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Using Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Sentences

I. Learning Objectives

 Use prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentences

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Using Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

B. References: PELC II 7.6
C. Materials: charts, pictures, organizers, sample lesson plan in English
6 based on B.E.R.C. pp. 164–166

Value Focus: Bravery

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Play this game together with pupils.

Look at Me
Look around the room. Where are the books?
Where do you place your things? money?
Where are your pictures? the board?

B. Development of the Lesson


Let the pupils listen to this story and answer the questions that follow
Two Heroes

On the eve of July 2, 1993, the whole country was shocked when news
spread that the pagoda, a floating shrine of Bocaue, sank. This Pagoda was
used in the fluvial procession to celebrate the feast of Bocaue patron saint
“Krus ng Wawa.”
In this tragedy, two young Scouts brave deed outshone all scenarios of
the most devastating disaster that ever happened in the history of Bocaue.
They are Scouts Sahjid S. Bulig and Richard Celestino, both active scouts of
Troop 564 sponsored by Bambang Elementary School, Bocaue, Bulacan.
Richard, Sahjid’s best friend and survivor of the tragedy, narrates that he
was at home when his mother arrived crying and broke the news that the
Pagoda was sinking. He was told to go to the scene and find out if his three
sisters were among those who were on board the Pagoda. It was dark when
he reached the place. Luckily, a search light was provided. He swam across
the lighted portion of the water and boarded at the left side of the sinking
Pagoda. There he found himself beside his friend who was standing at the
center of the platform. Suddenly, he saw Sahjid dive into the water and swim
towards the opposite riverbank with a small girl with him. Richard also jumped
toward his friend’s direction saving a small girl and a boy. Sahjid continued
diving until he saved five more lives, all small children. When Richard sensed
danger, he stopped diving and warned Sahjid not to dive anymore but his
friend continued diving. It was in his seventh attempt that he did not appear
The next morning Sahjid’s dead body was retrieved from the deep muddy
river. He was probably pinned down by the drowning victims.
On October 31, 1993, the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of
the Philippines presented the Gold Medal of Honor (Posthumous) and Silver
Medal of Honor to Scouts Sahjid S. Bulig and Richard H. Celestino respectively,
in recognition of their courage and heroism in saving the lives of small

1. Whose floating shrine is the Pagoda?

2. Where was it used?
3. What were the people of Bocaue celebrating?
4. What school sponsored Troop 564?
5. Where was Sahjid’s best friend when he heard the news about the
6. Where in Bulacan did the incident happen?
7. Upon hearing the news, where did Richard go?
8. Where did he swim and board?
9. Whom did Richard find beside him?
10. Where was Sahjid standing?
11. Where did he dive and swim?
12. Where was Sahjid’s body retrieved?
13. What kind of boys were Sahjid and Richard? Why do you say so?
14. As young boys and girls, how can you show courage in times of
Answers: 1. floating shrine of Bocaue, Bulacan
2. in the fluvial parade
3. feast of their patron saint
4. by Bambang Elementary School
5. at home
6. Bocaue
7. to the scene
8. across the lighted portion of the water and boarded at the
left side of the sinking pagoda
9. Sahjid
10. center of the flatform
11. towards the opposite riverbank
12. from the deep muddy water

Each phrase is made up of a preposition, its object and the modifiers.

Analysis and Discussion

Preposition could be made up of one word or two or more words.

Single-Word Preposition

about before by down among

through beyond inside outside over
near about without into at
during throughout behind upon within
beneath of across below with
toward beside for between by
into along besides around from
in under among until on

Compound Preposition

according to instead of In spite of prior to

aside from in addition on top of along with
because of in front of out of
by means of in place of despite of

 A preposition is a word that relates a noun or pronoun to another word

in a sentence.
 A preposition, its object, and modifier of the object make up a
prepositional phrase.
 Sometimes, prepositions have two or more objects. We call these
compound objects. The noun or the pronoun that follows the
preposition which relates to another word in the sentence is called the
object of the preposition.
 A prepositional phrase is made up of the preposition, the object of the
preposition, and all the words in between.
 If the prepositional phrase is used as an adjective describing a noun or
pronoun, it is an adjective prepositional phrase.
 If the prepositional phrase is used as an adverb modifying a verb, an
adjective, or another adverb, it is an adverb prepositional phrase.

C. Post Activities


Pick out the prepositional phrase from the sentence. Tell if it is used as
an adverb or an adjective.

Example: Two days before my birthday, the garden was swept clean
of fallen leaves.

Answer: of fallen leaves – adjective

1. A little boy ran up the slide.

(up the slide – adverb)

2. The twins with identical dresses enjoyed playing badminton.

(with identical dresses – adjective)

3. The park in front of the church is full of children.

(in front of the church – adverb)

4. The woman in a blue dress is my mother.

(in a blue dress – adjective)

5. They sat on the benches the park

(on the benches – adverb)

Divide the class into three groups A, B, and C. Let group A encircle the
prepositional phrase and group B to identify the phrase as adjective or
adverb. Group C will change the prepositions to prepositional phrases.

Groups A and B

1. Mrs. Lopez sits in front of the class.

2. The fragrance of the colorful flowers attracted the butterflies.
3. The fence around the school needs repair.
4. A person with a sense of humor is a good companion.
5. The guest was requested to deliver an inspirational talk.

IV. Evaluation

Pick out the prepositional phrases and determine if they are used as an
adjective or adverb in the following sentences. Write them on a piece of

1. The children ran around the Marquinton Mall.

2. The little kids play in the game zone.
3. Nikka and Darlene were angry at the driver.
4. Objects inside the spaceship float.
5. The pupil beside the teacher is the class orator.

V. Assignment

Write a short paragraph. Describe your room at home. Use the following
prepositions and expressions.

to the north in the back outside

to the left/right in the middle of along
parallel to under inside

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