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January 9th 2018

Date: ___________________________
Nicole Brunne 1A
Student: Scenario# Rater: Evelyn

Durham College OTA/PTA Program Course Code: OTA______________________


5 – Very Good Delivery …………..… Performs to standard consistently. Consistently demonstrates a high standard of performance that is consistently safe
and effective. Could be used as a positive example for others. Highly recommended for progression.
4 – Good Delivery …………………… Most often performs to standard. Performance has very minor error(s) or omission(s) that did not detract from the
safety and effectiveness of the activity/exercise. Ready for progression.
3- Satisfactory Delivery ……. …….. Performance meets minimum standards. Errors or omissions do not compromise safety or effectiveness. Meets
minimum standards for progression. A few areas could be improved.
2 – Needs Improvement……………. Performance does not meet minimum standards. Errors or omissions compromised the effectiveness of
activity/exercise. Inconsistently performed, performance does not meet standards. Significant improvement is needed
before consideration for supervised patient care practice or progression.
1 – Unsatisfactory/ Unsafe …......…. Performance indicated cause for concern. Performance is unsafe, ineffective and/or inappropriate. Errors or omissions
compromise safety and/or significantly reduces treatment effectiveness. A potential for compromised patient
outcome or patient harm. Considerable improvement and remediation is needed. Is not ready for supervised patient care
practice or progression.

Lee, P., Koseck, K., Mirco, C., Dickinson, D. & Tavares, W. (2014). OTA & PTA Performance-Based Global Rating Scale. unpublished.

ACCOUNTABILITY & Needs Unsatisfactory or

Very Good Good Satisfactory
PROFESSIONALISM Improvement Unsafe

Individual’s overall ability to behave in a professional manner. Personal presentation: student wears appropriate attire with name identifier and is well groomed. Greets
client and confirms their identity. Obtains informed consent by introducing self (name and discipline), explaining what treatment will be provided and why, and receives
permission. Client is treated with respect and dignity (e.g. draping). Performs assigned duties as instructed within capabilities.
I wore the proper attire with scrubs, name tag, running shoes and hair back. I greeted the patient and confirmed identity with
wrist band and birth date. I introduced myself but did forget to say my specific discipline, but I did say the OT sent me. I
explained what we were going to be doing before each task and gained consent to continue.

PREPARATION Needs Unsatisfactory or

Very Good Good Satisfactory
Client and Environment Improvement Unsafe

Performs environmental scan of treatment area and ensures personal and client safety. Uses standard precautions and general sanitization techniques. All treatment
materials are well planned, prepared and organized. Uses effective time management in preparing client, self and environment. Client is well positioned for treatment.
Uses good body mechanics. Good flow throughout the session.

I did a proper environment scan by moving the pt to a lower more accessible table and reminded the pt to put her brakes on
before starting. I washed my hands before and after the session. I brought what I needed to the session but could have
used the joint protection handout as well to give for the propulsion section of my session. I did finish 1 minute early so I could
have used that extra time to explain more energy conservation techniques. Client was placed at the table comfortable and I
faced the pt for a good session at her level.

TREATMENT Needs Unsatisfactory or

Very Good Good Satisfactory
IMPLEMENTATION Improvement Unsafe

Explanation and rationale is provided for treatment activities. Selection of treatment tasks are linked to client’s condition and goals. Treatment components are carried
out using safe, effective and efficient techniques. Client is the focus throughout treatment, not just the task itself. Monitors client performance and response to
treatment. Provides reinforcement, support and constructive feedback.

I explained each treatment session before starting explaining the risks and benefits. I only explained 1 of the 4 P's and next
time I would go into more detail about the different energy conservations techniques and ask the pt what ones they prefer to
go over instead of just doing the first one. I asked if the pt had any questions and gave her feedback for her wheelchair
propulsion techniques. Next time I would slow down for the education piece and go into more detail.

Lee, P., Koseck, K., Mirco, C., Dickinson, D. & Tavares, W. (2014). OTA & PTA Performance-Based Global Rating Scale. unpublished.

CRITICAL THINKING Needs Unsatisfactory or

Very Good Good Satisfactory
Demonstrates awareness of the need to grade or modified activities to provide “just the right challenge”. Identifies problems as they arise. Determines options
recognizing risks and benefits, and implements strategies to correct problems. Re-evaluates and revises strategies as required.

I stated how I would grade each treatment by doing more next session and going into the hallway next session to work more
on the techniques we learned this time. I provided risks and benefits but next time I would provide more client centered
benefits and risks instead of just being independent or tired. Tailoring the session more to the pt would have got more buy in,
in the education section.

COMMUNICATION Needs Unsatisfactory or

Very Good Good Satisfactory
Verbal and Non-Verbal Improvement Unsafe

Clearly and accurately exchanges information. Engages in conversation to build rapport. Uses communication techniques and language suited the client. Checks on
the client’s understanding of information and adjusts strategies to meet client’s needs. Responds to client’s questions and concerns using effective listening skills,
empathy. Verbal and non-verbal are congruent. Brings session to a close (asks for questions and describes next steps).

I could have built more rapport with the pt and more of a dialogue instead of just talking at the pt. I did ask her a few
questions but next time I would make it more of a back and worth. I asked the pt at the end to tell me one thing we learned
today and if she had any questions. I left pt with handouts and explained the next sessions plans and when I would see her
again. Next time I would have asked if the pt was okay to be left in the room where she was or back at her bed.

5 – Very Good Delivery …………..… Performs to standard consistently. Demonstrates a high standard of performance that is consistently safe and effective.
Could be used as a positive example for others. Highly recommended for progression.
4 – Good Delivery …………………… Most often performs to standard. Performance has very minor error(s) or omission(s) that did not detract from the
safety and effectiveness of the activity/exercise. Ready for progression.
3- Satisfactory Delivery ……. …….. Performance meets minimum standards. Errors or omissions do not compromise safety or effectiveness. Meets
minimum standards for progression. A few areas could be improved.
2 – Needs Improvement……………. Performance does not meet minimum standards. Errors or omissions compromised the effectiveness of
activity/exercise. Inconsistently performed, performance does not meet standards. Significant improvement is needed
before consideration for supervised patient care practice or progression.
1 – Unsatisfactory/ Unsafe …......…. Performance indicates cause for concern. Performance is unsafe, ineffective and/or inappropriate. Errors or omissions
compromise safety and/or significantly reduces treatment effectiveness. A potential for compromised patient
outcome or patient harm. Considerable improvement and remediation is needed. Is not ready for supervised patient care
practice or progression.

Lee, P., Koseck, K., Mirco, C., Dickinson, D. & Tavares, W. (2014). OTA & PTA Performance-Based Global Rating Scale. unpublished.
On the chart below: Enter the corresponding numerical value earned for each category.


Client and Judgement & Problem Verbal and Non-Verbal TOTAL
Environment Solving

4 5 4 4 4 21/25

Other Comments:
Overall, I believe I did a good job with hitting all of the important steps in a treatment session. I made
sure to do a proper environmental scan and ask for consent twice with each new task. I was confident
and took more of the time to complete my treatment and to not rush through. Next time I would have
added more detail to the education piece since I did have some time left at the end. I would work on how
to make the education piece more interesting for my pt and get their buy in.

Instructor Name ____________________________________

Instructor Signature__________________________________

Lee, P., Koseck, K., Mirco, C., Dickinson, D. & Tavares, W. (2014). OTA & PTA Performance-Based Global Rating Scale. unpublished.

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