Certificado de Calidad de Inhibidor Hold Tight

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p.o. box: 27907 Houston, TX USA 77227.


phone: 800.319.8802/ 713.266.9339
fax: 800.728.8861 / 713.266.1022
~ ~ www.holdtight.com email: info@holdtightcom

Quality Assurance Certificate
Confonns to OSHA CFR29 1910.1200 and aligns to the United Nations Globally Harmonized System
ConfonnstoTheUnitedNationsRegulationGloballyHarmonizedSystem Confonns to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006
(REACH), Annex ll - Europe

Confonns to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 and aligns to the United Nations Globally Harmonized System

Section 1 - Chcrnicul Produci and Colll¡i.111:,- l dcm ification

1.1 Product Name: HoldTight®102

1.2 Producer: HoldTight Solutions Inc.
P.O. 27907, Houston, TX 77227.7907,
713.266.9339 / 800.319.8802
1.3 Product Use: Salt Remover I Flash Rust Preventer
1.4 USA Emergency Telephone Number: Hazmat Service 800-373-7542
1.5 International Shipments Emergency Telephone Number: +l-484-951-2432

p.o. box: 27907 Houston, TX USA n227.7907
phone: 800.319.8802/ 713.266.9339
HOLDTIGHT fax: 800.728.8861 / 713.266.1022
www.holdtight.com email: info@holdtightcom

Section 2 - Composition Information 011 l ngredicms

Chemical CAS# EINECS# Concentra- Other Identifiers Quality Control

Name tion %
Tri(hy- 102-71-6 203-049-8 20-30% 2,2' ,2"-3-hydroxy-tri-
droxyethyl) ethylamine OK
1,2-propane- 57-55-6 200-338-0 Trace to 2% 1,2-DIHYDROXYPRO-
diol PANE OK
Diethylenim- 110-91-8 203-815-1 Trace to 2% 1-oxa-4-azacyclohexan,
ide oxide OK

WATER 7732-18-5 231-791-2 70-80

Ethanol, 2,2' ,2" -
2,2' ,2"-nitri- 14806-72-5 238-874-2 Trace to 2% nitrilotris
lotriethanol acetate OK

p.o. box: 27907 Houston, TX USA n227.7907

phone: 800.319.8802 / 713.266.9339
fax: 800.728.8861 / 713.266.1022
~ ~ www.holdtight.com email: info@holdtight.com

Section 3 - Phy si cal and Chernical Propcrt ics

4.1 Appearance: Clear

Appearance: Clear to yellow liquid
Odor: Odorless
Odor Threshold: Not Available
pH: 10.2
Melting / Freezing Point: 23ºF I -5ºC
Boiling Point: 212ºF 1 OOºC
Flash Point: >354 F 179 C
Evaporation rate: <0.01 (butyl acetate = 1)
Flammability (solid, gas): Not available
Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits: Not available
Vapor Pressure: O kPa @ 20ºC
Vapor density: 5.1 to 5.3 [Air = 1]
Relative Density: 1.01 (water= 1)
Solubility(ies): Solubility in Water - 100%. Easily soluble in cold water, hot water. Soluble
in methanol, acetone. Very slightly soluble in diethyl ether, n-octanol.

Partition coefficient: HoldTight 102/water: 100%

Auto-ignition temperature: >324ºC (ºF)
Decomposition temperature: > 325ºC
Viscosity: 13 CPS

p.o. box: 27907 Houston,TX USA n227.7'J07
phone: 800.319.8802 / 713.266.9339
fax: 800.728.8861 / 713.266.1022
www.holdtight.com email: info@holdtighlcom

Section 4 - Stubi lit ., and Rcncti , it\.

Chemical stability The product is stable.

Possibility of Under normal conditions of storage and use, haz-
hazardous reactions ardous reactions will not occur.
Hazardous polymerization Under normal conditions of storage and use, haz-
ardous polymerization will not occur.
Conditions to avoid Excessive Heat
Hazardous decomposition Under normal conditions of storage and use,
products hazardous decomposition products should not be

Use and/or alterations to the product may significantly change the characteristics of the material
and alter the waste classification and proper disposal methods.

Section 5 - . l nforrnation

5.1 US Regulations:
TSCA: All components of this product are on the TSCA Inventory or are exempt from TSCA
Inventory requirements under 40 CFR 720.30
CERCLA Hazardous Substances and corresponding RQs None SARA
Community Right-to-Know Program: None Clean Water Act: None
Clean Air Act: None
OSHA: All ingredients are listed in 1910.1200
State Regulations California prop. 65: None
Chemicals on the following State Right to Know Lists:
Massachusetts: All components ofthis product are on the Massachusetts Inventory orare exempt
from Inventory requirements.
New Jersey: All components ofthis product are on the New Jersey inventory orare exempt from
Inventory requirements.
Pennsylvania: All components ofthis product are on the Pennsylvania Inventory orare exempt
from Inventory requirements.

p.o. box: 27907 Houston, TX USA 77211.7907

phone: 800.319.8802 I 713.266.9339
fax: 800.728.8861 / 713.266.1022
~ ~ www.holdtight.com email: info@holdtight.com

5.2 Canadian Regulation:

All substances contained in this product are listed on the Canadian Dornestic Substances List
(DSL) or are not required to be listed. HoldTight 102 is registered with:
Transport Dangerous Goods Directorate
Transport Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA ON5
( 613) 996-6666

5.3 Europe Regulations

All substances contained in this product are listed on the EU directives or are not required to be

5.4 Intemational Regulations

Australian Inventory of Chernical Substance: All cornponents of this product are on the Inventory
or are exernpt frorn Inventory requirernents.
National Existing Chernical Inventory in Taiwan: All cornponents ofthis product are on Inventory
or are exernpt frorn Inventory requirernents.
Philippine Inventory of Chernicals and Chernical Substances: All cornponents of this product are
on the Inventoryor are exernpt frorn Inventory requirernents.
China Existing Chernical Inventory: All cornponents of this product are on the Inventory or are
exernpt frorn Inventory requirernents.

p.o. box: 27907 Houston, TX USA nm.7907
phone: 800.319.8802 / 713.266.9339
fax: 800.728.8861 / 713.266.1022
www.holdtight.com email: info@holdtightcom

Section 6 - Othcr Information

6.1 Disclaimer: The information presented in this document is based on data believed to be
accurate as ofthe date this quality certificate was prepared. HOWEVER NO responsibility is
assumed far any damage or injury resulting from abnormal use or from any failure to adhere to
recommended practices. The information provided above is furnished on the condition that the
person receiving them shall make their own determination as to the suitability of the product far
their particular purpose and on the condition that they assume the risk of their use.
6.2 References: CHEMpendium data base of Canadian Centre far Occupational Health and
Safety (CCOHS), JJ Keller on Line, European Chemical Agency Data Base and MSDS and SDS
of chemicals in this mixture.
6.3 Issue Date: 2017/12/05
6.4 Contact far questions, comments, further inf ormation:
HoldTight Solutions Inc.
PO Box 27907
Houston TX 77227
800 719 8802 (North America)+713 266 9339 (Intemational) Fax +713 266 1022

ISSUE DATE: 2017/12/05



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