Three Phase 20restrained SEL 787

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Model Number SLP1 Threshold Test SLP2 Threshold Test

SEL‐ 787 Minimum IRT = 1.30 Minimum IRT = 3.10

Selected IRT = 2.00 Selected IRT = 4.00
Relay Settings SLP1 Threshold Values SLP2 Threshold Values
W1CT = WYE Current Magnitude (A) Angle (deg) Current Magnitude (A) Angle (deg)
W2CT = WYE IAW1 7.32 0 IAW1 15.67 0
CTR1 = 80 IBW1 7.32 ‐120 IBW1 15.67 ‐120
CTR2 = 160 ICW1 7.32 120 ICW1 15.67 120
MVA = 28 IAW2 5.49 ‐210 IAW2 9.70 ‐210
VWDG1 = 34.5 IBW2 5.49 ‐330 IBW2 9.70 ‐330
VWDG2 = 13.8 ICW2 5.49 ‐90 ICW2 9.70 ‐90
W1CTC = 0 SLP1 Initial Values SLP2 Initial Values
W2CTC = 1 Current Magnitude Angle Current Magnitude Angle
TAP1 = 5.86 IAW1 7.32 0 IAW1 15.67 0
TAP2 = 7.32 IBW1 7.32 ‐120 IBW1 15.67 ‐120
O87P = 0.3 ICW1 7.32 120 ICW1 15.67 120
SLP1 = 25 IAW2 6.86 ‐210 IAW2 10.67 ‐210
SLP2 = 60 IBW2 6.86 ‐330 IBW2 10.67 ‐330
IRS1 = 3 ICW2 6.86 ‐90 ICW2 10.67 ‐90
Application Guide Volume IV AG2013-25

Three-Phase Restrained Differential Element

Testing for the SEL-387 and SEL-787
Larry Wright

The instruction manuals for the SEL-387 and SEL-387A Current Differential and Overcurrent
Relays give directions for performing single-phase testing of the restrained differential element.
The application guide “Single-Phase Testing of the SEL-787 Differential Element” (AG2011-09),
available at, gives similar instructions for the SEL-787 Transformer
Protection Relay.
Some users prefer to perform three-phase testing of the restrained differential element.
Three-phase testing requires injecting currents different in both magnitude and angle from
single-phase test currents. This application guide provides instructions for selecting the proper
currents to inject in order to test the SLP1 and SLP2 settings using three-phase testing.
The Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet available for download with this application guide is provided
to assist users in calculating test points for these tests.


The operate current (IOP) for Slope 1 (SLP1) is defined in terms of the restraint current (IRT) as
IOP = IRT • (1)
For the two winding currents IW1 and IW2, IOP and IRT are calculated as follows:
 
= IW1 + IW2
IOP (2)
 
IW1 + IW2
IRT = (3)
where the value of k is as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Value of k in the Restraint Characteristic

Relay k
SEL-387, SEL-387A, SEL-387E 2
SEL-787 1

Date Code 20141231 SEL Application Guide 2013-25


The first step in the SLP1 test is to determine an acceptable restraint value. The selected test point
restraint value must be greater than the intersection of SLP1 and the minimum operate restriction,
O87P. Below this restraint value, the relay does not operate on SLP1. The restraint value also
must be less than IRS1, the breakpoint between SLP1 and SLP2. Therefore, the restraint value
selected for a test point must meet the following criteria:
O87P • < IRT < IRS1 (4)
The magnitudes of the expected currents for Winding 1 and Winding 2 at the restrained
differential element SLP1 threshold for the selected test point (IRT) are then calculated.
The magnitude of the Winding 1 test current in amperes is calculated as follows:
 SLP1  k
IW1 IRT • 1 +  • • TAP1 (5)
 100 • k  2
The magnitude of the Winding 2 test current in amperes is calculated as follows:
 SLP1  k
IW2 IRT • 1 −  • • TAP2 (6)
 100 • k  2
Angles must be calculated for the test point currents based on the current transformer (CT)
compensation settings. If PHROT = ABC, the value ANGW2 is calculated as follows:
ANGW2 ( CTC1 − CTC2 ) • 30° − 180° (7)
If PHROT = ACB, the value ANGW2 is calculated as follows:
ANGW2 ( CTC2 − CTC1) • 30° + 180° (8)
The final SLP1 threshold test points depend upon PHROT, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Values of Test Points Based on PHROT

Injected Current PHROT = ABC PHROT = ACB
IAW1 IW1∠0° IW1∠0°
IBW1 IW1∠–120° IW1∠120°
ICW1 IW1∠120° IW1∠–120°
IBW2 IW2∠(ANGW2 – 120°) IW2∠(ANGW2 + 120°)
ICW2 IW2∠(ANGW2 + 120°) IW2∠(ANGW2 – 120°)

Any calculated angle can be adjusted by 360° or –360° as needed for test set ranges.
Calculate the Winding 2 initial current for the test using the following equation:
 TAP2 
IW2init = IW1 •   (9)
 TAP1 
Equation (7) determines the current necessary for zero operating current (IOP = 0) given the IW1
calculated in (3).

SEL Application Guide 2013-25 Date Code 20141231


Caution: The continuous rating of the current inputs is 3 • Inom. If any current in this test
will exceed this rating, either reduce the TAPn values as needed or reduce the
test length to stay within specifications and prevent possible damage to the input
Inject the three-phase currents shown in Table 2 for IW1 and IW2, using IW2init as the initial
current for IW2. Decrease the magnitude of IW2 for all three phases until the 87R1, 87R2, and
87R3 elements assert.


The SLP2 test is very similar to the SLP1 test. The procedure is the same, but calculating the test
points is slightly more complicated. The reason for the difference is that the SLP1 line runs
through the origin and therefore does not have an offset term. However, SLP2 does have an offset
such that it intersects SLP1 at IRS1. Therefore, SLP2 is only active for a restraint value greater
than IRS1, and the test point must meet the following criterion:
IRT > IRS1 (10)
The value of IOP that corresponds to the selected IRT for SLP2 is calculated as follows:
SLP2  SLP1 − SLP2 
=IOP • IRT + IRS1•   (11)
100  100 
Similar to the SLP1 test, two currents are required to generate the desired combination of operate
and restraint current. The magnitude of the Winding 1 test current in amperes is calculated as
  SLP2   SLP1 − SLP2   k
IW1 =  IRT • 1 +  + IRS1•    • • TAP1 (12)
  100 • k   100 • k  2
where the value of k is as shown in Table 1.
The magnitude of the Winding 2 test current in amperes is calculated as follows:
  SLP2   SLP1 − SLP2   k
IW2 =  IRT • 1 −  − IRS1•    • • TAP2 (13)
  100 • k   100 • k  2
Calculate the Winding 2 initial current for the test using (12) and the results from (11):
IW2init = 1.1 • IW2 (14)
Caution: The continuous rating of the current inputs is 3 • Inom. If any current in this test
will exceed this rating, either reduce the TAPn values as needed or reduce the
test length to stay within specifications and prevent possible damage to the input
Inject the three-phase currents shown in Table 2 for IW1 and IW2, using IW2init as the initial
current for IW2. Decrease the magnitude of IW2 for all three phases until the 87R1, 87R2, and
87R3 elements assert.

Date Code 20141231 SEL Application Guide 2013-25


The equations presented in this application guide can be used to calculate the necessary test
currents for three-phase testing of the restrained differential thresholds for the SEL-387,
SEL-387A, and SEL-787. The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet available for download with this
application guide can be used to automate this process. The instruction manuals for the SEL-387
and SEL-387A give directions for performing the remaining recommended differential element
tests. The SEL application guide “Single-Phase Testing of the SEL-787 Differential Element”
(AG2011-09) gives similar instructions for the SEL-787. Three-phase tests can also easily be
performed to test the unrestrained differential element (U87P) and differential element pickup
(O87P) using the angles shown in Table 2.

We appreciate your interest in SEL products and services. If you have questions or comments,
please contact us at:
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
2350 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163-5603 USA
Telephone: +1.509.332.1890
Fax: +1.509.332.7990 •

© 2013, 2014 by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

All rights reserved.

All brand or product names appearing in this document are

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SEL Application Guide 2013-25 Date Code 20141231

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