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2005 Hebrews Study

Lecture 4


Hebrews 5:11-7:28
Key Verse 7:25

I Let us go on to maturity (5:11-6:20)

1. What is the difference between spiritual infants and the mature? (11-14)

2. What does the author urge us to do? (6:1-3) What does ‘maturity’ refer
to? Who are those who have once been enlightened? Why is it
impossible for them if they fall away to be brought back to repentance?
(4-6) What is the end of those who go on to maturity and who fall away?

3. How does the author encourage them? (9,10) What does the author
earnestly want them to do? (11,12) In what respect was Abraham a good
example? (13-15)

4. What is the effect of an oath? (16) Why did God confirm his promise with
an oath? (17) What was the purpose of God’s oath? (18) What was the
role of the hope for our soul? What is the hope? (19,20)

II Jesus the high priest in the order of Melchizedek (7:1-28)

5. Who was Melchizedek? (1,2) (Gen 14:18-20) In what respect was he

similar to the Son of God? (3) Why was he greater than the Levites (4-

6. Why should there be a priest who was not in the order of Aaron? (11) (Ps
110:4) How was the priesthood changed? (12-15)

7. What priest did Jesus become? (16,17) How did Jesus become the
guarantee of a better covenant? (18-22) Why is Jesus’ priesthood
forever? (23-25)

8. Why is Jesus worthy to be the high priest who meets our need? (26) How
different is Jesus from the priests appointed by the law? (27,28)

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