceived by SHS Students in

JBLFMU-A. In sample selection, the researcher arbitrarily decided that only some student will be

considered. Because students at JBLFMU-A is homogenous especially in teen boy, it was

calculated that some of the student can be representative on the research and observed to be

addicted in playing online games.

The questionnaire was constructed based on the interview schedule develop by Kuss and

Griffiths (2010). A survey was made on SHS Students of JBLFMU-A, and that indications were

seen that the questionnaire could gather the data needed.

Data Gathering Procedure

The questionnaire checklist was prepared after the approval of the researcher adviser that

it was ready to distribute the material of instrument in data-gathering.

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Prior to the survey, permission to conduct the study was secured to the office of the Dean

of the SHS.

The respondents were oriented regarding the purpose of the study to ensure their honesty

in their response and to avoid anxiety in their part.

The instruments were distributed to the respondents composed of 20 SHS students. They

will be given proper directions and clear instructions for them to have the positive and honest

response to the questionnaires, and rest assured that they would have enough time to answer each

item. After the administration of the instruments, the data gathered were tallied, analyzed and

interpreted, and made ready for narrative report.

Data Analysis

The recorded data were transcribed and translated to English and were studied using

content analysis. The data were presented through narrative report and stories.

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