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Assignment 1 CH517 Total: 100

1. (a) What is reorganization energy?

(b) How the electron transfer rate is dependent on the reorganization energy? 5+15

2. Two different kinds of Rubredoxin are found in a species, which have redox potential of -40
mV (vs. SHE) and +60 mV (vs. SHE), respectively. If all the other parameters are same, how do
you think the solvent accessibility is affecting this redox potential in those two systems? 5

3. Write down the structure of [2Fe2S] cluster. Mention the core charge, cluster charge, and the
spin state of this cluster in both oxidized and reduced form. 5+15

4. (a) Mention the main differences between a typical [4Fe4S] and HiPIP systems.

(b) Why the HiPIP system has more positive redox potential compared to typical [4Fe4S]
cluster? 5+5

5. Draw the structures of a [8Fe8S] and [7Fe8S] clusters. 5+5

6. Draw the structures of the following L- amino acids: 4× 5 =20

(a) Q, (b) W, (c) R, (d) Ile, (e) T.

7. How you can distinguish between -helix and -sheet protein structures in solution? 5

8. Draw all the possible modes in which aspartic acid can bind a metal (only consider the side
chain of the amino acid). 8

9. Why Hg(II) ions binds the cysteine rich proteins better? 2

Deadline: February 9, 2018, in the class

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