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Vežbanka iz predmeta

Engleski jezik I
Fakultet za poslovne i finansijske studije
Milena Mićić, prof. engleskog jezika i književnosti

Student: .............................................................................

Predavaĉ Milena Mićić, prof.

Univerzitet za poslovne studije

Kabinet profesora br. 211 (drugi sprat)

Jovana Duĉića 23a

78 000 Banja Luka

Tel: + 387 (0)51 248 357


Konsultacije moguće radnim danom od 9 do 13h.

Preporuĉuje se kontakt telefonom ili mejlom pre dolaska.

Predispitne obaveze studenata – maksimalno 70 poena:

- Aktivnosti u toku predavanja – 15 poena

- Praktiĉna nastava – 15 poena
- Seminarski rad (na BHS jeziku uz primere na engleskom iz oblasti
grmatike ili na engleskom iz struĉne oblasti (samo za studente koji dobro
poznaju engleski jezik)) – 20 poena (10 rad + 10 odbrana)
- Kolokvijumi (gramatika i vokabular sa predavanja) – 20 poena

Usmeni ispit – maksimalno 30 poena:

- 100 osnovnih fraza sa BHS jezika na engleski – eliminatorno.

- Struĉni tekstovi (ĉitanje, prevod, diskusija) + reĉnik sa BHS na engleski.

I Basic everyday English revisited (greetings, introductions, simple application forms).

Present Simple Tense (to be), Demonstratives............................................................4

II What do you do. Nationalities, languages and Countries. Present Simple Tense.

III Recruitment and Selection. Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Plural of Nouns.

IV Job Hunter puts CV on billboard. Expressing quantity (much, many, some,any)

V At the hotel. Past Simple Tense. Comparison of Adjectives.

VI At the Restaurant. Articles. Prepositions of Time and Place.

VII At the Airport.


1. Osnovne fraze na engleskom jeziku

2. Struĉne skraćenice

3. Lista najĉešćih nepravilnih glagola

4. Primer prvog kolokvijuma

5. Napomene za pisanje seminarskih radova

6. Korisni linkovi za samostalno uĉenje


Hello/Hi. Zdravo/Ćao.
Good morning. Dobro jutro.
Good afternoon. Dobar dan.
Good evening. Dobro veĉe.
Good night. Laku noć.
Welcome to Banja Luka! Dobro došli u Banjaluku!


Hello. My name`s Ana.

Hello. I`m Ana.

This is my colleague Petar. Ovo je moj kolega Petar.

These are my colleagues Marija and Ana.
Ovo su moje koleginice Marija i Ana.
Pleased/Nice/Glad to meet you. Drago mi je što smo se upoznali/upoznale.
simple application forms).

Other phrases

Thank you! Thanx! Ta! Hvala!

Here you are! Izvolite!
You`re welcome! No problem! Don`t mention it! Not at all! It`s my pleasure! Nema na

Application Form (Prijava)

Faculty The Faculty of Financial and Business Studies

Last name Marković
Family name
First name Marko Ana
Gender (pol) Male (muški) Female (ţenski)
Marital status Single (neoţenjen) Married (udata)

POTVRDAN OBLIK: am, are, is

1. I am (I’m) - Ja sam We are (we’re) - Mi smo

2. You are (you’re) - Ti si You are (you’re) - Vi ste
3. He (she, it) is - On(ona, ona) je They are (they’re) - Oni su
(he’s, she’s , it’s )

ODRIĈAN OBLIK: am not, are not, is not

1. I am not (I’m not) - Ja nisam We aren’t - Mi nismo

2. You are not (aren’t) - Ti nisi You aren’t - Vi nisite
3. He (she, it) is not (isn’t) - On (ona, ono) nije They aren’t - Oni nisu

UPITNI OBLIK: am (are, is) + subject

1. Am I? Da li sam ja...? Are we? Da li smo mi...?

2. Are you? Da li si ti...? Are you? Da li ste vi...?
3. Is he (she, it)? Da li je on/ona/ono? Are they? Da li su oni...?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Da, jesam.
Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Ne, nisam.

What’s your name? Kako se zoveš?
Where are you from? Odakle si?
How old is she? Koliko godina ima ona?

What does public house mean?

Demonstratives (Pokazne zamenice i pridevi)

This – Ovaj, ova, ovo (This book – ova knjiga)

These – Ovi, ove (These books – ove knjige)

That – Onaj, ona, ono (That book – ona knjiga)

Those – Oni, one (Those books – one knjige)


1. This....... my colleague Marko.

2. These............. my friends – Marko and David.
3. How ...... you? Fine, thank............
4. What ..........your address?
5. I .......... a student.
6. He is ........ teacher.
7. Welcome ..... the Balkans!

'I work for a large European car maker. I work on car design. In fact, I manage a
team of designers. Fifty people work under me. It is very interesting. One of my
responsibilities is to make sure that new model designs are finished on time. I am
also in charge of (responsible for) design budgets. I deal with a lot of different
people in the company. I am responsible for co-ordination between design and

Here are some phrases with 'work and job':

/I Hi. I'm Ana. I work in a bank in London . It's a nine-to-five job. I start work at 9
every morning. I go to work by bus and by car. I don`t work in shifts.
I get to / arrive at work at about nine. I'm usually at work till six. I finish work at 4. I
work full-time and you work part-time.

work, v. – raditi; work for – raditi za nekog, work on- raditi na, work under
work in shifts – raditi u smenama
work, n. rad (nebrojiva imenica)
worker, n. radnik ( - er nastavak često ukazuje na vršioca radnje – designer,
manager, itd)
office worker - službenik
maker, n. - proizvođač
out of work – ne radi (za osobe) – He is out of work.
out of order – ne radi (za mašine) – The lift is out of order.
at work – na poslu
job,n. – posao (brojiva imenica)
a full-time job – posao sa punim radnim vremenom
a part-time job – posao sa skraćenim radnim vremenom
a permanent job – stalni posao
a temporary job – privremeni posao
large, adj. – veliki
interesting, adj. interesantan
Europe /ˈjʊə.rəp/ – Evropa
European /ˌjʊə.rəˈpiː.ən/ - evropski
manage, v. – upravljati
responsibility, n. – odgovornost
responsible for/in charge of – odgovoran za
deal (with), v. – raditi sa, nositi se sa
different, adj. – različit
people, n. – ljudi (množina od person – osoba)
between, prep. – između (dve stvari ili dvoje ljudi)
production, n. proizvodnja
company, n. kompanija, preduzeće
produce, v. proizvoditi
producer, n. proizvođač

Dodatni vokabular: big, large (veliki), small, little (mali); want, v. želeti, hteti
register, v. registrovati se; cancel the meeting – otkazati sastanak
week, n. sedmica, a week – sedmično; month – mesec, a month
– mesečno
Izražavanje oduševljenja/odobravanja: good, nice, great, fantastic, awesome
Izražavanje razočaranja/neodobravanja: awful, horrible, terrible

Verb + to + infinitive (Glagol + to + infinitiv)

I want to go. (Ja) hoću/ţelim da idem.

I don`t want to register. Neću da se registrujem.
Do you want to cancel the meeting? Hoćeš li da otkaţeš sastanak?

Nationalities, countries and languages

Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnian (Bosanac/Bosanka, bosanski)

Serbia Serbian (Srbin/Srpkinja, srpski)
Croatia Croatian (Hrvat/Hrvatica, hrvatski)
Russia Russian (Rus/Ruskinja, ruski)
Italy Italian (Italijan/Italijanka, italijanski)
Germany (Nemaĉka) German (Nemac/Nemica, nemaĉki)
Great Britain (GB) British (Britanac/Britanka, britanski)
The United Kingdom (the
Spain (Španija) Spanish (Španac/Špankinja, španski)
Japan Japanese (Japanac/Japanka, japanski)
China (Kina) Chinese (Kinez/Kineskinja, kineski)
France (Francuska) French (Francuz/Francuskinja, francuski)

Adults – odrasli
Children - deca
Seniors – stariji (graĊani)

Present Past Future

Simple + + +

Continuous + + +

Perfect + + +

Perfect + + +

- 3 vremena (sadašnje, prošlo i buduće)

- 12 vremeskih oblika (u aktivu)



Potvrdni oblik I(you/we they) work. Ja He(she, it) works . On

radim. radi.
Odriĉni oblik I(you/we they) don`t He(she, it) doesn`t work.
work. Ja ne radim On ne radi.
Upitni oblik Do I(you/we they) work? Does He(she, it) work ?
Da li ja radim? Da li on radi?


1. Na većinu works, sleeps,

glagola - s
2. Na glagole Watches,
koji se passes, relaxes,
završavaju rishes Upotreba: za radnju koja se ponavlja
na – ch, -s, - ĉešće ili reĊe.
sh, - x, - z. Every day (svaki dan), never (nikad),
rarely, seldom (retko), sometimes
(ponekad), usually (obiĉno), often
3. Na glagole Study – studies (ĉesto), always (uvek), once a week
koji se (jednom sedmiĉno), twice a month
završavaju (dvaput sedmiĉno), on Sundays
na –y (a (nedeljom)
ispred y je
4. Nepravilni do – does, go –
oblici goes, have – has,
be – am, is, are.

I Napišite odriĉno i upitno.

1. I am a student and a very good cook.

2. I am from Banjaluka.
3. Maria is my collegue.
4. This is a nice house.
5. These are my colleagues.
6. I cook French food.
7. We smoke.
8. It is big/small.
9. People live here.
10. This is my bedroom.
11. I play the drums.
12. He is very quiet and friendly.
13. It is £150 a month.
14. Jane is next and the last.
15. I have a dog.

II Glagole u zagradi stavite u Present Simple Tense. ............. (cook)?

This ........... (be) great.
I ..................... (not have) a printer.
.......... he ............. (smoke)?
My colleague and I ................ (be) at home.
Ana ............. (love) John.
Where ............. (live)?
Who ...............(work) for?
Where (be)?
Where ............. your boss ............. (go) on holiday?

Pogledajte prvu epizodu serije:

Reĉ koju verovatno nikad niste uĉili u školi:

Cheers – Hvala i doviĊenja. Ĉesto se koristi u Belikoj Britaniji i Australiji.

Cheers, mate!

Recruitment and selection

The process of finding people for a job is recruitment or, in American English, hiring.
A company may recruit employees directly or use employment agencies. The
company employs or hires them. They join the company.

'We advertise in national newspapers. We look at the backgrounds of applicants:

their experience of different jobs and their educational qualifications. We invite the
most interesting candidates to a group discussion. Then we have individual
interviews with candidates. After this, we shortlist three or four candidates. We check
their references: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their
applications. If the references are OK, we ask the candidates to come back for more
interviews. Finally, we offer the job to someone and if they turn it down we have to
think again. If they accept it, we hire them. We only appoint someone if we find the
right person.'

Harry is an economist. He saw a job in the national papers. He made an application,

sending in his CV (curriculum vitae - the 'story' of his working life) and a covering
letter explaining why he wanted the job and why he was the right person for it.

BrE: CV; AmE: resume or resume

BrE: covering letter; AmE: cover letter


recruit/hire, v.n. regrutovanje, regrut

recruitment, n. – regrutovanje
select, v. odabrati
selection, n. – selekcija, odabir
process, n. proces
find, v. naći
employ, v. – zaposliti
employment, n. zaposlenje
employer, n. poslodavac
employee, n. zaposleni
Employment Agency – Biro rada
train, v. obuĉavati
trainer, n. trener, onaj koji vrši obuku
trainee, n. pripravnik
join, v. pridruţiti se
use/ju:s/, n. upotreba
use /ju:z/ v. upotrebiti, koristiti
user - korisnik
user name – korisniĉko ime
advertise, v. oglašavati
advertisement (advert, ad) – oglas
apply for a job – aplicirati za posao
application form – prijava
applicant – aplikant
news – vesti
newspapers – novine
experience, n. iskustvo
educational qualifications – struĉna sprema
interview – razgovor
check, v. proveriti
reference, n. referenca, preporuka
turn down – odbiti
appoint, v. imenovati
CV (résumé), n. – radna biografija
covering letter , n. propratno pismo

economist, n. ekonomista
economics. n. ekonomija (nauka)
economy, n. provreda


That’s lame

When to use it: When something is stupid, un-original, or lifeless.

Add-ons: That's lame as fuck (to add emphasis).
Usage Notes: Informal. Lame used to mean gimpy. Like a lame duck that can't
walk very well because of a physical impairment. But now it's more commonly
used to express dissatisfaction with something or someone.
• "I burnt the food."

Pogledajte drugu epizodu serije:

Countable and uncountable nouns
(Brojive i nebrojive imenice)

Brojive (mogu se brojati, imaju oblik mnoţine, uz njih se moţe upotrebiti

neodreĊeni ĉlan a/an)

a book – knjiga
a meeting - sastanak
a printer – štampaĉ
a client - klijent
an economist - ekonomista
an idea - ideja
an interview - razgovor
an office - kancelarija

Nebrojive (ne mogu se brojati, nemaju oblik mnoţine, uz njih ne upotrebljava

neodreĊeni ĉlan a/an)

coffee (ali u neformalnom govoru: Can I get you a coffee?)

sugar (ali: How many sugars (= spoonfuls or lumps of sugar) do you take
in your tea?)

Brojive i nebrojive (zavisi od znaĉenja)

a glass of water (ĉaša vode), glass (staklo)

a paper (novine), paper (papir)

Plural of Nouns (Mnoţina imenica)

Pravilna mnoţina

a map Two maps

a colleague Two colleagues
an orange Five oranges
a box Ten boxes
a watch Twenty watches
(imenice koje se završavaju na – o, -s, -
sh -x, -z, -ch)
a country (imenice koje se završavaju na A lot of contries
– y)
A wife (imenice koje se završavaju na – f, wives

Nepravilna mnoţina (nema nastavka – (e)s)

a man (muškarac) men (muškarci)

a woman (ţena) women (ţene)
a child (dete) children (deca)
a person (osoba) people (ljudi)


I Sledeće rečenice stavite u množinu.

1. This my colleague.
2. She is a student.
3. My book is in the box.

II Ispred imenica stavite neodređeni član (a,an) . Ukoliko je imenica nebrojiva,

precrtajte prazno mesto.


Job hunter puts CV on billboard


A French man with no job tried a new way to get one. He put his CV on a billboard
next to a busy road. It was four metres long. It showed the man wearing a Santa
Claus hat. His message said: "Trilingual operations manager seeks position in hotels,
restaurants, tourism and leisure." About 70,000 people a day saw the CV. Laurent Le
Bret, 41, said: "All I want for Christmas is a job." His idea worked. He got a job at a
holiday resort ten days later.

The billboard company helped Mr Le Bret. It gave him the space for free. Mr Le Bret
saved 2,000 euros (about $2,700) because he did not have to pay. The company's
CEO spoke to the France 24 news agency. He said it was an interesting idea and he
wanted to help Mr Le Bret. He said he was happy it worked and that Mr Le Bret got a
job. Many people contacted Mr Le Bret. They want to do the same thing. There are
3.3 million people in France looking for a job.


try. v. probati
get, v. dobiti
get a job – dobiti posao
put, v. staviti
busy road – prometan put
show, v. prikazivati
wear a hat – nositi šešir
trilingual, adj, koji govori tri jezika
leisure /ˈleʒ.ər/ /ˈliː.ʒɚ/, n. slobodno vreme, dokolica, zabava
holiday resort – odmatalište
space, n. – prostor
give, v. dati
save, v. uštedeti, saĉuvati
safe, n/adj. sef /bezbedan
pay, v. platiti
contact, v. kontaktirati
the same thing – ista stvar
look for a job – traţiti posao
CEO – glavni izvrsni direktor
For free – besplatno

Pogledajte treću epizodu serije:


I have a dog. Imam (jednog) psa.

I have two dogs. Imam dva psa.

Mnogo – much, many, a lot of, a lot, plenty

A lot of – uglavnom u potvrdnim reĉenicama
Much/many – uglavnom u odriĉnim i upitnim (much + nebrojiva imenica, many +
Many + imenica u obliku mnoţine (many dogs)
Much + imenica u obliku jednine (much money)
Koliko? How much/how many

There are............... books.

There aren`t…………. books.
Are there …………..books?
How ……… money have you got?
How ………. pens have you got?

Malo – few, little

Malo ali dovoljno – a few, a little

(a) few + imenica u obliku mnoţine (few dogs)

(b) little + imenica u obliku jednine (little money)

I have, so I can make us some.

I have, so I can`t make us any.
There are .............people here, so we can make a party.
There are.............people here, so we can`t make a party.

SOME/ANY (oznaĉavaju neodreĊeni broj ili neodreĊenu koliĉinu, ĉesto posle izraza
there is/there are (ima, postoji nalazi se) i glagola have (got))

Some – uglavnom u potvrdnim reĉenicama (izuzetak: kada nekome nešto nudimo, ili
nešto traţimo – Would you like some coffee? Can I have some coffee, please)

Any – u odriĉnim i upitnim reĉenicama.


1. I would like ............. oranges, please.

2. Have you got ........... brothers or sisters?
3. I don`t have ……… ……. money.
4. Give me .......... water, please!
5. Would you like .............tea?
6. There are .......... books on the table.
7. There aren`t .............. books on the table.
8. Are there ............books on the table?

Conversation 1
Mike: I'd like a room for two people, for three nights please.
Hotel Receptionist: Ok, I just need you to fill in this form please.
Hotel Receptionist: Do you want breakfast?
Mike: Yes, please.
Hotel Receptionist: Breakfast is from 7 to 10 each morning in the dining room.
Here is your key. Your room number is 345, on the third floor. Enjoy your stay.
Mike: Thank you.

Conversation 2
Lisa: I'd like a room please.
Hotel Receptionist: Do you have a reservation?
Lisa: No, I don't.
Hotel Receptionist: How many nights?
Lisa: Two nights, please.
Hotel Receptionist: For two people?
Lisa: Yes.
Hotel Receptionist: Do you want breakfast?
Lisa: No, thank you.
Hotel Receptionist: Ok, that will be $210. Do you want to pay now, or when you
check out?
Lisa: I'll pay now.
Hotel Receptionist: Can you fill this in, and sign here please.
Hotel Receptionist: Thank you. Here is your receipt and your key. You are in room
231, on the second floor.

Leaving the Hotel

Mike: I'd like to check out please.

Hotel Receptionist: What room number?
Mike: 231.
Hotel Receptionist: That's $250 please.
Mike pays the hotel receptionist.
Hotel Receptionist: Thank you. Sign here please. Have a good journey.
Mike: Thank you.

I`d like – I would like – Ja bih ţeleo

Room - soba
Fill in this form, please. Popunite ovaj formular, molim Vas.
Dining room – trpezarija
Enjoy your stay! Prijatan boravak!
Pay – platiti
Check out – odlazak, napuštanje
Sign here, please. Potpišite ovde, molim Vas.
Here is your receipt /risi:t/. Izvolite raĉun (potvrdu o plaćanju).
Here is your key /ki:/. Izvolite kljuĉ.
Bill, check – raĉun (obraĉun)
On the second/third floor – na drugom/trećem spratu
Have a good journey! Srećan (ugodan) put!

How do you say .... in English?

1. predjelo - ........................................
2. divljaĉ - ...........................................
3. kuvano meso - ........................................
4. kuvano vino - .......................................................
5. ratluk - .............................................

Pogledajte ĉetvrtu epizodu serije:


Present Past Future

Simple + + +

Continuous + + +

Perfect + + +

Perfect + + +

- 3 vremena (sadašnje, prošlo i buduće)

- 12 vremeskih oblika (u aktivu)



I work in shifts. I worked in shifts.
Radim u smenama. Radila sam u smenama.
I don`t work in shifts. I didn`t work in shifts.
Ne radim u smenama. Nisam radila u smenama.
Do you work in shifts? Did you work in shifts?
Da li radiš u smenama? Da li ste radili u smenama?


Every day, always, often, sometimes, Yesterday, last week, ago, in 2010,
rarely, never, once a week When I was a child

Veţbe (Past Simple Tense):

1. Where (be) last night?

2. Where (buy)that dress?
3. When I was seven, I ...................... (go) swimming every day.
4. I ................ (watch) TV last night.
5. Ana ........................ (not see) him yesterday.


Tip prideva Pozitiv Komparativ Superlativ

KRATKI tall (visok) taller (viši) the tallest (najviši)
nice (fin) nicer (finiji)
big (veliki) bigger (veći)
happy (srećan) happier (srećniji)
DUGI expensive (skup) more/less the most/the least
expensive expensive
(skuplji/manje (najskuplji/najmanje
skup) skup)
NEPRAVILNI good (dobar) better (bolji) the best (najbolji)
bad (loš) worse (lošiji) the worst (najlošiji)
far (dalek) farther (dalji – the farthest (najdalji
prostorno) – prostorno)
further - dalji the furthest

On je viši od mene. Moj auto je skuplji od tvog.
He is taller than me. My car is more expensive than yours.

Oni su najviši u grupi. On je najbolji student.

They are the tallest in the group. He is the best student.

1. His house is ........................ (far) than mine.
2. She is .....................(lucky) in the world.
3. This film is .......................... (exciting) than the book.
4. The Nile is generally regarded as ........................ (long) river in the world.
5. The Tara River Canyon is .................... (deep) river canyon in Europe.

At the Restaurant

Waiter: Can I help you?

Lisa: A table for two please.
Waiter: This way.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Lisa: Yes, we'll have the chicken with vegetables, and the vegetable pasta please.
Waiter: Anything to drink?
Lisa: Just some water please.

After the Meal

Waiter: Can I get you anything else? Coffee? Dessert?
Lisa: No, just the bill please.

Making a Reservation

Mike: I'd like to make a reservation for 2 people on Friday night.

Waiter: What time would you like?
Mike: 8:00.
Waiter: We don't have anything available at 8:00. Is 7:30 ok.
Mike: Yes, that's fine.
Waiter: Your name, please?
Mike: Mike Smith.
Waiter: Ok, Mr Smith. We'll see you at 7:30 on Friday.
Mike: Thank you. Bye.
Waiter: Goodbye.

Waiter – konobar
Meal - obrok
Can I help you? Izvolite.
This way. Ovuda.
Are you ready to order? Da li ste spremni da naruĉite?
We`ll have….Uzećemo...
Chicken – piletina
Vegetables – povrće
Pasta – testenine
Anything to drink? Nešto za piće?
dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/ - poslastica
bill – raĉun
available – dostupno
We`ll see you ….Videćemo se…

Peta epizoda serije:

Truffles - tartufi

Pogledajte petu epizodu serije:

How do you say ….in English?

1. predjelo - ........................................
2. divljaĉ - ...........................................
3. kuvano meso - ........................................
4. kuvano vino - .......................................................
5. ratluk - .............................................

S obzirom na to da u našem jeziku ne postoji kategorija ĉlana, za pravilnu upotrebu
ĉlanova u engleskom jeziku potrebno mnogo veţbe i ĉitanja. Ovde se navedene
samo najopštije i najvaţnije napomene.

U engleskom jeziku postoje dva ĉlana:

- NeodreĊeni (indefinite) – a, an (potiĉe od one)

- OdreĊeni (definite) – the (potiĉe od that)

NeodreĊeni ĉlan se koristi ispred imeniĉkih sintagmi koje su na bilo koji naĉin
neodreĊene – prvi put pomenute ili nepoznate slušaocu/ĉitaocu. Pošto je potekao od
broja jedan, koristi se samo ispred brojivih imenica u jednini.

I see a man. Vidim (nekog) ĉoveka.

I need an artist. Treba mi umetnik.

OdreĊeni ĉlan se koristi ispred imeniĉkih sintagmi koje su na bilo koji naĉin
odreĊene – već su ranije pomenute, jedinstvene ili poznate slušaocu/ĉitaocu. Koristi
se i u jednini i u mnoţini. Ispred reĉi koja poĉinje na samoglasnik u izgovoru ĉita se
kao /ði:/ - the end.

I see a man. The man is wearing glasses.

- ispred velikih geografskih površina (reka, planinskih venaca, drţava i ostrva u

obliku mnoţine, pustinja, itd)

Nulti ĉlan – Ĉlanovi se obično ne koriste ispred:

- vlastitih imenica (Maria, John, Belgrade, France) – izuzetak The Hague

- imenica u mnoţini kojima govorimo o uopštenim pojavama (Flowers are
- nebrojivih imenica (I like milk).


IN - u

In the office – u kancelariji

in the room – u sobi/prostoriji
in the morning – ujutru
in the afternoon – popodne
in the evening – uveĉe
in June – u junu
in Bosnia – u Bosni
in 2013
in the photo – na fotografiji
in the world – na svetu
in English – na engleskom

ON - na
on the desk – na stolu
on Monday – u ponedeljak
on 7th August – sedmog avgusta
on the phone – na telefonu

AT – u, na, kod, pored

at home – kod kuće
at work – na poslu
at the door – na vratima
at the bus stop – na autobuskom stajalištu
at 7 o`clock – u 7 sati
at 22 Cavendish Road

UNDER - ispod

under the desk – ispod stola

NEXT TO - pored

next to the bank – pored banke


Good afternoon, passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to
Rome. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any
passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have
your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in
approximately ten minutes` time. Thank you.

Assistant: Hello. Are you flying to St. Martin today?

Passenger: Yes, I have my ticket here.
Assistant: Great. I'll need to see your passport as well.
Passenger: I have an e-ticket. this the part you need?
Assistant: Actually I just need your name and I can find you on the computer.
Passenger: Oh OK. It's Bates. Frank Bates.
Assistant: Great. Here we are. Oh, you're traveling with an infant today.
Passenger: Yes, my daughter Mia. She's 14 months.
Okay. I'll need to see your daughter's birth certificate to prove that
she is under two years of age.
Here you are. Say, would we be able to get an aisle seat? I may have
to walk her around if she gets fussy.
Assistant: Sure. I'll put you near the washroom too.
Passenger: Thanks. Can I take my stroller to the gate?
Yes, we'll check it in the over-sized luggage after you board. Are
you just checking these two bags today?
Passenger: Yes, I'll take my backpack as my hand luggage.
Assistant: Did you pack these bags yourself?
Passenger: Yes.
Okay. Here is your boarding pass. Be at the gate one hour prior to
boarding time. You will be able to preboard because you are
Assistant: traveling with an infant. Our flight crew will have some special
instructions for take-off and landing.

passenger – putnik
boarding – ukrcavanje
announcement – objava, vest
fly, v. leteti (flew, flown)
flight, n. let
Rome – Rim
invite – pozvati
assistance – pomoć
begin – poĉeti
require – trebati, traţiti
regular – uoĉajeni
approximately – otprilike
passport – pašoš
infant – dete
birth certificate – izvod iz matiĉne knjige roĊenih
prove – dokazati
aisle /ail/ seat – sedište do prolaza
stroller – kolica
gate – izlaz
luggage/baggage – prtljag
backpack – ranac
hand luggage – ruĉni prtljag
crew /kru:/ - posada
take – off – poletanje
landing – sletanje

Pogledajte šestu epizodu serije:

1. Good morning! Dobro jutro!
2. Good afternoon! Dobar dan!
3. Good evening! Dobro veĉe!
4. Excuse me! Izvinite (Kada ţelimo da privuĉemo paţnju)
5. Sorry! Izvinite (Kada se izvinjavamo zbog neĉeg uĉinjenog).
6. Pleased/Glad/Good/to meet you. Drago mi je što smo se upoznali.
7. Thank you all for coming. Hvala vam svima što ste došli.
8. Here is your key. Izvolite (Vaš) kljuĉ.
9. Here is your receipt. Izvolite raĉun.
10. Keep the change! Zadrţite kusur!
11. Have a nice day! Prijatan dan!
12. Have a safe trip! Srećan put!
13. Take care! Ĉuvajte se (kao pozdrav)
14. Say hello to Ana! Pozdravi Anu!
15. Follow me, please! PoĊite sa mnom, molim Vas!
16. Text me or e-mail me, please! Pošaljite mi poruku ili imejl, molim Vas!
17. Send us your price list, please. Molim Vas pošaljite nam cenovnik.
18. Take the lift/the stairs. Idite liftom/stepenicama.
19. Turn left/right. Skrenite levo/desno.
20. Go straight on. Idite pravo.
21. Let`s begin, shall we? Da poĉnemo?
22. Welcome to Banjaluka! Dobro došli u Banjaluku!
23. Staff only. Samo za zaposlene.
24. Out of order. Ne radi (npr. lift)
25. Rare, medium or well – done? Malo peĉeno, srednje ili reš?
26. Still or sparkling? Negaziranu ili gaziranu?
27. Single or return? U jednom pravcu ili povratna (karta)?
28. Departures/ Arrivals/Customs. Odlasci/Dolasci/Carina.
29. Expected/landed/cancelled/delayed. Oĉekuje se/sleteo/otkazan/kasni (avion)
30. Your passport and ticket, please! Vaš pasoš i kartu, molim!
31. Please turn off all mobile phones and electronic devices. Molimo Vas iskljuĉite
sve mobilne telefone i elektronske ureĊaje.
32. I am fine. Dobro sam.
33. I am free all day. Slobodna sam ĉitavog dana.
34. I am hungry. Gladna sam.
35. I am thirsty. Ţedna sam.
36. I am twenty- five (years old). Imam dvadeset pet godina.
37. I`m afraid I won`t be able to make it on Saturday. Naţalost ne mogu doći u
38. I am sorry I am late. Ţao mi je što kasnim.
39. I am calling about ...Zovem zbog ...
40. I have a reservation for today. Imam rezervaciju za danas.
41. I need a pencil. Potrebna mi je olovka.
42. I need to get to the airport. Treba da stignem na aerodrom.
43. I think you are right/wrong. Mislim da ste u pravu/ da grešite.
44. I would like to book two seats on the next flight to New York. Ţelela bih da
rezervišem dve karte za sledeći let za Njujork.
45. I don`t know. Ne znam.
46. I don`t understand. Ne razumem.
47. I don’t smoke. Ne pušim.
48. I don`t mind. Svejedno mi je.
49. Are you OK? Da li ste dobro?
50. Are you sure? Da li ste sigurni?
51. Are you busy? Da li ste zauzeti?
52. Are you cold? Da li Vam je hladno?
53. Are you here on business or vacation? Jeste li ovde poslom ili na odmoru?
54. Are there any questions? Ima li pitanja?
55. You`re welcome! Nema na ĉemu (Odgovor na zahvaljivanje).
56. My boss is in his office. Moj šef je u svojoj kancelariji.
57. This is Ana Pavić from Samsung. Ovde Ana Pavić iz Samsunga (telefonsko
58. These are my colleagues. Ovo su moje kolege.
59. That`s confidential. To je poverljivo.
60. That’s very kind of you. To je veoma ljubazno od Vas.
61. It`s urgent. Hitno je.
62. It`s raining. Pada kiša.
63. It`s snowing. Pada sneg.
64. Monday is fine by me. Moţe u ponedeljak.
65. What do you think about this? Šta Vi mislite o ovome?
66. What do you do? Ĉime se baviš?
67. What are you doing? Šta radiš (sada)?
68. What`s new? Šta ima novo?
69. What is the purpose of your trip? Business, study or pleasure? Koja je svrha
Vašeg putovanja? (na aerodromu) Posao, studiranje ili odmor?

70. What`s your address/phone number? Koja je Vaša adresa? Koji je Vaš broj
71. What`s your seat number? Koji je broj Vašeg sedišta?
72. What`s the weather like? Kakvo je vreme?
73. What time is it? Koliko je sati?
74. What time is check-out? U koliko sati je odjavljivanje (iz hotela)?
75. Who`s calling, please? Ko zove, molim Vas?
76. Who’s that man over there? Ko je onaj ĉovek tamo?
77. Where are you? Gde ste?
78. Where are you from? Odakle ste?
79. Where are you flying to? Kuda letite?
80. How would you like to pay? Kako biste ţeleli da platite?
81. How much is it? Koliko to košta?
82. How do you spell it? Kako se to piše?
83. How are you? Kako ste?
84. How old are you? Koliko imate godina?
85. How long does the flight take? Koliko traje let?
86. Can I help you? Mogu li Vam pomoći?
87. Can I have a glass of water, please? Mogu li dobiti ĉašu vode, molim Vas?
88. Can I speak to Mr Johnson, please? Mogu li razgovarati sa gospodinom
Dţonsonom, molim Vas?
89. Can I ask you something? Mogu li nešto da Vas pitam?
90. Can you sign here, please? Moţete li potpisati ovde, molim Vas?
91. Do you have an appointment? Imate li zakazano?
92. Do you have the time? Imate li sat?
93. Do you have anything to declare? Imate li nešto za carinu?
94. Do you mind if I open the window? Da li Vam smeta da otvorim prozor?
95. Did you get my fax? Da li ste dobili moj faks?
96. Would you like some coffee? Da li biste ţeleli kafe?
97. Anything to drink? Ţelite li nešto da popijete?
98. With reference to your enquiry of ... U vezi sa Vašim upitom o ...
99. We regret to inform you that ... Sa ţaljenjem Vas obaveštavamo da...
100. We would like to place an order for... Ţelimo naruĉiti ...

Irregular verbs (nepravilni glagoli)

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

be (biti, jesam) was/were been
see (videti) saw seen
have (imati) had had
do (raditi) did done
go (ići) went gone
take (uzeti) took taken
give (dati) gave given
make (praviti) made made
meet (sresti) met met
get (dobiti) got got

cut (seći) cut cut

put (staviti) put put
hit (udariti) hit hit
hurt (povrediti) hurt hurt
read /ri:d/ (ĉitati) read /red/ read /red/
come (doći) came come
become (postati) became become

break (razbiti) broke broken

speak (govoriti) spoke spoken
choose (izabrati) chose chosen
drive (voziti) drove driven
write (pisati) wrote written
ride (jahati) rode ridden

catch (uhvatiti) caught caught

teach (predavati) taught taught
think (misliti) thought thought
fight (boriti se) fought fought
buy (kupiti) bought bought
bring (doneti) brought brought

build (sagraditi) built built

send (poslati) sent sent

sleep (spavati) slept slept

feel (osećati) felt felt
pay (platiti) paid paid
say (reći) said said


Economics (ekonomija) is the study of how money works and is used.

Economy (privreda) is the state of a country or region in terms of the production and
consumption of goods and services and the supply of money.

Related adjectives: a profitable activity is economic; an unprofitable one is

uneconomic. If something is economical, it is cheap to buy, to use or to do. If not, it
is uneconomical.

A full-time job (posao sa puim radnim vremenom) is for the whole of the normal
working week; a part-time job (posao sa skraćenim radnim vremenom)
is for less time than that. You say that someone works full-time or part-time.
A permanent job (stalni posao) does not finish after a fixed period; a temporary job
(privremeni posao) finishes after a fixed period.

Management and administration

A company's most senior managers usually work in its head office (direkcija) or
headquarters (HQ). Some managers have their own individual offices, but in many
businesses, most employees work in open-plan offices: large areas where many
people work together. Administration or, informally, admin, the veryday work
supporting a company's activities, is often done in offices like these by administrative
staff or support staff. For example, those giving technical help to buyers ofthe
company's products are in technical support.

Personnel and human resources

In larger organizations there is a human resources department (kadrovsko
odeljenje) (HRD) that deals with pay, recruitment, etc. Another name for this
department is the personnel department.

An entrepreneur (preduzetnik) is someone who starts or founds or establishes their

own company. Someone who starts a company is its founder. An entrepreneur may
found a series of companies or start-ups. Entrepreneurial is used in a positive way to
describe the risk-taking people who do this, and their activities. Some entrepreneurs
leave the companies they found, perhaps going on to found more companies. Others
may stay to develop and grow their businesses.

The market, the free market and market economy describe an economic system
where prices, jobs, wages, etc. are not controlled by the government, but depend on
what people want to buy and how much they are willing to pay.

The fr Pous are product: deciding what to sell price: deciding what prices to charge
place: deciding how it will be distributed and where people will buy it
promotion: deciding how the product will be supported with advertising, special
activities, etc. A fifth P which is sometimes added is packaging: all the materials used
to protect and present a product before it is sold. The four Ps are a useful summary
of the marketing mix, the activities that you have to combine successfully in order to
Goods (roba) can refer to the materials and components used to make products,
or the products that are made.

Products that are not branded, those that do not have a brand name, are generic
products or generics (generiĉki proizvodi).

Mass market (masovni marketing) describes goods that sell in large quantities and
the people who buy them. For example, family cars are a mass market product. A
niche or niche market (marketing trţišnih niša) is a small group of buyers with
special needs, which may be profitable to sell to. For example, sports cars are a
niche in the car industry.

An asset (sredstvo, aktiva) is something that has value, or the power to earn
money. These include: current assets (tekuća sredstva): money in the bank,
investments that can easily be turned into money, money that customers owe, stocks
of goods that are going to be sold, fixed assets (osnovna sredstva): equipment,
machinery, buildings and land, intangible assets (nematerijalna sredstva): things
which you cannot see. Assets such as machinery and equipment lose value over
time because they wear out, orare no longer up-to-date. This is called depreciation
or amortization.

Liabilities (pasiva, obaveze, dugovanja) are a company's debts to suppliers, lenders,

the tax authorities, etc.

Balance sheet (bilans stanja)

A company's balance sheet gives a picture of its assets and liabilities at the end of
a particular period, usually the 12-month period of its financial year. This is not
necessarily January to December.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization that intends to supervise

and liberalize international trade (Svetska trgovinska organizacija – STO)

International Monetary Fund (IMF) – MeĊunarodni monetarni fond (MMF)


1. The Present Simple Tense – graĊenje i upotreba

2. The Present Continuous – graĊenje i upotreba
3. The Present Simple i The Present Continuous – upotreba i razlike
4. The Present Perfect i The Present Continuous – upotreba i razlike
5. The Present Perfect – graĊenje i upotreba
6. The Present Perfect Continuous – graĊenje i upotreba
7. The Present Perfect i The Present Perfect Continuous – upotreba i razlike
8. The Past Simple Tense – graĊenje i upotreba
9. The Past Simple i The Past Continuous – upotreba i razlike
10. The Past Simple i The Present Perfect – upotreba i razlike
11. The Past Simple i The Past Perfect – upotreba i razlike
12. The Past Continuous and The Past Perfect Continuous
13. The Past Perfect i The Past Perfect Continuous – upotreba i razlike
14. Glagolski oblici za izraţavanje buduće radnje
15. Glagolski oblici za izraţavanje radnje u sadašnjosti
16. Glagolski oblici za izraţavanje radnje u prošlosti
17. Mnoţina imenica
18. Ĉlanovi u engleskom jeziku
19. OdreĊeni ĉlan u engleskom jeziku
20. PoreĊenje prideva
21. Prilozi – graĊenje i poreĊenje
22. Brojevi
23. Kondicionalne reĉenice
24. Pasiv
25. Indirektni govor

NAPOMENA: Za struĉne teme koje student ţeli da piše na engleskom jeziku,

potrebno je obratiti se mejlom predavaĉu. Rad koji je piše na engleskom, mora
se i braniti na engleskom.


Seminarski rad iz predmeta Engleski jezik je deo predispitnih obaveza svakog

studenta. Ukoliko je tema rada iz oblasti gramatike, rad se piše na našem jeziku uz
primere na engleskom (za studente koji procenjuju da im je trenutno znanje
engleskog jezika nedovoljno). Teme iz struĉnih oblasti, koje se obraĊuju na
engleskom jeziku, moţe uzeti samo student sa dobrim znanjem engleskog

Rad treba da pokaţe znanje i razumevanje teme, kao i poznavanje forme pisanja
seminarskog rada.

Rad mora da ima: naslovnu stranicu odgovarajuće forme, sadrţaj, uvod, centralni
deo, zakljuĉak i literaturu.

Cilj pisanja uvoda je da se ĉitalac uvede u temu rada i zainteresuje. U uvodu se

iznos i precizira problem, te ukazuje na obim i granice liĉnog istraţivanja, kao i na
razloge koji su podstakli studenta da predmet obraĊuje. Definišu se eventualni
termini i primenjeni metod i ukazuje na osnovne izvore informacija.

Zakljuĉak predstavlja sintezu onog što je prethodno analizirano. Pre pisanja

zakljuĉka, potrebno je proĉitati rad, zabeleţiti znaĉajne taĉke i naglasiti ih u zakljuĉku
drugaĉijim, snaţnijim formulacijama. Zakljuĉci moraju logiĉki proizilaziti iz prethodnog
izlaganja. U zakljuĉku se i eventualno ukazuje na dalje mogućnosti istraţivanja, te na
pitanja koja su još ostala da se obrade.

Rad se piše fontom Times New Roman/Arial 12.

Posebnu paţnju treba obratiti na navoĊenje literature. Evo primera navoĊenja

literature u APA stilu (znaci interpunkcije, kurziv, redosled podataka):

Popović Lj. (2001): Gramatika engleskog jezika sa vežbanjima. Beograd: Zavet

Ukoliko pišete na našem jeziku, veoma je vaţno da rad bude napisan u skladu sa
pravopisnim i stilskim pravilima, ekavicom ili ijekavicom. Nedopustivo je mešanje
ekavice i ijekavice, kao i nerazlikovanje slova ĉ, ć, Ċ, š, ţ.

Rad se pre štampanja moţe poslati mejlom na kako bi

predavaĉ dao sugestije za eventualna poboljšanja. Pošto se preda u štampanom
obliku, rad se ne moţe menjati. Rad se usmeno brani na predavanjima na jeziku
kojim je pisan.

Useful links:

1. - free online dictionary

2. - If you want to understand English fast and
learn fast, read two articles or more a day. You can improve your reading
and listening quickly when you read easy English news. If you use this
website every day, you can learn around 3,000 words.
3. - FREE, Interactive & Printable English
Lessons 7 in LEVELS.


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