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DICOM Tags Used By Phoenix Modality Worklist

Below are the DICOM Tags Available For Use By Our Modality Worklist

Phoenix PatientID or Alternate PatientID:

• (0010,0020) PatientID
• (0010,1000) Alternate PatientID *Future Release
• (0010,1002) Alternate PatientID SEQUENCE *Future Release

CPT Code
• (0008, 0100) Code Value
• (0008, 1032) Procedure Code Sequence
• (0032, 1064) Requested Procedure Code Sequence
• (0040,1001) Requested Procedure ID
• (0040,0009) Scheduled Procedure Step ID
• (0040,0100) Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence

Study Description
• (0008,1030) Study Description
• (0010,4000) Patient Comments
• (0032, 1030) Reason for Study
• (0032, 1060) Requested Procedure Description
• (0040,0007) Scheduled Procedure Step Description
• (0040,1002) Reason for the Requested Procedure
• (0040, 2001) Reason for the Imaging Service Request

Patient Date of Birth

• (0010, 0030) Patient's Date of Birth

Study Comments
• (0032, 4000) Study Comments (Retired but Almost All Machines Still Can Use It)
• (0040,0400) Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step
• (0040,2400) Imaging Service Request Comments
• (0040,1400) Requested Procedure Comments

Updated: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:41:57 GMT
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• (0080,0060) Modality

Patient Name
• (0010,0010) Patient Name

Patient's Sex
• (0010,0040) Patient's Sex

Provider Name or Alternate Provider

• (0032, 1032) Requesting Physician
• (0040, 0006) Scheduled Procedure Performing Physician's Name
• (0080, 0090) Referring Physician's Name
• (0080, 1050) Performing Physician's Name
• (0080, 1060) Name of Physician Reading Study

Study Date
• (0008,0020) Study Date
• (0040,0002) Scheduled Procedure Date Start Time
• (0040,0003)Scheduled Procedure Date Start Date

Study ID
• (0020,000D) Study Instance UID

Coding Scheme Designator

• (0008,0103) Coding Scheme Designator set as SNM3
Updated: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:41:57 GMT
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