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TEST – I (Closed Book)

Course No:
Course Name: Earthquake Engineering Date: z
Duration: 60 min (10:00 to 11:00AM) Maximum Marks: 20

Instructions: Answer all the questions.


1. It was proposed to construct a 20 storied commercial complex at Patna. The following data
was obtained from various groups based on their extensive research. (1+1+2=4M)
a. Seismologist, based on the past historical seismograph data, found the seismic wave to
be………………from the figure given below.

b. Geologist observed ………………fault as shown in figure given below.

c. Geotechnical engineer collected the soil samples as shown in figure below from the
proposed site and based on testing results it was reported that soil with ………..shape was
susceptible to …………….and soil with …………..shape was good for construction.

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2. a. As per IS 1893: Part-I, Importance factor does not apply to temporary structures like
…………………. (0.5M)
b. Calculate and sketch the base shear and design lateral force for a three storied BSNL office
located at Vijayawada resting on a medium soil with 0% damping which has a storey height of
3m, seismic weight of 286.65 tons, and a time period of 0.7 sec. The structure was constructed
using ductile shear wall with OMRF as per IS 1893: Part-I. (3.5M)

3. A 2-DOF system is subjected to horizontal earthquake excitation as shown in figure.1 with its
response spectra as given below. Take flexural rigidity, EI = 106 Nm2 and length, L = 2m. Each
lumped mass is 100 kg. Determine the maximum top mass floor displacement and base shear.
𝑳𝟑 𝟐 𝟓
Take damping percentage to be 2% in each mode of vibration. Given 𝑭 = [ ] (12M)
𝟔𝑬𝑰 𝟓 𝟏𝟔
100 kg X2 Sa/g

EI, L Sa/g = (0.1 + T) eT

100 kg

Time Period, T

********** ALL THE BEST **********

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