Agriculture Lithosphere Hydrosphere Troposphere: Exosphere Mesosphere Stratosphere Thermosphere Agricultural Pollution

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 Agriculture is the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising

crops, and feeding, breeding and raising live stock or farming.

 The Lithosphere is the the solid portion of the Earth; the crust and upper mantle of
the Earth.
 The Hydrosphere is the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including
the water in the oceans and the water in the atmosphere.
 Composition of the troposphere: Nitrogen(N2) 78%, Oxygen(O2) 21%, Water
Vapor(H2O) 0.3-4.0%, Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 0.04%
 Composition of the Exosphere: Hydrogen(H2), some Helium(He), Carbon
Dioxide(CO2), and atomic oxygen.
 Composition of the Mesosphere: A little Carbon Dioxide (CO2), and a bigger
concentration of sodium(Na)
 Composition of the Stratosphere: Oxygen(O2), Ozone(O3), Methane(NH3), Water
Vapor(H2O), Nitrous Oxide(N2O)
 Composition of the Thermosphere: Is made of oxygen and nitrogen
 Causes of Agricultural Pollution:
1. Pesticides and Fertilizers: once they have been sprayed they don’t disappear
completely, some of them mix with the water and seep into the ground, the rest is
absorbed by the plant itself. As a result, the local streams that are supplied water from
the ground, become contaminated as well as the animals that eat this crops and
2. Contaminated Water
3. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation: Soil is formed by many layers and it’s only the
topmost layer that can support farming or grazing. Due to inefficient farming
practices, this soil is left open for erosion and leads to declining fertility each year.
4. Live Stock: The cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and other animal were fed natural diets
which were supplemented by the waste left over from the crops. As a result, the
animals contributed to keeping the farm healthy as well.
5. Pests and weeds: With the arrival of new crops, the native population has to deal with
new diseases, pests and weeds that are not capable of fighting. As a result, the
invasive species destroy the local vegetation and wild life, altering the ecosystem

Effects of Agricultural Pollution

1. Health related issues: The causes of health problems are; oil, degreasing agents, metals
and toxins; along with chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides
2. Effects on Aquatic Animals: Fertilizers, Ammonia and waste turn into nitrate that
reduces the amount of oxygen present in water which results in the death of many
aquatic animals
 Water Related Diseases:
1. Water Borne Diseases: Diseases caused my ingestion of water contaminated by human
or animal excrement which contain pathogenic microorganisms. Include cholera,
typhoid, amebic and bacillary dysentery and other diarrheal diseases
2. Water Washed Diseases: Diseases caused by poor personal hygiene, skin and eye
contact with contaminated water. This includes scabies, trachoma, typhus, and other
flea, lice and tick-borne diseases.
3. Water Based Diseases: Diseases caused by parasites found in intermediate organisms
living in contaminated water includes schistosomiasis and dracunculiasis.
4. Water Related Diseases: Are caused by insect vectors especially mosquitoes that
breed or feed near contaminated water. They are not typically associated with lack
access to clean drinking water or sanitation include dengue, filariasis, malaria,
onchocerciasis, trypanosomiasis and yellow fever.
 Water Contamination: Mining, Oil spilling, feces, solid waste, nuclear waste, over
fishing, global Warming, El niño and la niña, climate change, sonars
 Types of Soil:
1. Sandy Soil:
2. Clay Soil:
3. Silt Soil:
4. Peat Soil:
5. Chalk Soil:
6. Loam Soil:
 Hurricanes/Tornadoes: What can you do during a hurricane/tornado?, Scales,
Causes, Effects, What can you do to survive?

Tornadoes and Hurricanes pg 375


 Supercells originate tornadoes, can develop in the land and ocean, they last for several
hours, can have updrafts as strong as 240 km/h. happen in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma,
Arkansas, Missouri.
 Humidity, pressure, temperature, warm air from the gulf of mexico and the cold air from
Canada and the dry air from the deserts have a big role in the creation of tornadoes.
 A tornado is a violent, whirling column of air in contact with the ground. Before a tornado
reaches the ground, it is called a funnel cloud. Tornadoes are often associated with
supercells—the most severe thunderstorms. The air in a tornado is made visible by dust
and debris drawn into the swirling column, sometimes called the vortex, or by the
condensation of water vapor into a visible cloud.
 Tornadoes are measured by the Fujita scale by Theodore fujita from japan pg 378
 June, july, august tornadoe season

 Hurricanes(cyclones, typhoons)

Pg 381 stages:


mature (When wind speeds around the low-pressure center of a tropical depression exceed 65
km/h, the system is called a tropical storm. If air pressure continues to fall and winds around the
center reach at least 120 km/h, the storm is officially classified as a cyclone.)

Dissipation stage. (A hurricane will last until it can no longer produce enough energy to sustain
itself. This usually happens when the storm has moved either over land or over colder water.)

In 1967 Robert Simpson became the director of the National Hurricane Center and started
to look at the problem of communicating the forecasts to the public better. During 1968
Robert spoke to Herbert Saffir about work that he had just completed for the United
Nations, about damage to structures that was expected by winds of different strengths.
The scale was developed in 1971 by civil engineer Herbert Saffir and meteorologist Robert
Simpson, who at the time was director of the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC).The
scale was introduced to the general public in 1973, and saw widespread use after Neil
Frank replaced Simpson at the helm of the NHC in 1974.
The tropical storm doesn’t have an eye and a hurricane does and its in the form of a swirl

 What is a Tsunami? A tsunami is an unusually large sea wave produced by a seaquake

or undersea volcanic erosion or an earthquake
 The Atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth

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