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Nama :Wildan Prastyo

NIM :F14140117


Human factor is very important in machinery design. Please explain and give an


I think it is true. Every human is diverent in thinking. Make a machinery design

need a creativity. Creativity is the key. If they cant be creative, they can make a
good design. Think out of the box. Be diverent with the other, because it can
make a choice. If you done to think the design, you should draw it. Skill drawing
is important. Not only in a paper, you should draw the design in a portable
drawing or a software drawing. For example corel, autocad, and many more. Not
all human can do it. So, this skill is very important. Many people have a trouble in
this case. They can think what they would make. But, they have trouble with
drawing. For example, they will make a farming machine design. Creative in think
to make a design. If you done to think what will you make, draw it in a paper. If
you done, draw it in a software. It is hard, not every people can do it. Make a
design isnt easy. So, be creative and have many skill to draw, you can make a
good design.

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