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Dear Sir/Madam,

We are from property & estates committee representing RMIT University. Throughout the presentation
process we have welcomed a series of stakeholders, clients and consultants, students and staffs that each
plays different and unique role to complete this exciting project.
The reasons we involve with these parties is to get appropriate and effective funding and land to cover the
construction and management costs. The consutants from school, property planning and resource,
government and industry partners are all engage and collaborate with introducing better teaching space, new
pedagogy, public connections and industrial experience to fufil our initial concept of young essential
The principle parties we had was the RMIT School and Federal government.
School trustee and administration have contributed part of the Construction and management costs. The
dean and deputy head of fashion school and director of business school and the school users include
professors and students are also involved in the programmatic briefing meetings. They have engaged in
briefing sessions and provided the architects with different visions and opinions on the learning environments
of the new building and trying to introduce a new way of pedagogy. Apart from that the fashion school and
business school are also principle financial stakeholders and play a role in marketing the academic programs
and future Program connected with industrial partners for example the YEP. (Young Essential Program)
Another important financial party is federal government the state ministors. They provided construction and
management costs for a Higher Education Endowment Fund(HEEF). The City of Melbourne and art council of
Victoria is partly funding the project and provided consultant on school connection with public and partner

The director and manager of planning and resources are involved with construction and management of the
project providing funds and engaging with management teams to maintain a successful contract during the
design and construction process. The school property & estates committee is the key party in providing land
for the project with building 36 and building 38. The committee is in charge of governing the school, providing
building codes regulations and programmatic brief. The committee also consists of multiple consultants that
engage and collaborate in the design and construction phase.

The school students, staffs and together with academic consultants with engage with brief meetings and
collaborate with architects to achieve a better design outcome that strengthen school professional practice,
exposure, job networking and industry experience.

The property & Campus Service along with Student Union involved in as financial stakeholders more
importantly they engage in consultancy of learning facilities, providing IT services and introduce public
relationship and connection to the new academic buildings.

The industrial partners and other academic parties is a critical part in the young essential program. Apart from
financially support the project they are keen to provide professional consultant to collaborate with architects,
they also provide job opportunities for students and establish networks, introduce public practice and
exhibition into the academic institution. They are also support the project through advertising and promotions.

There have been arguments on wether we should involve industrial partners from overseas and that is the
idea of protecting local business and promoting public connection with the city and the institution. We revised
the issues and finally we introduce business like country roads myer and david jones and involve a few
international partners like forever new and Vogue Magazine Australia.

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