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STATION #1: Sky-Diver

A sky-diver jumped from an airplane. He used his watch to

time the length of his jump. His height above the ground
can be modelled by h= -5t2 + 40t + 2420, where h is his
height above the ground in metres and t is the time in
seconds from the time he started the timer.
Height (m)

Time (sec)
STATION #2: Baseball Hit

A video tracking device recorded the height, h, in metres,

of a baseball after it was hit. The data collected can be
modelled by the relation h= -5t2 + 20t + 1, where t is the
time in seconds after the ball was hit.
Height (m)

Time (sec)
STATION #3: Football Kick

A football is punted and its path is modelled by the

relation h= -0.05d2 + 2.5d + 0.75, where h is the height of
the ball in yards and d is the horizontal distance in yards
travelled by the ball.
Height (yards)

Distance (yards)
STATION #4: Aircraft Flare Pistol

Private and military aircraft often carry a flare pistol to

attract rescuers. The height of the flare above the ground
is represented by h= -4.9t2 + 92t, where h is its height in
meters, and t is the time in seconds since firing.
Height (m)

Time (sec)
STATION #5: Suspension Bridge

The curve formed by a cable on a suspension bridge can

be modelled by the equation y= x2 - 10x + 16, where y
represents the height in meters and x represents the
distance in meters.
Height (m)

Distance (m)
STATION #6: Skateboard Ramp

The shape of one of the skateboard ramps to be built in

the park can be modelled by the quadratic relation
d= 0.08m2 – 0.8m, where d represents the depth in meters
and m represents the horizontal distance in meters.
Depth (m)

Distance (m)

STATION #7: Soccer Ball

The path of a soccer ball can be represented be the
relation h= -0.05x2 + 1.5x, where h is the height of the
soccer ball in yards and x is the horizontal distance the
ball travels in yards.
Height (yards)

Distance (yards)

STATION #8: Scuba Diver

A scuba diver starts she starts to rise to the surface of
water. The equation models her rising to surface by
d= 2.5t2 - 250, where d is the depth in feet below the water
and t is the time in seconds taken to get to the surface.
Depth (ft)

Time (sec)

STATION #9: Footbridge

A footbridge spans across a water way and has a parabolic
arch. The equation h= -0.0056d2 + 20 represents the
shape, where h is the height in feet of the cable from the
walkway and d is the distance in feet from the centre of
the arch to the end of each support.
Height (ft)

Distance (ft)

STATION #10: Stop it Joel

Ms. Baldin is standing on a bridge with Joel and he is being
annoying. Ms. Baldin yells, “Stop it Joel!” and throws him
from the bridge. His path from the bridge to the icy
waters can be modelled by the relation h= -5t2 + 40t +7,
where h is the height in the air of Joel in feet and t is the
time in seconds after Joel has been thrown.
Height (ft)

Time (sec)

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