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Aggressive - ready and willing to fight, argue.

Bossy - telling people what to do. Giving orders in a way that people don't like.
Cowardly - afraid, scared to do what you should.
Dishonest - not honest, saying things that are not true.
Arrogant - having an attitide that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people.
Harsh - very critical, negative to people.
Irresponsible - not responsible; not having or showing maturity or good judgment.
Patronising - being nice to people but thinking you are better than them.
Pessimistic - always expecting bad things to happen; negative about the future.
Fussy - hard to please; too careful about choosing or accepting things.

1. Why are there so many ___ people in government? Their promises always turn out to be lies.
2. My husband is so ___, I left him to babysit our son and he fell asleep in front of the TV!
3. I can't stand ___ people. I find as a young woman in the professional world, men talk
down to me a lot and it drives me crazy.
4. I'm a very ___ eater. If I don't like something, I can't eat it, even to be polite.
5. My friend's partner becomes very ___ when he’s been drinking and sometimes I worry
for her safety.
6. My cousin's daughter is very ___ and is always telling the other children what to play.
7. Stop being so ___ and go and tell your ex-boyfriend not to call you anymore! There's
nothing to be scared of!
8. My Mother-in-law can be very ___ I can't stand it when she tells my husband that he is
not doing well enough at work.
9. Try not to be so ___. Life is difficult sometimes, but try to see the positive side!
10. Don't be so ___, you're not the only actor in the world and we can easily replace you!

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