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u02a1: Qualitative Research Design

ED8102 – Introduction to Qualitative Research

Student Name


Date: 01/30/2018

Table of Contents

Background and Context.…………………..……….…………………………………………..3
Statement of the Research Problem..………………………………….………...........…………3
Research Purpose.…..……….…..…………………………………….………...........…………4
Central Research Question…………………………………….………...........…………………4
Research Sub- Questions.....………………...………..………………………………………….5

Interview Questions...………..…………………………………………………………………..5
Target Population and Sample Participants.…..……………………….………...........…………5

A Qualitative Investigation of Simulation Teaching in Nursing Education

Simulation teaching in nursing education is a process where instructors use simulation to

enhance nursing hands on learning before applying it to the real life scene. The simulation use

different scenarios and equipment, which differs based on the intended topic to teach. Repeating

the practice of simulated scenarios and actions in an organized environment enables an easy to

understand alternative to traditional training methods, and helps to improve learning and

knowledge obtained from theoretical studies, for example when using code blue simulation

protocol and strategies to train nursing students (Lavender, 2014). Thus the concept to be

investigated is simulation teaching in nursing education.

Background and Context

Simulation teaching has contributed a lot in nursing education therefore nursing

instructors must be provided with orientation and support to ensure quality simulation outcomes.

Simulation can be used as a teaching strategy to prepare nursing instructors for clinical teaching

(Hunt, Curtis, & Gore, 2015). Nursing instructors attend an orientation or program that includes

simulation before they could teach. In simulation, students volunteer participate in purpose of

learning or for future patient safety (Valizadeh, Amini, Fathi-Azar, Ghiasvandian, & Akbarzadeh,


The people that will participate in this study are nursing instructors. They use simulation

as a teaching technique in building up learning experience. It can maximize good performance

and it will lead to personal confidence when working in the nursing field. Simulation scenarios

use hands on skills in a real learning environment (Harder, Ross, & Paul, 2013).

Statement of the Research Problem

Nursing students that did not encounter simulation in their training perform low in their

nursing skills. There is need for simulation in an educational environment due to the fact that

effective learning in simulation increases level of confidence. It also promotes practical

education to nursing students (Coleman, et al; 2013).

Purpose Statement

This study is to investigate simulation teaching by nursing instructors that have

transformed their low skills achieving nursing students to high skills achieving nursing students.

The findings from the study might be useful to nursing school instructors trying to improve the

practical skills of their nursing students.

The study will investigate simulation effectiveness towards students and simulation

learning in nursing education .Thus combining simulation, and visuals to improve critical

thinking in nursing skills, instructors are essential in simulation teaching and learning (GUHDE,


Central Research Question


How do two nursing instructors teach simulation?

Research Sub-Questions

What instructional strategies, techniques, and processes have two nursing instructors?

found to be most useful in teaching simulation to nursing students?

How have two nursing instructors been supported in teaching simulation to nursing

Interview Questions

What instructional strategies, techniques, and processes have you found to be most useful

in teaching simulation to nursing students?

How have you overcome or attempted to overcome obstacles you encountered when

teaching simulation to nursing students?

How have you been supported in teaching simulation to nursing students?

What lessons have you learned teaching simulation to nursing students?

Target Population and Sample Participants

The target population is nursing instructors in my regional area teaching nursing students

using simulation instead of the traditional life laboratory. This selected population will be

suitable to this project because they mostly use simulation teaching in nursing education to

enhance learning of information. For instance when using simulation to teach cardio pulmonary

resuscitation to nursing students. This simulation learning enhances learning and promotes self

confidence in actual practice (Al-Rasheed et al; 2013).The paticipants will be from regional

nursing facility in a small group (Colman et al; 2011). Participants are nursing instructors that

have experience in nursing. The two participants are highly skilled in simulation teaching in

nursing education. These individuals fit well for the interviews due to the fact that their potential

contribution aligns with the mini-basic qualitative study’s purpose. The two participants are

highly skilled in simulation teaching in nursing education. These individuals fit well for the

interviews due to the fact that their potential contribution aligns with the mini-basic qualitative

study’s purpose.


Al-Rasheed, R. S., Devine, J., Dunbar-Viveiros, J. A., Jones, M. S., Dannecker, M., Jay, G. D.,

& Kobayashi, L. (2013). Development of simulated chest compression videos for

objective evaluation of CPR instructors. The Journal of Continuing Education in

Nursing, 44(2), 59. 10.3928/00220124-20121203-19

Coleman, P. A., Dufrene, C., Bonner, R. J., Martinez, J., Dawkins, V., Koch, M., . . . Norman, G.

(2011). A regional partnership to promote nursing instructor competence and confidence

in simulation. Journal of Professional Nursing: Official Journal of the American

Association of Colleges of Nursing, 27(6), e28-e32. 10.1016/j.profnurs.2011.09.003

GUHDE, J. (2010). Combining simulation, instructor-produced videos, and online discussions to

Stimulate critical thinking in nursing students. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing,

28(5), 274-279. 10.1097/NCN.0b013e3181ec2540

Harder, B. N., Ross, C. J. M., & Paul, P. (2013). Instructor comfort level in high-fidelity

simulation. Nurse Education Today, 33(10), 1242-1245. 10.1016/j.nedt.2012.09.003


Hunt, C. W., Curtis, A. M., & Gore, T. (2015). Using simulation to promote professional

development of clinical instructors. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(8), 468-471.


Lavender, C. (2014). Code blue program provides virtual patient simulation education: LCC

nursing instructors use personal digital assistants to communicate. McClatchy - Tribune

Business News

Valizadeh, L., Amini, A., Fathi-Azar, E., Ghiasvandian, S., & Akbarzadeh, B. (2013). The effect

of simulation teaching on baccalaureate nursing students' self-confidence related to

peripheral venous catheterization in children: A randomized trial. Journal of Caring

Sciences, 2(2), 157-164. 10.5681/jcs.2013.019

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