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Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Dimitris Benis, Manolis Vavalis, Elias Houstis

University of Thessaly & CERETETH

September 12, 2010

Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Table of Contents

1 Introduction
Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

2 Design and Implementations

3 Services Offered and Usage

4 Synopsis and Future Plans

Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

LAPACK: Continuously evolving project which provides high

quality numerical linear algebra routines that are
widely used (100 millon total accesses - 120 on
09/09/2010) .
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

LAPACK: Continuously evolving project which provides high

quality numerical linear algebra routines that are
widely used (100 millon total accesses - 120 on
09/09/2010) .
Software as a Service (SaaS): A software application delivery
model where someone develops a web-native software
application and hosts and operates the application
for use over the Internet.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

LAPACK: Continuously evolving project which provides high

quality numerical linear algebra routines that are
widely used (100 millon total accesses - 120 on
09/09/2010) .
Software as a Service (SaaS): A software application delivery
model where someone develops a web-native software
application and hosts and operates the application
for use over the Internet.
Web applications: Simple applications which run on the web, are
built around the Web browser standards and can
mostly be used by any browser on any platform.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Software systems designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. (W3C)
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Software systems designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. (W3C)
Programmatically available application logic exposed over the
Internet [Papazoglou]
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Software systems designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. (W3C)
Programmatically available application logic exposed over the
Internet [Papazoglou]
Provide interoperability between various software applications
running on disparate platforms.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Software systems designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. (W3C)
Programmatically available application logic exposed over the
Internet [Papazoglou]
Provide interoperability between various software applications
running on disparate platforms.
Use open standards and protocols (text-based where possible,
for easy comprehention.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Software systems designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. (W3C)
Programmatically available application logic exposed over the
Internet [Papazoglou]
Provide interoperability between various software applications
running on disparate platforms.
Use open standards and protocols (text-based where possible,
for easy comprehention.
Can be accessed via standard Internet communication
protocols (HTML, XML, SOAP) working through firewalls.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Software systems designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. (W3C)
Programmatically available application logic exposed over the
Internet [Papazoglou]
Provide interoperability between various software applications
running on disparate platforms.
Use open standards and protocols (text-based where possible,
for easy comprehention.
Can be accessed via standard Internet communication
protocols (HTML, XML, SOAP) working through firewalls.
Allow software and services from different organizations and
locations to be combined easily into integrated services.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

Web Services (WS) take Web applications to the next level

Software systems designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. (W3C)
Programmatically available application logic exposed over the
Internet [Papazoglou]
Provide interoperability between various software applications
running on disparate platforms.
Use open standards and protocols (text-based where possible,
for easy comprehention.
Can be accessed via standard Internet communication
protocols (HTML, XML, SOAP) working through firewalls.
Allow software and services from different organizations and
locations to be combined easily into integrated services.
Allow reuse of services & components within an infrastructure.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Web Services

WS technologies & standards layered cake

Orchestration -BPEL4WS
Processes Choreography -CDL4WS

Quality of WS-Relayability WS-Security ...

Exploit the Features of the Electronic
Discovery Business using XML (ebXML) Registry

Use the Web Services Description Language

Description (WSDL) to describe our services

use messages that follow the Simple Object

Access Protocol (SOAP) standard
Message use the rules of the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) standard

Transport HTTP, JMS, ...

Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

Current situation
Download the library, compile and build the library
Might take some (significant?) effort, but you do it only once.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

Current situation
Download the library, compile and build the library
Might take some (significant?) effort, but you do it only once.
Select the proper method/routine
Might be challenging, unless you have the knowledge.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

Current situation
Download the library, compile and build the library
Might take some (significant?) effort, but you do it only once.
Select the proper method/routine
Might be challenging, unless you have the knowledge.
Link with the library, call the routine from your code and run
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

Current situation
Download the library, compile and build the library
Might take some (significant?) effort, but you do it only once.
Select the proper method/routine
Might be challenging, unless you have the knowledge.
Link with the library, call the routine from your code and run
Where? When? Maybe you need more power than your
desktop/server provides.
Proposed paradigm
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

Current situation
Download the library, compile and build the library
Might take some (significant?) effort, but you do it only once.
Select the proper method/routine
Might be challenging, unless you have the knowledge.
Link with the library, call the routine from your code and run
Where? When? Maybe you need more power than your
desktop/server provides.
Proposed paradigm
Select the proper web service available
Might be challenging, unless you have a clear Service Level
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

Current situation
Download the library, compile and build the library
Might take some (significant?) effort, but you do it only once.
Select the proper method/routine
Might be challenging, unless you have the knowledge.
Link with the library, call the routine from your code and run
Where? When? Maybe you need more power than your
desktop/server provides.
Proposed paradigm
Select the proper web service available
Might be challenging, unless you have a clear Service Level
Bind to the service and use
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
How to benefit from LAPACK

Current situation
Download the library, compile and build the library
Might take some (significant?) effort, but you do it only once.
Select the proper method/routine
Might be challenging, unless you have the knowledge.
Link with the library, call the routine from your code and run
Where? When? Maybe you need more power than your
desktop/server provides.
Proposed paradigm
Select the proper web service available
Might be challenging, unless you have a clear Service Level
Bind to the service and use
How difficulty this might be?
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Overall Objective: Investigate the possibility of merging collections

of high quality scientific computing software and high
performance computing infrastructure into
appreciatively reusable, value added web
computational systems.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Overall Objective: Investigate the possibility of merging collections

of high quality scientific computing software and high
performance computing infrastructure into
appreciatively reusable, value added web
computational systems.
Specific Short Term Objective: Implemented a set of web services
out of selected commonly used LAPACK routines and
offered them publicly.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Overall Objective: Investigate the possibility of merging collections

of high quality scientific computing software and high
performance computing infrastructure into
appreciatively reusable, value added web
computational systems.
Specific Short Term Objective: Implemented a set of web services
out of selected commonly used LAPACK routines and
offered them publicly.
Specific Long Term Objective: Evolve the existing system
prototype into a web computational platform capable
of serving most of the computational linear algebra
needs in an integrated, convenient and time and cost
reducing manner.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Related Efforts
No activities dedicated to HPC web services few years ago
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Related Efforts
No activities dedicated to HPC web services few years ago
Sporadic, isolated efforts for mathematical web services
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Related Efforts
No activities dedicated to HPC web services few years ago
Sporadic, isolated efforts for mathematical web services
Most related to our work
M. Dayd, A. Hurault, and M. Pantel. Semantic-based service
trading: application to linear algebra. Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on High Performance Computing for
Computational Science, pp. 622 – 633, 2007.
H. Astsatryan, at all. A grid-aware web portal with advanced
service trading for linear algebra calculations. Proceedings of
the 8th International Conference High Performance Computing
for Computational Science, pp. 150 – 159, 2008.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services

Related Efforts
No activities dedicated to HPC web services few years ago
Sporadic, isolated efforts for mathematical web services
Most related to our work
M. Dayd, A. Hurault, and M. Pantel. Semantic-based service
trading: application to linear algebra. Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on High Performance Computing for
Computational Science, pp. 622 – 633, 2007.
H. Astsatryan, at all. A grid-aware web portal with advanced
service trading for linear algebra calculations. Proceedings of
the 8th International Conference High Performance Computing
for Computational Science, pp. 150 – 159, 2008.
No operational & publicly available set of HPC web services
are available.
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Design and Implementations

which can be accessed
in several different ways,
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Design and Implementations

which can be accessed
in several different ways,
through most of the widely used programming languages and

Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Design and Implementations

which can be accessed
in several different ways,
through most of the widely used programming languages and
under diverse usage scenarios (see
ranging from humans using Web-based graphical user
interfaces to automatic invocation at run-time. We currently
offering (while we are still beta-testing) our web services on a
desktop computer, on a DELL cluster of total of 48 cores and
on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and the
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Design and Implementations

c o u t << ” H e l l o w o r l d ! ” ;
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Services Offered and Usage

On-Line Demo
Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Synopsis and Future Plans

Lapack-WS: Offering LAPACK routines as Web Services
Synopsis and Future Plans

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