Drama Story

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Read-Aloud Play

Circle the character you will play.
*Indicates large speaking role
Narrators 1 and 2
*Rishi [REE-shee]: a tutor
*Prince: a 9-year-old boy
*Rishika [ree-SHEE-kah]: a tutor
*Kambu [kam-BOO]: a turtle
Sister: Kambu’s sister
Brother: Kambu’s brother
Mother: Kambu’s mother
Father: Kambu’s father
*Sankat [sahn-KAHT]: a crane
*Vikat [vee-KAHT]: a crane
Aroun [ah-ROON]: a boy
Anya [AHN-yah]: a girl

CLOSE Comparing Characters As you
read this play, look for ways in which the
characters Prince and Kambu are similar.


Scene 1
Narrator 1: In faraway India, a royal prince
strolls along the shore of beautiful Dal Lake.
Narrator 2: His tutors, Rishi and Rishika, walk
alongside him.
Narrator 1: They try, with difficulty, to hold the
prince’s attention.

Narrator 2: It’s not easy, since their student
likes to do all the talking.

By Sari Bodi Rishi: Please, Prince, once again, how many

The Tale of the and Karen Trott sides does a triangle have?
Prince (not hearing): Just think, Rishi, someday

this kingdom shall be all mine.
Rishika: Indeed, Your Highness. But what about
our triangle?
Prince: This exquisite lake shall be mine too.

20 S T O R Y W O R K S S T O RY W O R K S . S C H O L A S T I C . C O M • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 21
Narrator 1: Rishi and Rishika each take a deep  ishi: No one answers Kambu.
R Rishika: Just then, two white cranes land
breath to help them remain patient. Kambu: Not another word for the whole entire from out of the sky.
Rishi: Perhaps, wise Rishika, instead of a math day, or the day after. What do you call that? Rishi: They are brother and sister birds,
lesson, we should tell the prince a Pan-cha- How about next-terday? named Sankat and Vikat.
tan-tra. Brother: Kambu! Enough! Sankat: Kambu, little friend! We just saw
Prince: A Pancha—what? It sounds like Kambu: Guess what, Sister. I just made up a fishing boats approaching. STATES
something to eat. Let’s talk about lunch! word! Next-terday. How about that? Vikat: Flee to the next cove, before you
Rishika: A Pan-cha-tan-tra, Your Grace, is an Sister (mumbles): Why can’t you just say get caught in their nets. EQUATOR
ancient fable from our land. tomorrow? Father (alarmed): That’s a long way for
Rishi: It’s a story within a story, in which animals Kambu: What do you think, Brother? our young turtles.
help teach a lesson. Brother: Stop chattering, Kambu. Mother: They can’t swim that far.
Narrator 2: The Prince doesn’t hear them. He Sister: Let us sleep. Rishika: The cranes have an idea.
sees something on the ground. Kambu: I can’t. There’s so much to talk about. Sankat: There’s a boat heading to the
India, in South Asia,
Prince (picking it up): Look, it’s a turtle! I hear Rishika: Kambu stretches his neck far out of his cove now. is home to many wonderful stories and fables.
they have very good balance. shell to look down at them. Vikat: It’s a shikara [SHIK-uh-ruh]. Just hang
Rishika: Oh yes, Prince. Sometimes they sleep or Kambu: You don’t get any sun, do you? I’m on on to the back, you’ll get carried along.
travel in a tall stack, one atop the other. top, so I get it all. Sankat: Quick, here it comes. Swim out now.
Rishi: It happens we know a story about just such Brother: Kambu, don’t lean or we’ll fall. Vikat: It’s about to pass by.
a turtle. Kambu: Look, I can see my neck’s shadow on Rishi: As the family of turtles swims to the
Rishika (nodding): And it’s a very special story, the log! shikara, Mongoose approaches.
just for you. Sister: Kambu, no! Mongoose: Hey, Kambu, where are you off to?
Prince (interested): Go on then. Rishi: But Kambu leans out farther, and the Kambu (stopping to talk): The next cove, away
stack of turtles begins to sway, then wobble, from the fishermen. Come on.

Scene 2 then crash! Mongoose: Ha, they don’t want to eat me. I’m
Rishi: One day, on this very shore, a little turtle Rishika: They all topple over into the thick not tasty enough.
named Kambu lies napping at the very top of a mud. Kambu (proudly): Well, I’m sure I am. Mother
stack. Rishi: Sister and Mother lie helpless, upside
Rishika: He sleeps on the back of his sister, and down.
beneath her sleeps their brother, and then Brother: Father, help! My shell is stuck in
their mother. the mud.
Rishi: And at the very bottom of the stack lies Sister: So is mine. And Mother’s!
their father, on a hollow log. Mother: Kambu, my son, will you
Rishika: The turtles snuffle quietly, all except for ever learn?
Kambu. Kambu (giggling): Look, now
Kambu (giggling): The sun is tickling my back. the sun is tickling all our
Brother and Sister: Shhhhh! tummies. Mother, what
Kambu (still giggling): What can I do? It tickles. makes the sun so warm?
What makes the sun so warm, Mother?
Mother: Not this again. Scene 3
Kambu: Father, can you tell me? What makes the Rishika: Father tips the
sun so— turtles back onto their
Father (interrupting): Kambu! Just go to sleep. feet.
Kambu: Please, answer me this one thing and I Rishi: Kambu continues to
promise I won’t say another word. chatter.

22 S T O R Y W O R K S S T O RY W O R K S . S C H O L A S T I C . C O M • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 23
Kambu (shouting): I’m a genius! imagine a turtle coming up with such a plan?
Rishika: Anya and Aroun laugh as Kambu
Scene 5 shivers and clamps down even harder on the
Rishika: After the cranes eat their fish, Kambu stick.
finds a stick and sets it before them. Anya (laughing): That turtle? Ridiculous!
Kambu: What if you each take Rishi: Kambu can’t take it another second. He
one end of this stick, just shouts out . . .
like you did with the fish? Kambu: THE STICK WAS MY
I can bite down on the IDEAAAAAAAAAAAA!
middle, and you can both Rishika: . . . and plummets into the water.
fly me to my family. Vikat: Sankat, look, I told you he couldn’t keep
Vikat: That’s a good idea. his mouth closed.
Sankat: No it’s not. Kambu can’t keep his mouth Sankat: No, Vikat, I was the one who said that!
closed long enough. Vikat: No, I said it. I did! I did!
Vikat: It’s true, Kambu. I doubt you could go ten Rishi: The cranes fly off, still squabbling.
seconds without talking. Rishika: Kambu swims toward the shikara.
Sankat: I doubt he could go five. Kambu: Mother! Father!
Kambu: Oh, but I can! I bet I could hold the Father: Oh, Kambu, my son, will you ever learn?
world record for not talking! Kambu (humbly): I think I just did.
Rishi: The cranes laugh but agree to give it a try.
Rishika: They each take one end of the stick in Scene 6
their beaks. Narrator 1: The prince sets down the little
Rishi: Kambu bites the stick in the middle, and turtle and looks up at his tutors.
off they go. Prince: That was a good story. But why did you
always says I’m very sweet. Scene 4 Rishika: They catch up to the shikara as it say it was just for me? I don’t talk much. I
Rishi: Mother calls out from the back of the Rishika: Kambu hears the white cranes reaches the cove. could name hundreds of people who say far
shikara. squabbling overhead. Rishi: Two children, Aroun and Anya, look up more. Besides, I’m a much better listener
Mother (worried): Kambu, where are you? Sankat: Let me get that fish, Vikat. from the boat. than Kambu.
Rishika: But Kambu doesn’t answer; he chatters Vikat: No, me, Sankat! Aroun: Anya, look at the cranes carrying that Narrator 2: Rishi and Rishika give each other a
away until Mongoose interrupts. Sankat: No, me! Look, Kambu’s still here. silly turtle. knowing look.
Mongoose: Enough talking, I have to move on. Kambu: Hello, Sankat—or Vikat. I’m not picky. Rishika: Kambu’s neck stiffens at being called Rishi: Prince, do you think little Kambu might
So do you. Either of you will do. “silly.” say something similar?
Rishi: Kambu looks out toward the lake. Vikat: Do for what, Kambu? Anya (looking about): Where, Aroun? Oh yes, Prince (laughing): Yes, I suppose so.
Kambu: What? Mother! Father! Do you see Kambu: To fly me out to the shikara. that turtle’s lucky to have such clever friends. Rishika: So can you guess what Kambu learned?
them, Mongoose? Sankat: What? We’re not strong enough to Rishi: Kambu’s jaw starts to quiver. He tries not Prince (thinks for a bit): Ah, I know. Sometimes
Mongoose (shading his eyes): They’re way, way carry a turtle. to listen. it is best just to listen, and not say anything
out. Looks like you missed the shikara! Vikat: Even a small one like you. Aroun: Yes, Anya, such smart birds. Can you at all. n
Rishika: Mongoose slips away as the fishing Sankat: Besides, we’re after a fish. There it is!
boats close in. Rishi: The white cranes dive for it at the same WRITE TO WIN
Kambu: Oh, why did Mongoose make me stop time. How is the prince similar to Kambu? Why do you think Rishi and Rishika told
and talk? It’s not my fault I’m so interesting. Rishika: Sankat snatches the head of the fish, him the story about Kambu? Answer in a well-written essay and send it
Now what will I do? and Vikat grabs the tail. to “Turtle Contest” by November 1, 2016. Ten winners will each receive FIND AN
Rishi: Kambu pulls his arms, legs, and head into Rishi: As Kambu watches, they carry the fish to a copy of Millicent Min, Girl Genius by Lisa Yee. See page 2 for details. ACTIVITY
his shell and begins to shiver. shore. Kambu gets an idea. ONLINE!

24 S T O R Y W O R K S S T O RY W O R K S . S C H O L A S T I C . C O M • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 6 25

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