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Child Labor in Asia and the Pacific

By: Bryan Silva

What is Child Labor ?
● Child Labor is the use of children in industry or buissneses, especially when
illegal or considered inhumane.
● Child Labor is also known as modern slavery because children are forced to
work long hours with little to no pay and very harsh working conditions.
Child Labor in Asia
● An estimated 122 million children aged 5 - 14 years are compelled to work for
their survival.
● Asia is also the home to more working children than any other region in the
Effects of Child Labor in Asia
● While at work they can become victims of Trafficking or sexual abuse.
● Placed in working conditions that are not suitable for children of that age.
● Child Labor leads to children to not be able to read and write.
● Those children cannot aspire to a better job which means they cannot
contribute to the development of a country.
● New laws prohibit employers to hire children below the age of 14.
● In order to employ a child he or she has had to already at least completed
primary school.

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