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UAL Awarding Body – Foundation

Unit 7- Project Proposal

Candidate 2725458772
Candidate 2725458772

Candidate Mantas Bruzas


Candidate 2725458772
Pathway Fashion Promotion

Project Title The Absence of Unity

Section 1: A review of progress and achievement through parts 1 & 2

of the course (Approx 150 words)

Through the fashion promotion pathway, I have learned an extensive

variety of skills that have helped to identify both my strengths and my
weakness. Learning how to take full advantage of a camera in order to
convey my ideas and make them into finalised pieces like magazines,
look-books and short films. I believe that I have progressed a great
amount from the start of the pathway, learning how to put together a
sketchbook and present my ideas in a cohesive and intriguing manner.
I have also learned to accept criticisms as a way to help my projects
develop and fully explores my ideas to the best of my ability instead of
being stuck in my own head which is often was one of the biggest
downfalls of my projects.
Overall I have progressed in a variety of areas granting me the ability to
become a better and more aware artist that is not isolated from the
outside world and instead embraces it.
Section 2: Project Concept (approx 250 words)
For my FMP I have decided to research the concept of unity and the
absence of it currently in the world. The world has become more and
more devised on topics ranging from politics, religion, lifestyles etc.
Wherever there is an opinion to be had people have become less
receptive and more isolated and hateful towards anything that they do
not agree with.
Although when the absence and lack of unity come to mind we often
think of today's events and recent history I believe that the world/
history have a way of repeating themselves. Looking back at the USSR
controlled under Joseph Stalin when people would be executed or
imprisoned for their opinions Stalin. I believe that events like this have
become more common but had been hidden from the public and the
popular news.
I will also be exploring the idea of hiding the problem instead of fixing it
which can be seen especially well in London and the ever incasing
homeless problem. Instead of helping to solve the problem the
government instead chooses to hide it by using police to clear the
streets out. The inspiration for this idea was the work of Anthony
Hernandez and his Landscapes for the Homeless series.
Lastly I plan to look into the political and cultural divide between
Eastern and Western society, looking into how this has affected cultural
movements and the everyday lives of people around the world.

Section 3: Evaluation (approx 100 words)

Before the FMP will begin I plan to read all of my blog post from the
start of the foundation and look at my past sketchbooks again to see my
personal development and find any ideas that I could explore deeper or
any mistakes that I need to avoid.

I will be setting myself weekly goals which will include:

1. Blog posts with detailed documentation of the research and design
development and evaluation of my work including the critique of
2. To get my work critiqued by peers each week who will be able to help
me develop and push my ideas further and stop me from limiting my
3. Tutorials with the tutor in order to get professional feedback on what I
have done so far and that I plan to do.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
• Anthony Hernandez

• Jones, Owen (2014) The Establishment: And how they get away with it,
Harmondsworth, Penguin.
• Kuromiya, Hiroaki (2005) Stalin, New York, Pearson Education Limited.
• Solomon, H. Peter (1996) Soviet Criminal Justice Under Stalin, USA,
Cambridge University Press.

• Red Start Over Russia [exhibition] TATE Modern, London (8 November
2017 – 18 February 2018).
• Revolution: Russian Art 1917–1932 [exhibition] Royal Academy of Arts,
London (11 February — 17 April 2017)
• Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power [exhibition] TATE
Modern, London (12 July – 22 October 2017).

Internet sources:
• (Accessed: 25 February
• (Accessed: 25
February 2018)
hernandez-1 (Accessed: 25 February 2018)
• London – photographed by the young and homeless (2017) Available at:
(Accessed: 24 February 2018)
• Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power (2017) Available at:
nation-art-age-black-power (Accessed: 20 February 2018)
• Stanger, Melissa (2014) 6 People Who Were Literally Erased From
History Available at:
were-erased-from-history-2013-12?IR=T (Accessed: 26 February 2018)
• The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (no date)
Lack of human unity. Available at
problem/134068 (Accessed: 20 February 2018).
Project Action Plan and Timetable

Wee Date Week Activity / What you are Resources / What you will need
k Beginning intending to do - including to do it - including access to
independent study workshops

0 26/03/2017 Reading articles and Books, notebook, pen and

books about my topic laptop.
and analysing the
information that I have

1 05/04/2017 Research into Stalin and Books, notebook, pen,

how the absence of laptop, sketchbook,
unity has affected camera.
humanity in the past
making notes, collages
and photographic
responses to the

2 12/04/2017 Finding and looking at Books, notebook, pen,

books of how humanity laptop, sketchbook,
has become such a camera and access to the
divide species and why library.
opinions and ideals hold
such a part in society.
Also I will be responding
to this with collages and
exploration. Making
short film that present
the ideas in a creative

3 19/04/2017 Watching film and Books, notebook, pen,

documentaries on issues laptop, sketchbook,
of human unity and how camera and access to the
the world has become library.
divided in the world. I
will be responding to
these films through
collages and creative
research pages.
4 16/05/2017 Exploring how the idea Books, notebook, pen,
has been presented in laptop, sketchbook,
fashion design and camera and access to the
communication and how library.
it can be used as
inspiration for my own

5 23/05/2017 Sourcing models and Books, notebook, pen,

location hunting for laptop, sketchbook,
the mock shoot. camera, lighting,
Arranging for styling. reflectors.
2 mock shoots.

6 30/05/2017 Sourcing models and Books, notebook, pen,

location hunting for laptop, sketchbook,
the final shoot. camera and access to the
Arranging for styling. library.

7 07/06/2017 Final shoot and design Books, notebook, pen,

for my final magazine, laptop, sketchbook,
film and installation of camera, lighting,
photography. reflectors, stylist and

8 14/06/2017 Final Designs and Books, notebook, pen,

Finishing of my pieces. laptop, sketchbook,
Magazine, film and camera and printing
installation piece. facilities.

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