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June, 1915 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 39 An Interview With Nikola Tesla, Electrical Wizard By Samuel Cohen HER Juetion arge electrical dis- chine of ach power must [tests es at am cvare Charges, such = i we ihe to meet a ‘letra ay Will be the more nese may kill the experime “ated that ft a conarderable. dita 0 machine, “Mr Tes the world Before so dian go you dont think streamers. from end, to end. mesure mt 7a second faster’ when feet and the cursent feng ino the a fice, pera ing in 1899, caused by “balls of fre” strike fhreshnold of the ing out ito the stmoophere Mr. Niko Tesla duce The metal halls of the coil here shown V sult T fot like Eics ata Irementy of 1200 gees per this en Thad atked to other great i : seconds, ‘Some of these discharges were emtors and scent ene z te alf times. as Targe as. com Dressed ily, by thse men, but ‘ from ‘ighining discharges, and they could ch extent aa whan | enered 5 Berheatd twelve mics away from 1 a raster elec roratas sin fs observed seated and hie who. Bae produced el Pending Faraday's scleniic books, ese Baht marble man has spent a After a few iminutes Twas k amtof time and money fngo the presence of Me. Nikola Tesla, wn i aovaratus forthe transmit Mood in'the corner of the room awa without the aid of a nee 1 aseed is" ate ‘photo, Fig: 2, shove hiewements, sasonly. sil Bie eta holng fat ni hands a" Vnch nd Wid me frst of some of his expert late lh, which is highly exhaled a fees some years agoy wien he prodced Eontaining’ 2 dcop of mercury. The eee Some of the largest ‘electrical dlachary flea povice received by. thi tube is obs ver attempted by man. He spoke of fined ‘rem 2 loop of wire located behind the sereen, which fs supplied with an ultra “ I eitemey current. The tue was ot which he-made in 3 "i. onserted. ih anyway tothe appara Fg beremith showa kone of te aye i the current was sent throngh fatss for the prosveion of very * high potential current was ‘sreqsenes, high tention currents. Tide nthe bul whch vaporized the vats was’ le fn 1900 fore plant peres; with a maximum pot ‘Colorad> Springs. "At this plant aad in NON volls. The power supplied the same year he made a number of vali machine: was 08) kilowatts. These. vot o le discoveries, “Among these was. one ayes ate high enough, but Mr. ‘Tesla de- fight of this tuber with am dustatiancots a patent was recently granted to signed larger apparatts capable of reach oF snapshot expoumre, “Mr, Tella has a hime "This patent ‘covers the’ method of ing'a tension of 100000000 volts A ina- (Contimaed on page S3p June, 1915, EDISON RECEIVES CIVIC FORUM MEDAL, or and World Benefactor" was the inscription ‘om the gold medal of Grice’ Forum, which was presented to ‘Thomas A. Tedion om May in Carnegie Hallas 2 national testimonial.” President Buder, of Columbia University, wig pre= i sad sided Sn made the presenta This gold medal it not awarded for any san achicvemest, but for dist Schicvement an in recogition of a great farecr which hing place anne the, very ighest tn the roll of uma history.” Ariane assemblage of world-famous ieee iglie‘mo. Marconi, the distinguished wireless inventor, was prevent on the plate Yorm a0 “Te would be uscless for. me to say that where Ts the greatest admiration for Mr Eiison in Barope. {f anything, its grea proud ‘of the fact that Mr. American, vT am glad for’ us. Esropeane that Me Edison belongs to the Letter: from ex-President "Theodore Roosevelt and” ex-President Wiliam, 11 Tate, Alexander ‘Grahaan el td c's were read by Revere Brakine Ely, 9 teustee Di the Forum, Those who lauded the work fand personality of Mr."Edison in addresses ‘were ‘Nicholas Nreay tle, ex-Gover wor J. Franklin Fort ol New lerary. George Mestieny, "Guglielmo Marcont President Richard €, Matauri of the Massachscts Institute of Pechnclosy, Charles A. Catt Chairman of the loard af the General Bh frie Coy, Dr. Joh A, Brashear, the. Pitts burgh astronomer, “and” De. Charles P Stetnmets Bercy Mackaye recited a poem he lial writen for the oesadion, Here are the AA thomaand leagues on the Arctic sea A ship went down throngh the frozen Moe tain ad crew they watched her g¢ Phy, cam he clot ce cy cheered her lily And far peoples chanted hor prise with them Where 2"plonograph, from her el ested ta the stars her renem. Atte ‘A thonsand leagues throweh the eae set losing ce ja’ eal separ nor lon cold stay his seat ‘Nor sleeping: testh nor Hoa ‘row not the monsters" Soo, at heed then By. a tape of movie fim, to pla live thregh the ‘Wid tie wonder ee Broad! A thousand leagues. or a thomsand years, ‘Are motes in the gaze ‘of the seeking nn: ser radiance thought can fnd ® them, “Go om that "To Ulazen tm Round Ares moan aad Afvie su— “The clea mind Of Hlson ‘The metal, whic smeally by the Citfe Forum for distinguished Pane stevice, was mative and elaborate Ease year it wae awarded to Col, Goethals. On July 1st the subscription price of the “BLE ove to $100. Subeoribe me pee 38 THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 4s The Tower of Jewels at Frisco’s Exposition The Tower of Jeseels, the. dominating piece of architec of the ent Pauana Preis Exposition rere ium nated for the fst time. That i doer mot Wit iis tile is evideced bp is beauty tehen it is lumioted. Phere aze 125,000 jewels or nowagems used io dgcorate the lower, whieh ands ‘on the “Avenue ‘of Palins an ig the work of SfcKim, Afead White or New Yorks Bach of tie 1 AN INTERVIEW. WITH NIKOLA TESLA. (Continued from page 9. fromber of atariling new discoveries amd Inventone in the elcetrial ey which he foes not care i announce at prevent, and fe” gomadiers "these Later of areater moment than si clectrieal work he has s0 Far"one. THe intends inthe near Tucure transmit trelessly_ speech nd cher Around the world from hse very powertul tlectrie wave station om Tong Tilt, which {sae yor tot comoleted, fut which will he Shishell, soon undoubiedly. "Air. Tests ated. “thst the day wilson eume when Few show the world that the transmis Hon of power. and speech without the aid ‘of any wires is posse Lin Teste was the frat ioventor of the induction motor and the sysvem of alere hating torrent ‘power transmission, popt 140 jewels is tacked by a mitor the 3 truciuce, the i Priest, the Adventurer” art the the eof Jahn Flanagan, of New York. Under the tawer are fect long nurals Ie Eiiwesd Simmons This fe anly one ohh Vrenially Huan bull Fenown as two-page, theee-phase. or iNceeatel a revolt ctriesl engineering and a¥e now Shinerslly dented THis muse important recent, work is the discovery nf a new meceanieal principle tina he as embodiel in a geent variety i enti ua reverstie gas, steam yn waver” qartines, “mechanical atse Tits prince enables, the production of prime! muvers capable of developing. ten [imepoucrs or even more, for each pound (welche in she: machine. brine, mver_ could be very_stecte-fully {red inthe. propulsion of weasels at ex: tremely high seeds, he explained The’ allotted time! grew short. and ina few minutes the ggeat. inventor, bil "me Afex and f left the presence of one of ihe world's moct diatingutshed sclentn's of Whom it has righty been said: "He lives 2 humdred years Ahead of his: ens

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