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2005 Hebrews Study

Lecture 6


Hebrews 10:1-39
Key verse 10:22

“Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance

of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty
conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”

I. One sacrifice for sins forever (1-18)

1. Why did the sacrifice under the law have to be repeated endlessly year
after year (1,2)? What was the purpose of the sacrifices (3,4)? Think
about the imperfection of sacrifices made under the law.

2. When Christ came into the world what sacrifices was he going to offer
to God (5-7)? How did he know God’s will for him? Why did Christ set
aside the first sacrificial system (8,9)? Through the sacrifice of the body
of Jesus Christ what grace have we received (10)?

3. How different are the sacrifices of the priests and the sacrifices of
Christ (11-14)? What does Christ do who offered for all time one
sacrifice for sins (12b,13, Ro 8:34)? Why do we no loner need to make
any other sacrifices for our sins (15-18)?

II. The life of the righteous (19-39)

4. What way was opened for us through the blood of Christ (19,20)?
Think about the meaning of the ‘new’ and ‘living’ way. How should we
draw near to God (21,22)?

5. What should we do with the hope we profess (23)? What should we do

among the believers and for the meeting of the believers (24,25)?

6. How serious is betraying Jesus after one has accepted him? What will
be the judgment on them (26-29)? Who will judge them (30,31)?

7. How much had the Hebrew believers been persecuted (32-34a)? How
could they overcome (34b)? What should they do (35,36)? How should
the righteous live (37-39)?

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