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TECH Spotlight Website Tool: Mini-PBL Digital Poster

Technology Tool Used Mini-PBL Digital Poster: Google Hangout, MS. Power Point Presentation
(Other tools) (Skype, Google Drawing)
(Mini PBL: 21st Century Teaching and Learning & The 4C’s)
The 4-C’s
(An Educator’s Guide to the “Four C’s”)
(Snapshot of a Modern Learner)
(15 Characteristics of a 21st Century Teacher)
(The 4C’s of Learning)
(4 C’s Matrix (slides)
(The 4C’s: Making 21st Century Education Happen)

Brief Description After having identified my class Group for this Collaborative Mini-PBL project, GMail addresses of other team
(How It was Created) members (C1-Collaboration) were obtained and messages (C2- Communication) were exchanged, on (1) how to
accomplish our assigned task, (2 ) who will work on which part of the task, and (3) which content and critical
questions and point of clarifications needed further attention, editing and final copy submitted.
(4) The completed outcome – Digital Poster - was created using MS Power Point, entitled – “Helping Student
Become 4-C’s Learners”. (5) The final product of this mini-problem-based-learning (PBL) was submitted in M.S.
Power Point presentation as a group assignment; and lastly (6) A Group On-Line Evaluation was completed by
each team member and was individually submitted using Moodle’s Mini-PBL Group Evaluation On-Line Survey.
Rationale/ ▪ This “Mini-PBL” project was created as a required assignment of my SP18/ET605.W01 class the LOYOLA,
Application in the to demonstrate how to collaborate (C1) and communicate (C2) in an assigned group, on-line, using available
Classroom technology tools, as an application of the newly learned concepts and educational technology tools;
▪ Why tool was created ▪ Hang-out, Skype, Emails, and Teleconferencing can substitute and modify (SAMR framework) for process
▪ How it enhanced learning of achieving the group’s goal, in a virtual conference setting. These tools are great to use when important
▪ Who are the intended educational meetings and conferences with students, teachers and parents, such as an IEP meeting, Parent-
audience Student Progress updates, etc.
▪ This Mini-PBL project, entitled – “Helping Students Become 4-C’s Learners” was intended to be shared to
teachers during one of the school’s professional developments.

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