Internship and Thesis Guide New

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Internship and thesis is one of academic activities during studying in Department of Industrial
Engineering, International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Therefore, a guide to conduct internship
and thesis, including writing style for both activities, is required. This book provides complete
information how to conduct internship and final research project for thesis so that comprehensive
internship and high quality research could be achieved. This guide book is revised edition of the previous
guide book and would be improved continuously in line with latest development in research.

International Program
Universitas Islam Indonesia


1.1 Introduction

Internship is a two-credit subject that must be taken by a student of Department of Industrial

Engineering-International Program. It is a compulsory subject before conducting final research project for
thesis. Internship is a program that combines academic skills with career-related work experience to
form a link-and-match education program between formal education and real-world problem in industry.

There are two styles for internship namely continuous and independent Internship. Continuous
Internship means the project of Internship should be continued to final research project for thesis.
Therefore, the student should critically investigate a potential topic that can be extended into final
undergraduate research project. Independent internship means that the student needs to explain in detail
about the condition of the investigated industry, and there is a special topic given by the field supervisor.
If the topic is sufficient to be continued as final research project, hence, the internship will be considered
as continuous internship.

In engineering education, one of the important things is industrial training experiences. Such
experiences must be obtained from reputable industry and the student should work as an employee in
that industry. Students will learn many things such as team-work project experience, technical and
communication skills, professional behaviour, and ability to plan and complete a project within a time

1.2 Objective of the Internship Program

Objective of the Internship program is to provide students with opportunity to implement their
knowledge and skills learned from the class into real industrial world problem. Students are expected to
have hands-on experiences for improving learning ability in the real industrial world working
environment. An internship allows the students to acquire and apply practical skills in field experiences
while working toward career goals, which are related to the goals of a supervising professional or agency.
An internship bridges the gap between formal education and real-world industrial systems.
1.3 Internship Implementation

Internship must be conducted in a reputable manufacture or service company and must be completed
with an internship report arrangement and internship seminar.

1.4 Internship Duration

Duration of an internship could be explained as follows:

 The period of time in conducting the internship is at least 1 (one) month depending on the
activity offered by the company where internship is conducted.
 The maximum of consultation and supervision is 6 months starting from the date of the
internship being conducted. Six months extension is accepted for an exception case with a strong
reason. If the student cannot submit an internship report within 12 months, s/he should start all
internship procedures from the beginning.
 An internship should be conducted outside regular semester.

1.5 Internship Category

There are three kinds of activities that might be conducted during the internship:

 For an internship that is restricted by a certain period of time, the student must present at the
institution where s/he is conducting the internship every day during the working hours. S/he
must involve in the institution’s daily activities by being given a certain assignment related to the
subject of the work field.
 For a internship that is related to a project, the student is given a project that must be completed.
The student does not have to present at the institution every day.
 Joining an apprenticeship program held by a company.

Internship might be conducted by a group consisting of maximum of three students. They are allowed to
conduct the Internship at the same institution but they must write a report with different topics/ projects.

1.6 Student Requirements for the Internship

The student should fulfil the following requirements in order to get a letter of permission for conducting
the internship:

a. Student should have completed 95 credits (SKS).

b. Student should pass international SAP certification.
c. Student should complete Internship Application Form (see Appendix A) and submit it to
d. Student should have a supervisor appointed by IP management to supervise the internship.
e. Student should compose Internship Application Letter (see Appendix B) to institution including a
student resume (see Appendix C).
f. Student should apply to a company/institution.
g. After student getting acceptance letter from a host company/institution, student should fill out
Internship Request Form (see Appendix D).
h. Student should have completed the administrative procedure and register the internship course.
i. Student should consult with appointed supervisor about possibilities of internship project that
will be explored.
j. Student conducts internship.
k. Student should maintain journal of activities and documents related to internship program. Thus,
student will easily manage to write report and prepare presentation.
l. Student should provide the host organization/company with Evaluation Form (see Appendix E).
m. Student should arrange internship report submitted to International Program (see section 1.10.
for report writing guide).
n. Student should arrange and announce public presentation of internship program in front of
supervisor and at least 10 students (see Section 1.11. for Presentation).

1.7 Administrative Procedure

Pick up and fill the internship form provided by International Program management along with:

a. a copy of student card.

b. a prove of IP tuition fee payment for all proceeding and current terms.
c. a prove of internship fee payment transferred to IP Bank account. (IP management does not
receive cash payment. All payment should be transferred into IP bank account).

1.8 Internship Supervision

Student will be supervised by two supervisors, these are:

a. a lecturer who is appointed by the international program management. Each problem emerging
during the process must be consulted and conducted under the supervision of the appointed
b. a supervisor appointed by the company that will supervise activities in a host company/
1.9 Internship Journal of Activities

During the internship, a student should maintain a journal of activities carried out in the institution
where internship is conducted. The journal contains assignments, observations, schedules or data
processing carried out during the internship. The journal describes the activities during the internship
chronologically. It must be approved by the supervisor or the authoritarian of the host institution where
the student is conducting the internship (see Appendix E). Commented [MW1]: Previously
: subjected to appendix f , which is “cover page”, should we
eliminate? Since appendix e refers to company’s evaluation form
1.10 Internship Report Outline

Internship report will be presented as normal bound hardcopy and digital form in a PDF Format. The
Internship report is described as follows:

a. Preliminary section, consists of :

 Cover Page
 Approval Page
 Title page
 Letter of Internship Completion
 Dedication Page
 Acknowledgement
 Abstract
 Table of Contents Page
 List of Tables
 List of Figures
 List of Symbols/Abbreviations/Notation/Terminology
 List of Appendices
b. Body text, consists of :
c. References
d. Bibliography
e. Appendices
1.10.1 Body Text

Internship text will be divided into five chapters. Each new chapter should be started on a new page.
Internship report should be able to report activities during the internship and project that has been
investigated. The content of internship report consists of:


1.1 Background of the problem

This section contains the general information of operational section that will be carried out in the
institution where field work is intended. Importance of the field work must be stressed in this
section as well.

1.2 Internship Program

It contains the date and other information related to the internship program. It describes student’s
position, the basic engineering areas and organization unit where student will work for internship.
It also briefly explains the projects/ activities that will be conducted during internship program.

1.3 Objectives of the Internship Program

This section contains the objectives that the students want to accomplish.

1.4 Significances of the Internship Program

It contains the benefits of the conducted internship program.


This chapter contains the general description of the institution where the internship program takes
place. The general description covers:

2.1 The company’s vision and mission

2.2 Ownership
2.3 Location
2.4 History
2.5 Organization structure
2.6 Products/Services

Production/ Operation Management taking place in the host institution where the internship
program is conducted must be written in this chapter. It explains the Production/ operation
systems and their relationship to other units in the host institution. It covers:

3.1 Production/ Operation Systems

This section contains information about:

 Material flow to produce services/ products.

 Demand or order management.
 Inventory control and Supply Chain Management/ SCM.
 Material handling.
 Resource scheduling.
 Quality control.

3.2 Organization Management

It describes organization management:

 Human resource management.

 Financial management.
 Marketing management (Customer Relationship Management/ CRM).
 Maintenance.
 Other Management found in the host institution.

3.3 Information Technology (IT)

This section explains about the implementation of IT (software, hardware, database and
networking technology) to support management. If the host institution adopts application software
to support management, then student should explain the type of information systems, management
level, and how the IT is managed to accelerate institution's objectives.


Student will be assigned a project by the department supervisor or the internship supervisor of
host institution. The project should be thoroughly investigated and analysed. Thus, this section
consists of the following subsections:
4.1 Background
4.2 Objectives
4.3 Research Methodology (data collection, detail required methods, analysis)
4.4 Results
4.5 Discussion


5.1 Conclusion

Summarise the usefulness of the internship/employment work in advancing student

understanding of the engineering profession, both technically and organisationally. Summarise
what has been learned from the experiences.

5.2 Suggestion

This section contains the suggestions based on the weaknesses found in the location where the
internship program takes place.

1.11 Presentation

Presentation should highlight the internship report. At least, Microsoft Power Point software should
be used to deliver presentation for 15 minutes long.

1.11.1 Presentation Format

The following format is suggested:

a. Title (1 slide) states student's name, student number, the host institution and job title
during the internship
b. Introduction (1 slide) states a mission statement or a profile of the host institution and
state the department/ unit that student conducted the internship
c. Objective of internship (1 slide)
d. Significance of internship
e. Industrial system description
f. Project Description: background, project objectives, methodology, results and discussion
(3 to 6 slides)
g. Conclusion (1-2 slides)
h. Graphic/ Software Demo/ Product/ Service Design (1 to 5 slides) that will show any
diagrams, photographs, pictures, product design or software that has been obtained or
developed during internship program.

1.11.2 Presentation Suggestions

During presentation, student is suggested:

 Practice to deliver clear and smooth presentation.

 Practice the timing of the presentation.
 During practice, student could record the presentation to review and correct presentation.
 Student should focus in the content of presentation rather than the graphics, animation,
cartoons, sound effects, and other special effects detract away from your message.
 Student should maintain eye contact with the audience and speak in a clear, loud voice.
 Student should be prepared for questions.
 Students should distribute applicable materials or handouts to the audience.


2.1 Introduction

Department of Industrial Engineering-International Program requires a research project that must be

conducted independently by student and continued by thesis writing in fulfilment of the requirements of
Strata One (S1) degree. The objective of this requirement is to give students an opportunity to implement
the knowledge for problem solving of real industrial system world under supervision. The supervisor
must be a PhD holder and knowledgeable in the thesis field. Basically, undergraduate research project
could be carried out together with internship program. However, it is allowed for the student to conduct
the undergraduate research project independently from Internship program, in term of research type,
there are 3 types of research for undergraduate research project which are application of methods for
problem solving, methods comparison and systematic literatures review. Below is the detail explanation
for every research type.

2.2 Type of Undergraduate Research Project

2.2.1 Application of Methods for Problem Solving

Undergraduate research project under this type must implement methods for industrial problem solving.
The research must be started from field observation to find the problem. The student would define
suitable methods to solve the problem. Sometime, the student needs to combine more than one method
or modify the existing method when a conventional method is not adequate to solve the problem. Before
methods implementation, the student must consult to the supervisor regarding the scope of the problem
and proposed method. Only on the supervisor approval the student could proceed to the methods

Another way to conduct research under this research type is continuing previous research by
adding new variables or reducing several assumption or limitations to make the previous research more
feasible. Through this way, the student could use secondary data from previous research or sometime the
student still need to go to the industrial system when data about the new variables or limitations are not
available. The student is allowed to continue the research only on the supervisor approval as well.

2.2.2 Methods Comparison

Undergraduate research project under this type could be started from literatures study. Student must
enrich himself with basic knowledge of several methods. Then, the student could find a literature from
previous research to get a case study. The student would then solve the case study with different method
and conduct deep analysis regarding the result. Comparison analysis must be conducted to discover
phenomena behind the result. When the new solution is better than the existing solution, the student
must explain the advantages of the new method and disadvantages of the existing method. When the
solution is same or worst compared to the existing solution then the student must explain the advantages
of the existing method and disadvantages of the new method.

2.2.3 Systematic Literatures Review

Undergraduate research project under this type would be started by defining a latest issue in industry.
The student would then find minimum 50 research articles from reputable journals or seminar
proceedings to do study mapping related to the issue. Besides the study mapping, outcome of the
undergraduate research under this type is suggestions for further research to continue of improve the
existing researches.

2.4 Objective of the Undergraduate Research Project

Undergraduate research project facilitates the students to implement theory that have been learned in
class for solving real industrial problem. Benefit of such activity is to reinforce thinking structure of the
students when solving a problem and to improve ability of the students in writing scientific report. An
undergraduate research project bridges analytical knowledge of the students with practical complicated
problem occurred in the real industrial system.

2.5 Undergraduate Research Project Implementation

Undergraduate research project must be conducted in a reputable manufacture or service company and
must be completed with an thesis report arrangement and oral defence. Department of Industrial
Engineering-International Program also facilitates the students to conduct pre-defence seminar to get
suggestions from other lecturers to improve research and thesis quality. The pre-defence seminar could
be conducted maximum 2 weeks before oral defence.

2.6 Undergraduate Research Duration

Normal duration for undergraduate research project is 6 months, Completion time of the undergraduate
research project is the date of registration for oral defence. However, if the student needs longer time to
finish the research and or thesis writing, the student requires to write a letter to department of Industrial
Engineering-International Program management to extend the time up to 6 months. After extension and
the student still not able to finish undergraduate research project, when the supervisor is agreed, the
student still have last chance to extend the time up to 3 months. After the second extension and the
student still not able to finish the undergraduate research project, then the student is considered failed.
The student is compulsory to repeat the undergraduate research project start from new proposal
submission with different research theme. Department of Industrial Engineering-International Program
management would assign new supervisor for the student.

2.7 Undergraduate Research Supervision

Department of Industrial Engineering-International Program management would assign a supervisor for

undergraduate research project. In order to assure the research quality, a PhD holder lecturer who has
expertise very related to the undergraduate research theme would be assigned as the supervisor.
Sometime, to help the supervisor in the technical level, the supervisor could request to the Department of
Industrial Engineering-International Program management to assign a co-supervisor.

Basically, no supervisor replacement is allowed. The supervisor replacement could be conducted

only when the student is not able to finish the undergraduate research project and intended to change the
theme. In such condition, the student is compulsory to send request by writing a formal letter to
Department of Industrial Engineering-International Program management. If the request is approved by
Department of Industrial Engineering-International Program management then the student requires to
submit a new proposal with different theme and the administrative process would be started from the

2.8 Student Requirements for Undergraduate Research

Before submitting undergraduate research proposal, student must fulfil several prerequisites as follows:

a. Student should have completed 126 credits (SKS).

b. Student should pass international SAP certification.
c. Student should submit undergraduate research proposal to Department of Industrial
Engineering-International Program management. See Section 2.9 for undergraduate
research proposal writing.
d. Student should have a supervisor appointed by Department of Industrial Engineering-
International Program management.
e. Student should have completed the administrative procedure and key in the thesis in Unisys.
f. Student should consult periodically to the supervisor.
g. In order to conduct research in the industry, if official letter is required, student could
request the letter from Department of Industrial Engineering-International Program
h. Student should write a thesis.
i. Student should submit one hard copy and one soft copy of the thesis to Department of
Industrial Engineering-International Program management and one soft copy to University

2.9 Proposal for Undergraduate Research Project

Proposal for undergraduate research project consists of following items:

a. Cover page (see Appendix I)

b. Approval page (see Appendix J)
c. Brief description about research background, research method and expected outcomes of
the research.
d. Chapter 1 (Introduction), consists of background of the research.
e. Chapter 2 (Literatures Review), consists of basic theory for the research and several latest
researches that very related to the research theme.
f. Chapter 3 (Research Method), consists of the method to conduct research.
g. References

2.10 Thesis Structure

A thesis structure would be as follows:

a. Cover page (see Appendix L)

b. Title page (see Appendix O)
c. Dedication page
d. Acknowledgment (if any)
e. Motto
f. Abstract
g. Table of Content
h. List of Table
i. List of Figure
j. Chapter 1: Introduction
k. Chapter 2: Literatures Review
l. Chapter 3: Research Method
m. Chapter 4: Data Collecting and Processing
n. Chapter 5: Discussion
o. Chapter 6: Conclusion and Suggestion
p. References
q. Appendix

2.11 Thesis Pre-defence

Objective of thesis pre-defence is to facilitate the student to get suggestions from other lecturers to
improve thesis quality. If there are problems that very potential to make the student fail in oral defence,
then the student could improve the thesis before oral defence. This chance would beneficial the student.
Besides, the pre-defence facilitates the student to have a presentation exercise before oral defence.

The student requires to prepare a manuscript contains research background, literatures review
(inductive review only), research method and research result so far (not necessary to finish all of the
research activities). Two copies of the manuscript must be submitted to Department of Industrial
Engineering-International Program management at least 3 days before the pre-defence. The manuscript
would be evaluated by the thesis supervisor and another one examiner. The examiner in the pre-defence
would be assigned as one of examiner of thesis oral defence.

2.12 Student Requirements for Thesis Oral Defence

Student should do the followings:

 Fill out a defence request form (see Appendix K)

 Provide a proof of defence fee payment
 Students must have minimum 680 CEPT score.

2.13 Format Checking and Language Advisor

It is compulsory for student to check the format of Internship report and thesis and also the spelling and
language. Department of Industrial Engineering-International Program management provides a
professional person to do format checking and language advising for the student. In order to assure the
quality of thesis presentation and completion time, minimum and maximum duration for format checking
and language advising is 3 days and 7 days respectively.


3.1 Type of Paper

Internship report and thesis must be written on A4 paper size. The colour of the paper is white with
weight is 80 gram. A hard copy of thesis with hard cover bended must be submitted to Department of
Industrial Engineering-International Program management.

3.2 Paper Margin and Spacing

Paper margin for top, bottom, left and right is 3 cm, 2.5 cm, 3.5 cm and 2.5 cm respectively. In writing
internship report and thesis, the writing space is 1.5 except for Abstract and Reference page. Title for
preliminary pages, from Cover page to List of Figure page, is written on the first line, which is 3 cm from
top. Title for every chapter is written on fourth line (3 x 1.5 spaces from the first line). Name of every
chapter (Introduction, Literatures Review, Research Method, Data Collecting and Processing, Discussion,
Conclusion and Suggestion) is written on 7th line (2 x 1.5 spaces from chapter title). The first sub chapter
is written on 10th line (2 x 1.5 spaces from name of chapter).

3.3 Font Type and Writing Style

Font type for Internship report and thesis writing is Times New Roman 12 pt. First sentence in every sub
chapter is written 2 x 1.5 spaces after the sub chapter. Every paragraph is 2 x 1.5 spaces after previous
paragraph. No indentation for first sentence of the first paragraph in every sub chapter. The first sentence
of the next paragraph must be indented 5 taps (use ruler facility in MS Word system). A paragraph must
consists of more than 2 sentences. At the end of every page, there must be at least 2 lin es of sentence. If
the last sentence consists of less than 2 lines, then the sentence must be moved to next page. If there is
foreign term and could not be translated into international language, then it must be italic printed. All of
variables in the text is also italic printed.

3.4 Table Writing

A table must be written centre aligned. In writing a table, all of vertical lines must be removed. For
horizontal lines, only line to separate header and content and footer and content is required. A table is
written in single space. Header and footer is bold printed while content is not bold printed. A table must
have title with sentence case format. Besides title, a table must be numbered that consists of chapter
number and sequence number. Distance of the table's title from the previous text and to the next text is 2
x 1.5 spaces. Distance a table from its title is 1 space. Example of a table is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Example of table

No Item Price Quantity Total Price
1 Item 1 IDR 3.000,- 2 IDR 6.000,-
2 Item 2 IDR 50.000,- 5 IDR 250.000,-
Total IDR 256.000,-

3.5 Figure Drawing

Same with table, a figure must be centre aligned. A figure must be printed with high resolution and
quality so that it doesn't cause miss interpretation. A non-square figure must be placed in a frame with
black outline and width of line is 1.25 pt. A figure must have number and title placed at the bottom of the
figure with distance is 1 space from the figure. Figure's number contains chapter and sequence number
and figure's title is sentence case. A figure is drawn with space from the previous and to the next text is 2
x 1.5 spaces. If there is text in a figure, then the text must be in the size of 10 -12 pt. Figure 3.1 is the
example of figure drawing in Internship report or thesis.

Figure 3.1 Example of figure

3.6 Equation Writing

Equation must be written using standard Equation facility in MS Word. Equation must be centre aligned
and with font size is 12 pt. An equation must have number that consists of chapter number and sequence
number. The number is written right aligned and preceded with 3 dot. Space after the previous and to the
next text is 2 x 1.5 spaces. It is compulsory to explain of variables in every equation. Example of equation
is shown by Equation 3.1.

𝐸 = 𝑥100% ...(3.1)

E : efficiency
U : used resources
A : available resources

3.7 Page Numbering

There are 3 styles for page numbering. The first style is for preliminary pages (from Title page to List of
Figure page) which is Roman numeral numbering (i, ii, iii) at the bottom-centre of the page with 15 mm
aligned from the bottom edge page. The second style is for the first page in every chapter. The numbering
style uses Arabic numbering (1, 2, 3) at the bottom-centre of the page. The third style is for the rest of the
pages which uses Arabic numbering at the right-top of the page with 15 mm aligned from top edge and
right-edge of the page. Page numbering for appendix contains letter of appendix followed by dash and
followed by Arabic number, for example, page number of appendix A would be A-1, A-2 and so on. The
page number should be at the right-top of the page.

3.8 Citation Style

3.8.1 General Style

Generally, the citation style would be author's name followed by comma and year of publication. If the
author has family name then only the family name should be written and if there is no family name then
author's name should be written fully. Below is the example of general style of citation.

 Kusiak, 2011
 (Kusiak, 2011)
 Mustofa Masyhur, 2011 (no family name, should be written fully).
 (Mustofa Masyhur, 2011)

3.8.2 Specific Style


Internship Application Form

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Herewith, I, the undersigned,
Name : ………………………………………………………………….........
Student Number : ………………………………………………………………….........
Apply for field work that will be conducted in odd / even term in ………../………. academic year.
Title of Proposal : ………………………………………………………………….........
Company Name/Institution : ………………………………………………………………….........
Company/Institution Address : ………………………………………………………………….........
Time of Implementation : ………………………………………………………………….........
Furthermore I request a cover letter for the company/institution that I perform field work.
Therefore, I attach the documents required.
Thank you,
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Yogyakarta, ……………………

Student Name
Have completed : ………………. Credits
GPA : ……………….

The application is denied / approved

Reasons of denial:
Supervisor : ……………………………………………………………………….
Yogyakarta, ……………………….

Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D

Head of Department
International Program – Industrial Engineering
Application Letter
Applicant Name
Mailing address
City, Province, and Postal Code
Telephone number(s), Mobile Phone Number
Email address
Addressee's name
Organization name
Mailing address
City, Province, Postal Code
Dear Mr. (or Ms. or Dr.) last name:
The opening paragraph will briefly explain skill and position/job that will be applied for and where the
information about the internship/job opening has been obtained.
The body of application letter should be one or two short paragraphs that highlight relevant points about
applicant’s qualifications. Applicant can refer to her/his resume for detail.
The last paragraph should restate interest in the applied position and initiate action by requesting their
consideration and possible interview. Close by thanking them.
Sincerely yours,
Your handwritten signature
Your name (typed)
Enclosure: resume
Writing a Resume

A Resume is very important part for attracting a potential employer in a brief. Then, a resume should be
concisely and clearly summarize accomplishments, educations, work experience, and should highlight any

A Resume style will depend on organization/ institution that will applied for. The most important part of
the resume is that a resume should be tailored to the position of interest.

The followings are the common components that are stated in a resume for internship or entry-level job

Personal Information
This part is intended to provide employer with information to contact the applicant. Hence, an appl icant
should mention name, address (school and, if appropriate, permanent addresses), phone number, mobile
phone and e-mail address.

Job/Internship Objective
This section is optional. However, if applicant does not mention it in this section, s/he can explain it in the
application letter.

Summary of Qualifications
In this section applicants should highlight skills and experiences that can encourage employer to read the
resume with greater interest. Bulleted format will be advantageous. If applicants have certificates of
related skill qualifications, the certificates should be attached.

Since the applicants have not graduated, this section should state previous school(s) attended including
years of attendance. Honours and awards that have been achieved during the attended school(s) should
also be mentioned. Applicants should note distinguished GPA. Applicants can also highlight the
distinguished grade related to the topic that applicants will investigate during the internship program.

Applicants should mention all experiences of paid and unpaid works, research support, and laboratory
assistant, project-based experiences and other experiences that can show applicants’ ability and skills
relevant to the applied position.
This section should mention the organization/company name, job title, dates of employment, and major
This section states professional or academic organization, student groups, formal or informal
organizations that applicants become a member. Applicants should state the position of the membership.
Controversial organization should not be mentioned.

The name of referees should not be listed. However, applicants can explain that referees can be contacted
upon request.
Internship Request Form

Name: _________________________________________________________

Student Number : _________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________________________________

E-mail: _________________________________________________________

Internship Host Agency/Organization: ________________________________

Agency/Organization Address:



Host Supervisor (including title): ______________________________________

Phone:_________________ E-mail:____________________________________


Complete the following questions in a typed attachment based on your expectations of the internship.
1. What specific duties will you perform during the internship?

2. When does the internship begin?

3. What is Internship duration? ………….. Total time commitment?

4. What Department/Unit of Organization that you will get involved?

5. What is the level of supervision?

6. Are you going to work alone or to get involve in a team-work project?

4. How will this internship enhance your career goals or strengthen your skills?

5. Attach a job description written and signed by the internship host.

6. Attach a schedule of activities included the time frame.

Student’s Signature:________________________________Date: _______________

Advisor’s Signature:________________________________Date: _______________

International Program Director’s Signature: _________________________________

Date: _______________

Following the signed request form, you should register to Field Work course.
Internship Evaluation Form

This form is required for student assessment of doing internship program. The student will not receive
grade until this form is processed. Please complete and sign the evaluation form. Then, Insert the form
into a sealed and signed envelope.

Please return this form to:

Head of International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km 14. Yogyakarta.
Phone : 0274-895287
Fax: 0274-895007

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Student Number : ___________ Student Name: _____________________

Evaluator Name: _____________________________________________________

Evaluator Title: ______________________________________________________

Organization/host Name: ______________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________ Date:________________________

Please consider the following questions in your evaluation:

1. How well were the goals of the internship met?

2. What were the intern’s primary strengths?

3. What were the intern’s primary weaknesses?

4. Was the intern able to do work well with other members of the organization?

5. How well did the intern take on responsibility and manage time?

6. How would you describe the intern’s professional progress during the internship?

7. Would you consider hiring this person in the future?


Cover Page of Internship Report



Internship Report

Submitted to International Program

Department of Industrial Engineering

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Teknik Industri

Universitas Islam Indonesia


Student Name (Student Number)





January 2015
Internship Title Page


Internship Report
Submitted to International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
in Partial Fulfilment of
the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia


Student Name (Student Number)



Start Date of Internship :

End Date of Internship :
Report Date of Internship:

Month and year of submission

© year of submission Student Name

All rights reserved

The Author hereby grants Universitas Islam Indonesia permission to reproduce and distribute in
electronic paper or publications in whole or part

Date : _____________________ Signature of Author : _____________________

Certified by:
Date: ________________________ _____________________________________
Accepted by:
Date: ________________________ _____________________________________
Head of International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
Approval Page

Internship Report
Submitted to International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
in Partial Fulfilment of
the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia


Student Name (Student Number)

Month and year of submission

Approved Date :
Company of Internship :
Submitted by (Name) :
Date : _____________________ Signature of Author : _____________________

Approved by:
Date: ________________________ _____________________________________
Supervisor Name

Accepted by:
Date : _______________________ ______________________________________
Head of International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
Cover Page of Thesis Proposal

Thesis Proposal

Submitted to International Program

Department of Industrial Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Student Name (Student Number)


January 2015
Approval Page of Thesis Proposal

Department of Industrial Engineering

International Program

Proposal for Thesis Research in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Title :
Approved Date :
Expected Date of Completion :
Company of Internship :
Submitted by (Name) :
Date : _____________________ Signature of Author : _____________________

Supervision Agreement
The program outlined in this proposal is adequate for an S1 Thesis. I agree to supervise the research and
evaluate the thesis report.

Date: ________________________ _____________________________________

Supervisor Name

Date : _______________________ ______________________________________

Co-Supervisor Name (if any)
Proposal Agreement Letter

Director of International Program

Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km 14.4 Yogyakarta.

Attention: Head of International Program, Department of Industrial Engineering

Subject : Thesis Research Study of student Name (Student Number)

The attached proposal is (Title…) (date…) is a research that will be investigated by (student name)
(student number) in partial fulfillment of requirements of the degree S1 degree Teknik Industri. As a part
of the research, the student will use facilities of (name of company) from (start date) until (end date).

We assign (name of supervisor from company) to supervise the student during the research in our
company. We understand that the student will also be supervised by a IP UII member/s who has/have full
access to background, methodology and results of the research. We also understand that the actual thesis
document becomes the permanent property of International Program, Universitas Islam Indonesia, and
will be placed in the UII’s library.

We provide a letter confirming that the thesis is within the approved scope, and does not contain any
confidential, propriety or offensive information from (name of company), and that the thesis will be
submitted sufficiently in advance of the date of submission to permit review.

We also understand that all rights in the research results including any inventions made by (name of
student) are subject to the host agreement between International Program Universitas Islam Indonesia
and (name of company).

Place : _________________________ Date : ______________________________

Authorized official of company : ______________________________

Name, Title

Direct Supervisor of Student at : ______________________________

(Company Name) Name, Title

Student : ______________________________

Student Name
Cover Page of Thesis Report

Submitted to International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Student Name (Student Number)

January 2015
Thesis Approval of Supervisor

Submitted to International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Approved Date :

Company of Internship :

Submitted by (Name) :

Date : _____________________ Signature of Author : _____________________

Approved by:
Date: ________________________ _____________________________________
Supervisor Name, Title

Date : _______________________ ______________________________________

Co-Supervisor Name, Title

(if necessary)
Thesis Approval of Examination Committee

Submitted to International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Defence Date :

Company of Thesis :

Submitted by (Name) :

Date : _____________________ Signature of Author : _____________________

Approved by Examination Committee :

Date: ________________________ _____________________________________

Examination Committee Chair Name, Chair

Date: ________________________ _____________________________________

Member Name, Member

Date : ________________________ _____________________________________

Member Name, Member

Date : ________________________ _____________________________________

Co-Supervisor Name, Member

Accepted by:

Date: ________________________ _____________________________________

Head of Department
International Program

Sample of Title Page

Submitted to International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering
the Requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Teknik Industri
Universitas Islam Indonesia


Student Name (Student Number)

Month and year of submission

© year of submission Student Name

All rights reserved

The Author hereby grants Universitas Islam Indonesia permission to reproduce and distribute in
electronic paper or publications in whole or part

Date : _____________________ Signature of Author : _____________________

Certified by:
Date: ________________________ _____________________________________

Date: ________________________ _____________________________________

Co-Supervisor (if any)

Accepted by:
Date: ________________________ _____________________________________
Head of Department
International Program

Sample of Defense Announcement

Announcing the Final Examination of Kevin Lukita for the degree of Sarjana Teknik Industri (Bachelor of
Industrial Engineering)

Date : 15 January 2016

Time : 10:00 a.m.

Room : Conference Room 1

Thesis title: Modeling Integrated Supply Chain Management Systems

Write the abstract of the thesis here!

The public is welcome to attend.

Acknowledged by,

Head of Department
International Program
Department of Industrial Engineering

Abstract Page



Student Full name

Submitted to International Program, Department of Industrial Engineering,

On (date of thesis submission)

in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the degree of Sarjana Teknik Industri (Bachelor of Industrial Engineering)

At Universitas Islam Indonesia


Write the single-spaced abstract text at maximum of 350 words.

Thesis Supervisor : Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo

Title : Instructor of Industrial Engineering Department Commented [MW2]: Please verify Pak, is it fulfil recent format?

Supervision Agreement

I hereby Agree Disagree to supervise a thesis research/internship and evaluate the

report of

Student Name : …………………………………………………………

Student Number : ………………………………………………………….

With the tentative Title : ………………………………………………………….

as : Supervisor Co-Supervisor

I provide consultation schedule with following arrangement:

Day : ………………………………………………………..

Time : ………………………………………………………..

Place : ………………………………………………………..

In case of changes of the above schedule, I will notify the student and provide alternate day and
time of supervision to replace the unattended schedule. The following facilities will be available
to maintain communication and appointment.

Email address : …………………………………………………..

Telephone Number : ……………………………………………………

Mobile Phone Number : ……………………………………………………


Date :__________________________ ____________________________________

Supervisor Name,


Supervision Withdrawal

I hereby intend to resign from the position of:

Supervisor Co-Supervisor

of Internship Thesis

that belongs to the following student :

Student Name : ………………………………………….

Student Number : ………………………………………….

for the following reasons :


This decision first initiated by : Student Supervisor.

I suggest the student to change the title not to change the title.

I also recommend that the thesis should be supervised by:

1. ………………………….. or/and

2. …………………………..

to replace my assignment.

I will not be responsible to any further extent of the content of the thesis.

Place : ____________________

Date : ____________________ ________________________________________



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