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Health Care and Education:

Innovations, Opportunities, and Challenges

Glocal Impacts
In partnership with:

March 10th, 2018

Arena Hotel
Fes, Morocco
Prof. Mohamed Brahimi, Chair
Dr. Said Nafai, Co-Chair

Free Admission
Conference Title:
Healthcare and Education: Innovations, Opportunities, and Challenges

8: 00 to 8:30 a.m.

Opening Statement
9:00 to 9:10 a.m.
Welcoming guests and Speakers and introducing Dr. Ait taleb (Glocal Impacts)

Keynote Speaker: 1 hour

9:15 to 10:15 a.m.
Speaker: Dr. Michael Merzinich
Title: "Strategies for Improving and Managing Organic Brain Health"
Abstract: Recent studies have documented the reversible nature of brain plasticity
processes, and have extended our understanding of brain remodeling beyond
connectivity to broader changes related to organic brain health. After summarizing
these scientific studies, new strategies for recovering and managing brain health in
normal child and adult populations--and in individuals with psychiatric and
neurological clinical indications

Second Speaker: 30 min

10:15 to 10:45 a.m.
Speaker: Dr. Stephen Grund
Title: "How to build a health care system in Morocco without breaking the bank"
Abstract: The United States has the most expensive health care system in the world yet
ranks relatively low in quality and outcomes compared to many other countries.
Controlling health care costs while maintaining access and quality is a challenge for
any country and will become more difficult in the future. This talk highlights important
issues a country must solve if they are going to develop a health care system that is
caring, compassionate and at the same time fiscally prudent.
Plenary Session 1: 1 Hour
Panel Discussion: 11:00 to 12:00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Rachid Assina
Title: Spinal Cord Injury Due to Metastatic Tumor Disease: Survival and Efficacy of
Abstract: Seventy percent of patients with cancer have evidence of metastasis at the time
of their death with bone being the most common site for metastasis. Spinal metastasis is
the initial presentation of malignancy in twenty percent of cancer patients
with metastatic lesion being the most common tumors of the spine. Life expectancy of
cancer patients has increased with the advancement of surgical and medical
oncological treatment. The primary goal of rehabilitation is to improve quality of life
and functional independence. Rehabilitation when combined with the improvements in
medical, radiation, and surgical oncology in a multidisciplinary team approach can
prevent complications from neurological compromise and improve the patient’s quality

Speaker: Dr. Patrick V. Marasco

Title: Closed Pulse Irrigation: A Better Pulse Lavage Delivery System for Wound
Debridement and Biofilm Management
Abstract: Increasing evidence over the past 10 years has shown biofilm is detrimental to
wound healing. Loss of integument exposes vulnerable tissue to bacteria and
environmental debris. These planktonic bacteria do not exist on the wound’s surface for
very long before they vigorously attach and develop into a synergistic biofilm that
continuously repopulates to cover the entire wound. The Closed Pulse Irrigation is a cost
effective and has outstanding outcomes in managing wounds

Speaker: Dr. Robert Matthews

Title: Personal Experiences of an American Doctor Volunteering with the Red Crescent
in Chefchauen, Morocco
Abstract: It has been surprising to find that a large percentage of these people suffer
from serious high blood pressure and many from diabetes. We have typically tried to
give them enough medication to begin treatment for about a month, then hoping that
they will seek medical follow-up locally and continue the mediations. We have also
discovered that up to 50% of the women in these areas suffer from goiters, most likely
as a result of iodine deficiency. I would submit therefore that a focused program of
education and healthcare, addressing these issues in this area, will improve both life
expectancy and improve the quality of life.

Featured Speaker: Youness Azemmour

12:00: 12:15 p.m.
Title : L’Ergothérapie, la nouvelle option de l’ISPITS de Rabat…une nouvelle approche
Abstract: En Décembre 2017, et pour la première fois au Maroc, la formation des
Ergothérapeutes a été lancé grâce à un partenariat entre le Ministère de la santé et
Handicap International. L’Institut Supérieur des Professions Infirmières et Techniques
de Santé de Rabat assure cette formation. La philosophie de la conception et la mise en
œuvre du Curriculum font l’objet de la présente communication.

Plenary Session 2: 1 hour

Panel Discussion: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Cathy Dow-Royer
Title: Health Professions Education: Guiding Perspectives
Abstract: Two major criticisms of the U.S. health care delivery system is the lack of
coordination in patient care across the health professions (IPEC, 2011) and an
imbalance between healthcare spending and patient outcomes (IOM, 2012). Creating a
responsive global healthcare workforce is the domain of professional education.
Concerns regarding the gap between the educational preparation of future healthcare
professionals, such as occupational therapists, and the realities of the diverse workplace
environments in which they are employed, has sparked national and international
interest. Putting patients/clients first in communication and care coordination, will
require that occupational therapy students and faculty learn with and from
pharmacists, nurses, social workers, physician’s assistants, bio-medical engineers,
clinical psychologists, etc

Speaker: Salma Abounadi

Title: The Role of the Medical Speech-Language Pathologist in Reducing Risks for
Dysphagia-Related Aspiration Pneumonia and Malnutrition
Abstract: Dysphagia is the medical term used to describe swallowing disorders. It can
occur in all ages due to congenital abnormalities, structural damage, or medical
conditions. Dysphagia can result in aspiration pneumonia, malnutrition and
dehydration. This can lead to costly treatments and even death, especially in the elderly
population. Dysphagia management reduces the incidence of aspiration pneumonia and
helps maintain adequate nutrition and hydration levels. This talk focuses on the
important role played by medical speech-language pathologists in the evaluation and
treatment of dysphagia-related disorders.

Speaker: Anne Birge James

Title: Use of Experiential Learning to Enhance Students’ Professional Development in
Occupational Therapy.
Abstract: Experiential learning, in the form of fieldwork has long been a valued
requirement in occupational therapy education. But students also benefit from direct
experiences and focused reflection during their didactic education to help them
integrate academic theories and skills through productive engagement with
indeterminacy and uncertainty, which are hallmarks of actual occupational therapy
practice. This session will introduce participants to critical features of effective
experiential learning, including an example of a student-driven experiential learning
requirement in an occupational therapy program in the United States.

Lunch Break 1:00 to 3:00

Plenary Session 3:
Panel Discussion: 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Speaker: Samantha Shann

Title: The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT); Building a Globally
Connected Profession
Abstract: The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) is the key
international representative of occupational therapy and occupational therapists
worldwide. Current trends in health and service delivery in WFOT member countries
and how these are affecting the provision of occupational therapy services will be
discussed in relation to WFOT’s most recent demographic profiling, as well as WFOT’s
role in the development of occupational therapy in Morocco.

Speaker: Dr. Ida Kåhlin

Title: Occupational therapy: An important facilitator in the transition to person-
centered health care in Sweden
Abstract: According to the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions,
Swedish Health Care is facing a paradigm shift. In order to create better conditions for
good and equal health a more accessible and person-centered Health Care system is
need to be developed. Occupational therapist are important contributors in this process.
There are a number of evidence-based occupational therapy instruments and models
which can be used to contribute to the transition.

Speaker: Dr. Eric Johnson

Title: The Use of Technology in Therapy
Abstract: As the global community of occupational therapy continues to grow, the
emergence of new technology has given way for our clients to live their lives to the
fullest. This technology has given our profession the ability to offer new avenues to
treat our clients in the areas of physical rehabilitation, mental health, brain injury,
pediatrics, and many other settings we offer. As technology continues to evolve, it is
imperative that our profession maintain cultural and generational relevancy. Video
games, smart phones and devices, and virtual reality systems all can provide meaningful
and purposeful options for treatment. This course will educate therapists on effective
use of clinically relevant technology and give attendees an overview of how they can
use it with their own patients.
Coffee Break
Plenary Session 4:
Panel Discussion: 4:00 to 4:45 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Bouchaib Benmira
Title: “Working with local communities to improve students' social mobility”
Abstract: Poverty, lack of transportation infrastructures, and isolation along the Atlas
Mountains impede the government’s efforts to educate all students. In the face of those
barriers, children’s motivation to continue schooling dwindles and causes them to
completely drop out of school. Over the years, the academic achievement gap along the
urban/rural, economic, social, ethnic, and linguistic divide continues to widen. We are
working on an academic development program that is aligned to the Moroccan
national standards. We aim to accompany the efforts of the Moroccan Ministry of
Education and provide an enrichment program that remediate students’ academic
deficit and narrows the achievement gap.
Speaker: Prof. Mohamed Brahimi
Title: Homeschooling Model applied to benefit kids with disabilities
Abstract: Having done lots of preliminary research, it seems that the majority of kids of
disability in Morocco are kept out of the public school system. How can civil society
partner with the ministry of education to give the disabled a shot at education?

Speaker: Dr. Frederick Hooven

Title: Preparing students and healthcare professionals to address social determinants of
health locally and globally.
Abstract: Population health is no longer the purview only of specialists with advanced
degrees in public health, health care providers or local public health authorities. Urban
planners, community organizers, public safety officials, housing advocates and
educators, among others, have become part of a growing public health workforce that
crosses traditional professional and organizational boundaries. Successful efforts to
address social determinants of health require community- wide efforts involving
partnerships and coalitions. Public Health in higher education can help students gain
the experience, skills and critical thinking abilities necessary to contribute to
improvements in community health, whatever field they pursue after graduation.

Plenary Session 5:
Panel Discussion: 4:45 to 5:45 p.m.
Speaker: Soumia Amrani
Title: L'autisme au Maroc: réalités, avancées, défis et perspectives
Abstract: L’autisme est un trouble envahissant du développement se caractérisant par
une altération qualitative de trois domaines : Les interactions sociales , La
communication verbale et non verbale , Le comportement. En affectant le
développement de l’enfant dans un âge précoce, l’autisme impacte négativement
l’équilibre familiale à cause du poids financier et moral qu’il produit sur sa dynamique.
Speaker: Dr. Zuheir Lahna
Title: Promoting Healthy and Safe Childbirth in Morocco Trough Proper Midwives
Abstract: Morocco still rely on midwives for delivering children especially in rural
areas. However, lack of training for these midwives can lead to unhealthy and unsafe
childbirth, which can jeopardize the safety of the mother and newborn child. Educating
these midwives can lead to prevention in infection and asphyxia that are some of the
reasons of neonatal deaths in newborns

Speaker: Dr. Mohamed Khalil Diouri

Title: stratégie du Ministère de la santé relative à la Santé et le Handicap
Abstract: la présentation s'articule autours d'un bref historique des interventions du
ministère de la santé pour assurer l’accès des handicapés aux soins de santé, processus
d'élaboration, de mise en œuvre et de suivi évaluation du plan national sur la santé et le
Handicap 2015-2021: Acquis, opportunités et défis.

Closing Statement

Gala Dinner at Riad Al Amine

Thank you
ً ‫شكر ًا جزي‬

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