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Chapter 4

Conclusion and Recommendation

From the data and discussion, it is proper to conclude that the objectives of the

experiment were achieved. Physical properties for the water sample such as temperature, pH,

turbidity, and conductivity are obtained from the tests conducted.

The experiment results tell us that most of the water sampling points have water that is

alkaline in nature, having pH greater than 7. This indicates that the water is affected by different

human activities; another factor that may have contributed to this alkalinity is the rock and soil

composition through which the water flows. The high conductivities and high turbidity values

indicate that the water sample is not for drinking purposes.

The experiment shows that differences in polluted and unpolluted streams can be

determined using the physical parameters obtain. The different water sample taken from the

different sampling points gave different yet close results. From these correlations, it can be

concluded that the activities of people from these different areas are related to water content of

the water samples. If human activities such as industry, bathing, washing of clothes, etc, are done

in these areas, it will affect the water more, making it more polluted. The results above shows

then what possible human activities and attitudes make these water samples have those certain


It is highly recommended that some precautions should be taken in order to reduce errors

in this experiment. Seal the sample to prevent further oxygen dissolving in. Then, it is

necessarily to shake the water sample before running the tests to ensure that there are no

compound that may settle and be perfectly mixed. Next, do not let the bottle left opened to air

without cover. Make sure that the apparatus is clean prior to use to avoid error. Understand the
procedure on how to use the device related to the experiment is the most important step in order

to get precise results

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