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14EE3603 Advanced Control Systems AY: 2016-17

Home Assignment
1. Design a state feedback controller for the systems described by the state equation
x1̇ −1 0 0 x1 10
[x2̇ ] = [ 1 −2 0 ] [x2 ] + [ 1 ] U -[CO1]
x3̇ 2 1 −3 3 x 0
With closed loop poles at −1 ± j2 & − 6 and verify the result using MATLAB code.
2. The transfer function of the system is given by
𝐺(𝑠) = 3
𝑠 + 6𝑠 2 + 11𝑠 + 6
It is desired to place the closed loop poles at −3 ± j2√3 & − 10. Design a suitable
state feedback controller [CO1]
3. Derive the describing function for saturation nonlinearity. [CO2]
4. Explain the stability analysis of non linear systems using Describing Function
analysis. [CO2]
5. Determine the stability of the system given below using Lyapuniv’s method and
construct suitable V-function

x1   x1  x2

x2   x2 [CO3]

6. Consider the matrices A and Q which are given by

1 2 3 10 5 4
A = [4 5 6] , Q = [ 5 6 7]
7 8 0 4 7 9

Solve the corresponding Lyapunov matrix equation and find P [CO3]

7. Determine the MinMax composition T=RoS given
X={x1, x2, x3 }, Y={y1, y2,} and Z= { z1, z2, z3 } where the relation matrices R and S
are given below [CO4]

8. Construct the fuzzy sets 𝐴̃ & 𝐵̃ defined over the interval X=[0,5] of real numbers, by
the membership grade functions µ𝐴̃ (𝑥) = 𝑥+1, µ𝐵̃ (𝑥) = 2−𝑥 [CO4]
9. Design a fuzzy logic controller for air conditioner determine the mathematical
formulae and graphs for the membership grade functions of each of the following sets
i) 𝐴̃𝑐 , 𝐵̃ 𝑐 , [CO4]
ii) 𝐴̃ ∩ 𝐵̃
iii) 𝐴̃ ∪ 𝐵̃

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