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Learning with Context Clue

Based on the four pictures given, name the object in the empty box at the bottom.

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1| P a g e
What is context clue? Context Clue Card
Definition Synonym
Context clues are hints that an author gives to help define a difficult <Write the definition of the <Write the words with similar
or unusual word. word, also state the type (noun, meaning.>
The clue may appear either of the following: verb, etc.)>
i) an example or examples of the word is given.
ii) another word with a similar meaning is used (synonym). Antonym Example
iii) another word with the opposite meaning is used (antonym). <Write the words that have the <Write a sentence that shows
iv) within the same sentence as the word to which it refers, or it opposite meaning.> how the word is being used in a
may follow before or after the sentence. sentence.>
v) in some cases, the reader can make inference on the word
based on the way the author explains. Practice
DEFINITION: Definition Synonym
Mr. Jimmy is an affable principal. He is pleasantly easy to
approach and always friendly.
Mr. Jimmy is quite affable. In fact, he reminds me of Ms.
Shakey. Do you remember how kind she was?
I miss Mr. Jimmy. Our new principal, Mr. Shooks, is cranky Affable
and unapproachable. Mr. Jimmy was so affable. Antonym Example

Mr. Jimmy is an affable principal. He knows everybody's
name. If you have a problem, talk to him.
You don't need to worry about talking to Mr. Jimmy. He is an
affable principal.

2| P a g e
Definition Synonym Definition Synonym

(Verb). To cause to do through (Verb). To have caught Irritation, offend,

pressure or necessity, by attention or be irritated.
physical, moral or intellectual

Coerce Pique
Antonym Example Antonym Example

My parents coerced me for

information as to where did I
go late last night.

3| P a g e
Definition Synonym Definition Synonym

(Adjective). Fitted or designed Being of delicate or thin build. Thin, slim

to promote peace; peaceful. Very narrow.

Irenical Slender
Antonym Example Antonym Example

War, conflict, hateful

4| P a g e
Definition Synonym Definition Synonym

(Adjective). Suitable for rough To be everywhere at once.


Knockabout Ubiquitously
Antonym Example Antonym Example

Fragile, cautious, breakable The fresh air is spread

ubiquitously in the forest.

5| P a g e
Definition Synonym Definition Synonym

(Verb). Laugh at with contempt Mocking, taunting, flouting (Noun). Formally reject or
and derision. disavow a formerly held belief,
usually under pressure.

Jeer Abjure
Antonym Example Antonym Example

Accept, believe

6| P a g e

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