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Sophia B Packard

Aaron Hines | MOS Period 6 | 22 February 2018

Section One

1 - All the women that wanted education.

2 - Salem Massachusetts on a map.

Early Years

• Born January 3, 1824

• Born in New Salem Massachusetts

• Her childhood was hard due to the discrimination for being a women and the racism for being a
colored women

• Went to rural schools to learn and teach finally graduating from Female Seminary in
Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1850

• An early experience she had was the ability to teach others

Section Two

3 - College still stands to this day to show her actions weren't for nothing
4 - Like many other great inspirations she had a dream, a dream for change.


• Famous for opening college for women

• She is famous because this was the first women only college

• She contributed to others by giving them the knowledge others wouldn't

• Biggest obstacle was discrimination

Section 3
5 - Sophia B Packard and her closest friend Herriet E Giles

6 - Packard in her late years


• Also lived in Atlanta

• She was never married

• She never had kids

• Her whole life was devoted to her dream

• She was a teacher and a student

• She taught as she learned new things

• She was given no rewards but was recognized only

• Died in Washington DC on June 21, 1891

Effects and Influences

Sophia B Packard was a light for many. She gave the knowledge that women deserved but weren't given
because of their gender and color. She lead by example like many great people to follow your dreams no
matter the challenge. Thus many women wanted to expand their knowledge going all over the world in
need of newer experiences as well. Previously her college was closed due to lack of funding but inspired
others so they helped with funds creating the college still standing to this day.
Group Stack
Works Cited
“Sophia B. Packard.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 2 Apr. 2014,

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