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Brielle Gorder P.6 P.

Where Did My Clothes Come From? Where Did My Clothes Come From?
Country: Number of Clothing: Honduras 5%
Myanmar 1% Thailand Madagascar 2%
Gautemala 6 1%
Dominican Republic
Vietnam 14 1% Guatemala
Nicaragua 5% 6%
China 39
Bahrain 1%
Indoneisia 7 Bangladesh 2% Vietnam 14%
India 8
USA 7 USA 7%

Bangladesh 2
Bahrain 1 India 8%
Domincian Republic 1
Nicaragua 5 Indonesia 7%
China 40%
Myanmar 1
Thailand 1
Honduras 5
Madegascar 2
I was assigned to find out where all of my clothes were originally made, my results gave me some
new ideas about the importance of trade for our country. Sadly most of our clothes don't even come from the
country we live in! This is do to the fact our country is reliant on trade with other countries, although this does
make our economy strong. The largest percentage on my chart is 40% from China, this doesn't surprise me
since a lot of things in our country are from China. Industrial laws make it more difficult for manufactures to
run in our country. I feel that if in certain countries you get paid well to make clothes then there are probably a
lot of workers which means faster production. Trade in our economy is extremely important to our countries
welfare. Without other countries I think it would be difficult for our country to have all necessity.
Brielle Gorder P.6 P.2
Brielle Gorder P.6 P.2
Brielle Gorder P.6 P.2

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