Livestock Welfare Product Claims: The Emerging Social Context

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Livestock welfare product claims: The emerging social context

P. Thompson,*1 C. Harris,† D. Holt,‡ and E. A. Pajor§

*Department Philosophy, †Department of Sociology, and ‡Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards,
Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, East Lansing 48824; and
§Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054

ABSTRACT: An increasing number of product Regulation of the industry is moving toward greater
claims about food animal welfare or well-being have private control, and the power of retailers has dramati-
appeared in the global food industry and global market cally increased. The changing structure of the industry
in recent years. These claims have significant conse- carries implications both in terms of how standards are
quences for producers, processors, transporters, retail- created and in terms of the types of standards them-
ers, consumers, and the animals themselves. Further- selves. The purpose of this article is to provide a greater
more, recent restructuring of the global food industry understanding of how these product claims are made,
has altered the power relationships of various actors. their implications, and the challenges they present.

Key words: bioethics, label, trade

©2007 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2007. 85:2354–2360

INTRODUCTION The growth of these explicit and implied claims about

the welfare of agricultural animals has significant posi-
Claims about the welfare or well-being of livestock tive and negative consequences for livestock producers,
from which food products are derived have proliferated processors, transporters, and retailers, for food consum-
over the last decade (Mench, 2003). The number and ers, and for the animals themselves (Armstrong and
types of these claims are exceedingly diverse. Some Pajor, 2001; Blokhuis et al., 2003). On the one hand,
claims make direct statements about animal welfare, such claims may facilitate consumer choice while giving
and others describe the use of a production practice producers new opportunities for product differentiation
(such as “free range”) that may be associated with wel- via animal welfare practices or other value-added pro-
fare by some consumers. Some claims are incorporated duction practices aimed at niche markets (Honeyman
into product labels, whereas others are made in docu- et al., 2006). Consumers who are willing to pay price
ments (such as Web pages or brochures) that describe premiums for products they believe achieve higher lev-
the practices of a firm or industry group. els of care or welfare for production animals have cre-
These claims should be seen as part of a larger trend ated market opportunities for firms willing to develop
in which the global food industry has begun to make such products (Nierenberg, 2005). On the other hand,
statements about nutritional and health benefits, state- the plethora of new claims and product standards of
ments proclaiming conformity with organic (or compa- all kinds may simply confuse consumers and impose
rable) standards, statements about environmental im- costs on producers while yielding little benefit of any
pact (e.g., “bird friendly”) or social impact (such as “fair kind (Thompson, 2002; Carlsson et al., 2003). Some
trade”), and statements about the use or nonuse of con- have also expressed concern that the emergence of such
tested technologies, including recombinant bovine so- product claims may dampen consumer acceptance of
matotropin (“BST free”) and genetic engineering (“GMO standard commodity products in the meat sector.
free”). Some of these standards (e.g., nutritional con- The purpose of this article is twofold. First, we seek
tent) are required by law, others are encouraged by to provide an orientation to how these product claims
institutional arrangements, and still others are de- and animal welfare standards are being informed,
signed to enhance sales growth. shaped, and implemented, and the implications for pro-
ducers of animal products, as well as for the animal
scientists who work with them. Second, we examine
Corresponding author: several ways in which the proliferating animal welfare-
Received December 21, 2006. related claims present both challenges to and opportu-
Accepted May 7, 2007. nities for the producers of animal products and other


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industry actors, especially to the activities of scientists de Normalisation was founded in 1961 by the EU na-
who work on animal industry topics. tional standards bodies. It now supports the EU with
voluntary technical standards. Comité Européen de
RESTRUCTURING OF GLOBAL Normalisation standards are found in virtually every
AGRICULTURAL COMMERCE sphere of economic activity within the EU (see http://; last accessed May 23, 2007)]. As such,
Although final consumer behavior and attitudes to- they are likely to be required by virtually all large EU
ward these standards are important and do affect pro- retailers. Although they will be officially voluntary [and
ducers, both in the market and through political pres- hence permitted under the rules, and especially the
sure, recent changes in the market power of retailers Technical Barriers to Trade agreement, of the World
may pose a far greater challenge to American animal Trade Organization (WTO)], they will be de facto man-
agriculture. These recent changes in the global super- datory for all EU countries and supplier nations to the
market sector have dramatically increased the power EU. It is also important to note that the EU has a large
of retailers to dictate production standards even though
research project (€17 million) underway, the goal of
they lack the force of law. Furthermore, global food and
which is to provide evidence that can be used to define
agricultural trade is moving toward private regulation
EU-wide animal welfare standards (EU, 2005; Roex
through systems of accreditation and third-party certi-
and Miele, 2005). This EU project will inform the devel-
fication that, while informed and influenced by govern-
opment of Comité Européen de Normalisation
ment policy, leave the direction of standards largely up
to the private sector (Ménard and Valceschini, 2005). standards.
Animal welfare is already becoming integrated into this United States producers and processors exporting to
web of food standards and into both governmental and the EU may find that they must use standards equiva-
nongovernmental regulation and control. Whatever the lent to those of the EU if they are to remain in that
advantages and disadvantages of the trend toward pub- market. According to the USDA Foreign Agricultural
lic-private standards and third-party certification, the Service, total US agricultural exports to the EU were
proliferation of increasingly diverse, and not entirely approximately $6 billion in 2004. United States exports
consistent, standards that are derived from a variety to the EU in animals and animal products ($594 million
of different authorities and perspectives (detailed later in 2004) accounted for roughly 10% of all US agricul-
in this article) puts a range of uncoordinated pressures tural exports to the EU (ERS, 2005; FAS, 2005). That
on producers and other actors in the meat sector. These year, total EU agricultural imports accounted for
pressures in turn stimulate calls to streamline and cen- roughly $70 billion, meaning that the US share of EU
tralize the standard-setting process. agricultural imports was roughly 10%, whereas the US
Within the United States there has been a significant share of the EU market for animals and animal prod-
increase in the concentration of processors and retail- ucts, although significant in absolute size, was less than
ers. This creates high-profile entities that can be readily 1% of total EU imports in agriculture (EU, 2005). These
targeted by welfare advocates. Furthermore, the mar- figures suggest that the EU represents a significant
ket power of large firms can cause a ripple effect market for US producers of animal products, although
throughout the industry when welfare standards are not large enough to dictate terms for US production
introduced. These changes in the market structure have standards across the board. At the same time, the US
permitted the emergence of several different types of share of EU agricultural imports does not appear to be
livestock welfare-related actions. Below we discuss 3 large enough to give US producers significant influence
types of these actions: the development of contracting in standards development within the EU.
relationships between suppliers and major retailers, Moreover, given that no other similar animal welfare
especially chain food-service establishments, where the
standard with the same broad geographic coverage ex-
terms of the contract include animal welfare standards;
ists, it is possible that many EU trading partners will
the development of branded products that claim to em-
adopt some version of the EU standards. This is espe-
body welfare-related standards; and the initiation of
cially true of middle-income nations that are large im-
new efforts to address animal welfare by producer orga-
nizations and major integrators. The growth of these porters of US animal products. Although the WTO lim-
nongovernmental approaches is associated with the in- its the ability of nations to impose such standards on
creased willingness of retailers to specify criteria for imports, this restriction does not apply to retailers.
welfare, among other process and product attributes, When this is combined with the rapid growth of super-
for products in their supply chains. markets in developing nations (Reardon et al., 2003;
Currently, the European Union (EU) Welfare Quality Weatherspoon and Reardon, 2003; Dries et al., 2004),
project is in the process of developing harmonized vol- including those owned by European firms (e.g., Royal
untary animal welfare standards to be used both for Ahold, Carrefour), it is likely that US producers not
domestic production and for international trade. These producing to standards equivalent to those required by
standards are expected to be implemented by the Com- the EU will find those markets closed to them as well
ité Européen de Normalisation. [The Comité Européen (Blandford et al., 2002).

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THE CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARDS standards (Ménard and Valceschini, 2005). Third-

party certification (i.e., enforcement by an organi-
Animal welfare standards are currently often incon- zation that is neither buyer nor seller and is there-
sistent, vague, and contradictory. Numerous global fore presumed to be objective) has emerged as
studies on food safety and marketing standards, how- a significant trend across standards of all kinds
ever, have contributed to the development of an analyti- (Hatanaka et al., 2005). Such certifiers have dif-
cal framework for distinguishing among multiple types ferential scientific competencies and often per-
of standards currently operative in the food system, form their tasks differently. Although such audits
for identifying relative strengths and weaknesses of have limits (Bain and Busch, 2005), inclusion of
alternative approaches to standard setting and enforce- information on third-party certification in the da-
ment, and for helping various food system actors adapt tabase should prove helpful to various users.
to and benefit from standard-setting processes. The fol-
lowing are key elements of that framework: COMPETING AND COMPLEMENTARY
1. The development of standards involves negotia-
tion, but with a wide range of types and extents. Claims may be positive or negative. A positive claim
The negotiations include negotiations with re- asserts that animals achieve a given state of welfare
spect to the definition of the standard as well as (e.g., “contented cows”) or receive a given standard of
those related to enforcement in particular cases. care intended to ensure welfare (e.g., free-range poul-
Who sits at the table when standards are negoti- try). Positive claims include those that provide indica-
ated is of considerable consequence as, quite obvi- tors about facilities (e.g., space per animal), production
ously, those not at the table are unlikely to be processes (e.g., humane slaughtering), and the animals
heard (Stone, 2001). themselves (e.g., stress levels). A negative claim simply
2. Standards have both strategic and tactical impli- asserts that an animal was spared some putative harm
cations for all actors in the supply chain. They (e.g., recombinant bovine somatotropin-free milk).
determine who gets access to a given market, and Some advertising language may evoke attractive or ap-
may even define the very market itself. They also pealing images without implying an empirical claim
affect market outcomes. This aspect might best about the products or methods of production, but here
be phrased as a question: Who wins and who loses? we focus on claims that are intended in some way to
Of considerable import is that the winners and represent the welfare of animals used to produce the
losers need not be limited to those directly affected products in question.
by the standard. For example, an animal welfare Many scientific findings are relevant to the welfare of
standard could affect labor markets or even envi- animals within an animal production system (Dawkins,
ronmental aspects of animal production (Bain et 2004; De Passille et al., 2005; Pajor, 2005). Standards
al., 2005; Bingen and Busch, 2005). differ in the extent to which they are based on generally
3. Standards also have an ethical dimension. Three accepted science. There are distinct differences between
ethical questions may be posed of standards: How claims that are science based, and have exact specifica-
should animal scientists and economists weigh tions that provide both a rationale for the standard and
the costs or risks against the benefits of a given a set of tests to determine whether standards are met,
technology in attempting to determine how a stan- and claims that have or assert little scientific basis or
dard should be formulated? But a second ethical do not specify scientifically testable criteria. There are
question to be posed is, Whose rights will be sup- also a number of models for integrating science into a
ported or weakened by the standard? Do food con- set of welfare standards (Krebs et al., 2001; Leeb et al.,
sumers have the right to access products that con- 2001; Klaas et al., 2003; Sandøe et al., 2003). Standards
form to their personal ethical standards? Finally, may draw selectively from this scientific literature to
there are questions about conduct. For example, support a particular design or production practice.
standards that are difficult to measure may en- There is also a middle ground between the antipodes
courage dishonest behavior (Busch, 2000; Thomp- of this distinction: standards that are established by
son, 2000; Busch, 2004; Bain et al., 2005; Bingen advisory boards consisting of recognized scientific ex-
and Busch, 2005). [A lengthy list of references to perts. Such boards provide some degree of scientific
recent work connected to food and agricultural basis, yet the specifications and tests that support the
standards can be found on the Institute for Food standard may be less than exact. It should be noted
and Agricultural Standards Web site at http://ifas- as well that although not all claims are necessarily (last accessed May 23. scientific in nature, all the claims we found made at
2007)]. Is the conduct of producer certifiers and least implicit links to a scientific basis. In essence, ev-
other firms ethical? eryone loves science (or at least everyone hopes to asso-
4. A final aspect of standards is enforcement. Recent ciate product claims with their scientific basis). We have
studies suggest that as private standards prolifer- made no attempt to evaluate the validity of alleged
ate, enforcement itself becomes the subject of scientific bases for standards.

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The middle-ground approach, in which organizations oriented to physiology or health (without necessarily
convene expert panels to weigh the relevance of sources implying a rank ordering). However, almost all animal
in the scientific literature and offer advice on standards welfare standards in the US market at the moment
or certification methods, provides a way to resolve po- operate as filters; they separate products into those that
tential conflicts in the scientific literature, and also pro- meet animal welfare standards and those that do not.
vides some flexibility in the standards that will be ap- [One partial exception is the judging of animal welfare
plied in diverse production settings. Instead of saying in National FFA Organization (Indianapolis, IN) com-
that a standard reflects a specific research finding, such petitions, which does result in rankings. To our knowl-
welfare claims assert that the standard reflects the edge, however, these rankings have not yet been inte-
judgment of the expert panel. For example, Perdue grated into the market for the meat or animal products].
Farms Incorporated states that it abides by “scientifi- In addition to this matrix of food standard types,
cally sound” guidelines based on principles from the standards can be classified according to the type of actor
American Humane Association and the National that undertakes the development of standards. For ex-
Chicken Council (Perdue, 2006). Veterinarians, outside ample, governmental, civil society, and private industry
experts, and Poultry Welfare Officers from the Poultry organizations are all active in developing standards for
Welfare Council sign off on the welfare of Perdue’s birds animal welfare-related commerce. The nature of the
(Perdue, 2005). Both drawing selectively from scientific standards as well as the relationships among produc-
literature and convening expert panels can be flexibly ers, retailers, middlemen, and consumers can be
applied. Value judgments concerning the relative im- strongly influenced by incentives and attitudes that
portance of one welfare indicator over another (e.g., correlate to these roles. The following are examples of
behavioral vs. physiological) or concerning the relative claims made by each of these different types of organi-
importance of maintaining profitability in certain pro- zations.
ducer groups (e.g., small vs. large, independent vs. con-
tractor, regional groups) may influence the way that Retailer Standards
science is used in developing welfare standards (Fraser,
2003; Thompson, 2004). Given the multiplicity of meth- Many for-profit firms that deal in the production or
ods for basing standards on science, it is not surprising sale of meat establish and advertise their own guide-
that the practice of asserting a scientific basis does lines and standards for animal welfare. Many restau-
not lead to uniformity in standards and claims. The rants that do not own or operate farms or processing
opportunity to draw selectively on published literature facilities nevertheless set guidelines for their suppliers.
or to select the experts on panels can create a situation One such example is McDonald’s Corporation, which
in which apparently inconsistent standards each claim has established a specific set of guiding principles to
to have scientific support. which suppliers are required to adhere. This set of
Product claims and standards on the welfare of live- guidelines is reviewed and monitored by an indepen-
stock species of interest are being made by a variety of dent panel of experts that McDonald’s calls its Animal
producer or industry organizations, government bodies, Welfare Council (McDonald’s, 2006).
civil society organizations, and for-profit firms or farms.
The implementation of these standards by retailers im- Producer Standards
poses a series of tests, or trials, on the acceptance of a
product in a particular market. Busch and Tanaka Niman Ranch, a producer of meat products, publishes
(1996) observed 4 distinct types of standards: Olympic, specific and detailed policies for how its animals are
filters, ranks, and divisions, illustrated here by familiar raised and cared for that go beyond the more general
non-welfare-oriented standards. Olympic standards de- claims made by McDonald’s. The Niman standard ap-
liver a single winner in the process of selection (e.g., proximates an Olympic standard in that it requires a
the top prize-winning steer at the state fair); filters seek characteristic or quality that purports to be the best
to separate “good” products for purchase from those of available. Whereas restaurant chains such as McDon-
an unacceptable grade (e.g., antemortem and postmor- ald’s seek to allay consumer concerns, firms such as
tem inspection); ranks classify a series of products into Niman state as their specific mission to promote the
an order from good to bad [e.g., the USDA (2005) grad- highest quality product through the development and
ing system]; and divisions simply provide categories application of humane animal welfare practices (AWI,
that differentiate product characteristics, which do not 2005; Niman Ranch, 2005). The company is using a
necessarily imply a superior or inferior quality (e.g., standard that characterizes its product as being sub-
veal vs. beef). These different types of standards create stantively different from and superior to all competing
opportunities for different strategies and for various products. Although those at Niman would hold that the
actors to promote a particular view of animal welfare. company’s product is superior, the standard is simply
For example, one can imagine Olympic-style claims as- incorporating animal welfare claims as one attribute
serting the highest possible welfare, or division-type (among many) of its product that suggests higher qual-
standards that would distinguish between welfare stan- ity. As such, it is possible to argue that the Niman
dards oriented to animals’ behavioral drives and those Ranch approach is not a true Olympic standard. BC

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Natural Chicken (producers of Amish Select brand fied Humane label. These standards are developed un-
chickens) also makes strong claims about producing der the advice of a scientific advisory board. Producers
chicken that is antibiotic free. This type of claim is may apply for certification from Humane Farm Animal
substantively different from those of Perdue and Ni- Care, and a list of producers currently certified by the
man. BC Natural Chicken asserts that the need for organization is available. According to its Web site,
antibiotics in poultry production is caused by the indus- Humane Farm Animal Care is itself supported by other
trial production model used by larger producers, which civil society groups, including the Humane Society of
does not afford the birds the proper amount of space, the United States, and the American Society for the
increasing the prevalence of disease. BC Natural Protection of Animals (Humane Farm Animal Care,
Chicken, by contrast, claims its chickens have “ample 2007).
room.” This is a division standard, rather than an Olym-
pic or filter standard. It is also a subjective rather than FUTURE TRENDS
a scientific claim. There is an implication that its treat-
ment of birds is more humane because there is no need Several key issues need to be addressed in future
to use antibiotics to keep them healthy, but the specifics discussions of animal welfare standards. First, it is pos-
of animal welfare are not detailed, and the claim makes sible to interpret the current emphasis on animal wel-
no mention of adherence to any other specific guidelines fare quality and standards in 2 distinct, but not mutu-
or third-party review (BC Natural Chicken, 2005). Like ally exclusive, ways: as part of the animal protection
Niman, however, BC Natural Chicken relies on product movement, or as part of broader structural changes
differentiation and division to capture its niche market. in the food industry as a whole. Actors in the animal
protection movement may indeed seek to use animal
Government Standards welfare standards to further their substantive and or-
ganizational agendas. However, there is ample evi-
The USDA recently implemented criteria for labeling dence in support of the claim that this issue is deeply
food products as organic. Although few provisions of the connected to a far broader restructuring of relationships
organic standard are directly related to animal welfare, within the overall economy, the food and agricultural
the organic marketing rules provide a model for govern- sector, and the animal agricultural subsector. This re-
ment standard setting that diverges from typical ap- structuring includes a shift of power from upstream
proaches to animal health or environmental impact. producers to downstream retailers, the dynamics of
This type of standard is a certification that allows pro- competition among large retailers that emphasize per-
ducers to label and market their products as following ceived quality rather than price to consumers (the in-
a set of guidelines that go beyond the minimum qualifi- dustry and farmers are expected to absorb most or all
cations of what is legal, and involves certification from increased costs of production or processing), and the
authorized third parties such as the Organic Trade As- increasing prominence of secondary attributes (e.g.,
sociation (OTA, 2005), which certifies that producers production and exchange processes) in consumer de-
or processors are in compliance with established gov- mand (Thompson, 2001).
ernment regulations. The National Organic Program Second, greater exploration into the roles that science
(NOP) is the authorized enforcement agency of the can play in informing animal welfare standards is
USDA that ensures compliance with the standards set needed. Can meaningful standards be built by combin-
by the Organic Foods Production Act (1990). The speci- ing veterinary health and production-based indicators
fication of “USDA Certified Organic” in the NOP consol- as well as more qualitative and subjective indicators
idated and resolved a number of competing claims re- based on mental health, well-being, and human emo-
garding what it means to be “organic.” Some producers tion? What are the policy implications of such a distinc-
who had access to consumers seeking organic products tion? Which of the groups that are implicated in the
could no longer make such a claim. The NOP can be animal industries sector would have interests that ben-
interpreted as a division standard, implying no relative efit from or are disadvantaged by different uses of sci-
quality difference between organic and nonorganic ence? As noted above, appeals to science as the basis
products. Within the domain of organic production, for animal welfare standards are virtually ubiquitous,
however, it functions as a filter, specifying the mini- even if the appeal is implicit in some cases. Yet there
mum criteria that must be met by products marketed does not appear to be a consensus on the underlying
under the USDA Certified Organic label. logic of this basis, and no studies indicate how alterna-
tive ways of using science in standard setting or enforce-
Civil Society Standards ment would affect production practices or animal wel-
fare itself.
Humane Farm Animal Care is a nonprofit organiza- Last, what could be the roles of government in con-
tion that has developed a number of standards for ani- structing and unifying such standards and product
mal welfare as a well as a label, “Certified Humane.” claims vs. purely private-sector claims? Should the fed-
These are filter standards in that they establish the eral government act preemptively or nonpreemptively,
minimum criteria needed for products to bear the Certi- or should the federal government leave this area to

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diverse state actions? Under any of those options, though there may be no perfect solution to this problem,
should government establish a guideline or minimum previous research on other food-system controversies
standard, or should government establish an absolute indicates 2 important ways to increase general under-
standard (e.g., the organic label)? Which of the groups standing and minimize the damage that conflicting
that are implicated in the animal industries sector claims may do to public trust in animal agriculture.
would have interests that benefit from or are disadvan- The first is a need for transparency in the way that
taged by the different roles of government? This final science is used in the development of standards. Second
set of questions frames an important set of challenges is an acknowledgment of what science can and cannot
for scientists, interest groups, and producers alike. do to resolve controversial questions (Kunkel et al.,
The structure of international trade agreements sug- 1998; Thompson, 1999, 2003). The accomplishment of
gests difficulty in the desire of governments to impose these 2 goals can be fostered by greater emphasis in
baseline animal welfare standards. To pass the WTO the animal sciences on developing ways to classify and
review, a regulation must pass 3 tests—a legitimate report exactly how (e.g., advisory panel vs. citations to
purpose, a feasible and effective method, and the least published work) and, to the extent possible, which (e.g.,
trade disrupting. Any proposed regulation would have what studies are applied) science is used (if any) in
to satisfy those 3 criteria. Potentially the most difficult developing the standards for product claims about ani-
one with animal welfare standards is the first: What mal welfare.
legitimate interest does one country have in the welfare
of farm animals in another country? Those baseline LITERATURE CITED
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