Kitrana Ir'lironne: Commented (1) : Serena / Sir Raina Commented (2) : Are Kyle

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Kitrana ir'Lironne

Born in Arcanix, Aundair in 973 YK to Sirena (Human, noblewoman) and Commented [1]: Serena / Sir Raina

Arkeil (dark blue Tiefling, instructor of Time and Fate magic) ir’Lironne, Commented [2]: Are Kyle

Kitrana “Kit” ir’Lironne grew up a Tiefling (with a skin colour a bit darker than
the shade of a forget-me-not and a set of teeth that are a little sharper than
average, just enough to be noticeable and perhaps a tad unnerving when she
smiles -- this is a point of pride when it comes to duels and fights when the
opportunity arises to smirk at someone bc she’s a dramatic lil fuck). Kit lived
in the care of her happily married parents for seven years, at the end of which
Sirena took her aside and informed her that, should she be willing, she would
be going to live as a ward of the ir’Cassok family in the city of Sharn. They
would take good care of her, Sirena and Arkeil promised, and they would
keep in frequent contact with her.

Kit, reluctant at first, agreed to her parents’ request, but upon her arrival
in the City of Towers, all was forgotten when she took in the sights to be seen
in what would be her home for the next thirteen years. The ir’Cassok family
were excellent hosts; their twin sons (Perin and Artel) were a little over two
years her seniors, one of whom proved an excellent tutor in the art of
swordsmanship a number of years after Kit‘s arrival (Perin preferring to fight
with only his body), and their daughter (Terra) , five years her junior, turned Commented [3]: Monk

out to be a fantastic little sister, who tended more toward the magical arts
than the martial.

Under Artel’s instruction and over the course of years of sparring, Kit
developed her own fighting style, her flashy tendencies more performative
than his fairly direct approach to hitting things. Still, her light steps and quick
jabs proved just as deadly as his heavy blows, and eventually she progressed
to the point where the two reached an impasse while sparring more often
than not. When this point came, Artel declared his ‘little baby sister’ no longer
in need of his help.
Sparring and shopping were far from Kit’s only activities in Sharn under
the supervision of the ir’Cassok family. When she turned twelve, her parents
asked her to keep an eye on the political state of the city, particularly with the
Last War beginning to come to a head. She sat, observing quietly as an
honourary ir’Cassok and meeting contacts a bit lower down in the city to pass
off information when needed or possible.

One thing Kit wasn’t quite expecting was the strange extent of loyalty
she began to feel for her guardians. As time passed, she began to consider
the ir’Cassok family a very real second family, one that had looked after her
even longer than her biological parents. That isn’t to say, of course, that she
loved Sirena and Arkeil any less, but even reporting back to her contacts
began to feel just a little bit like a betrayal after a couple years. Life with four
parents and three siblings is rough, man.

Now, in 998, Kit is approaching the age of 25 and, following a brief leave
of absence to visit her parents back at Arcanix, is four years into a ‘Real Job’
with the ir’Cassok family. She has received instruction from her superiors to go
to the Church of the Silver Flame, where Ophelia Incendia ir Tjera claims that
her brother Feuren attacked it, and her In Game Story begins with whatever
fuckery Rudy has planned. ((Oh and believe me there will be fuckery))


7 | 17 | 12 | 12 | 12 |16



TOTAL: 7 | 22 | 12 | 12 | 10 | 20

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