The Philippine Theosophist: 4th QTR 2017 Issue Oct 11

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June, 2004 The Philippine Theosophist 1

Brotherhood, Study and Meditation

A publication of the Theosophical Society in the Philippines
1 Iba Street, Quezon City, Philippines, Tel. No. 741-57-40
Vol. XLVI, No. 2 October-December, 2017


1 Editorial Note

2 Poetry

3 The Stream and

the Desert

4 Gems of the Path

5 The Human Project

6 The Power of Spiri-

tual Community in
Theosophical Work

7 Meditation Corner

8 Preparing for Perfection

9 The Ideal of Service

10 Reincarnation: Fact
or Fancy?

11 Questions and Answers

12 To Find the Joy

13 News and Events

14 Directory of Lodges
and Study Groups

“The light of Unity break ing through the screen of

sep a ra tion con sti tutes the glory of life.”
2 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

Editorial Note
Jose Victor Peñaranda, Vice President of the TS in the Philippines, affec-
tionately known to us as “Bimboy,” passed away last September 23, 2017.
Throughout his life, his mission was to bring about change. First was
change in society. In his youth, he was an activist who had to hide under-
ground because the authorities wanted to arrest him during the Martial
Law period of Marcos. Later, he devoted his years to social developmental
work, not just in the Philippines but also in Bhutan and Macedonia. It was
in his later years, after he encountered the Theosophical Society, that he de-
voted the rest of his life to another kind of change — inner change. He im-
mersed himself in the self-transformative and spiritual work of the Theo-
sophical Society, giving lectures and conducting seminars not just to
theosophists but to government officials, educators and the public in vari-
ous parts of the Philippines. Bimboy was also a poet, having published three
books of poetry for which he had received national awards. Many of us will miss him as a friend and
co-worker. He has inspired many among us because of his deep sense of dedication. And the work is not
yet finished. We will continue it in another life. Till we meet again, Bimboy. –– VIC HAO CHIN JR.

I am morning light
when mush rooms on bam boo
blow spores in the air,

Poetry di vin ing for op po sites in quiet

I am untouchable, unpredictable,
The following is a selection of Bimboy Peñaranda’s
soluble in magic spells, rhythm of
most recent poems: rivers.
Likeness When someone looks at me
lush and curious,
Memory, a scent with eyes of opal delight
wondered if it
of cinnamon and flavor of tarragon, I bend molave into a rainbow
was my fate
Lingers where gravity to tell a story.
to save
is weakest and my presence leaps. — August 14, 2017
all sorts of seeds
I, who have been made discarded Jose Victor Peñaranda was the
in the likeness of song, embrace from our kitchen,
vice president of the Theosophical
The sadness of sand and stone. Society in the Philippines.
to care
Only the beating for fallen stars The Philippine
of small wings in the forest
can create a lullaby for stars.
before dawn. Vol. XLVI, No. 2, Oct-Dec, 2017
Only moss will dare to care As I was about
for driftwood at nightfall. to open Published by the Theosophical So-
ciety in the Philippines, 1 Iba Street,
How surprising, quite unsettling the door to the library, Quezon City. Tel. No. 741-57-40; Fax
when someone invites me I felt a sensation No. 740-3751. Views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent those of
to watch the rice fields in moonlight on my forearm, the editors.
to free ourselves of paradise. a bristle on my skin, Editorial Board: Vicente Hao Chin Jr.
Jose Victor Peñaranda
— June 6, 2017 something Joselito B. Cendaña
Fate slight and green: Digital Preparation and Lay-out:
As I crossed Lea M. May
An innocent clinging,
Circulation: Monaliza Brocoy
a path in the garden a mantis praying. Antonio Manalo
my mind turned — July 5, 2017
June, 2017 The Philippine Theosophist 3

Gems of the
The deep est re al iza tion of
meditation is that your being is a
non-being. It is a nothing, a vast
emptiness without boundaries. It
is a no-self. The feeling of self, of
The Stream and the Desert “I” is false.

n the distance, high atop an an- than they had been for weeks, and
cient moun tain range, a It is only with the heart that
there was a dune in the distance
stream sprang from its hidden one can see rightly. What is es-
that was losing some of its sands to
source and made its way down the sential is invisible to the eye.
them. The stream watched as the
mountainside. No obstacle could dust swirled into the sky, relin- ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY
keep it from mov ing. When it quishing itself to an invisible force
reached the earth, it didn’t slow that was as powerful as it was de- Imagine that every person in
down. Many creatures refreshed ceptive. As it looked on, a whisper the world is enlightened but you.
themselves in its waters and it re- began to stir the earth and air They are all your teachers, each
newed the earth. around it: “Surrender . . .” doing just the right things to help
you learn perfect patience, per-
E v e n t u a l l y , h o w e v e r, t h e But the tiny stream was afraid. fect wisdom, perfect compassion.
strength of the stream lessened. Its Pushing forward was all it knew.
flow began to slow. Gone were the The ways of the wind could not be
trees and mountains that had been trusted. The wind could mean its Other people do not have to
its companions, and the earth it end forever. change for us to experience peace
travelled on became drier. It could The wind picked up. The stream of mind.
feel a great heat burning its back, could feel its cooling presence on its
as it tried in vain to move forward. GERALD JAMPOLSKY
back, its promise of lightness and
“What is happening?” it asked. release in the skies above, and a Life will give you whatever ex-
“What is this vast sea of dry death? longing began inside of it to let go, perience is most helpful for the
Why can I not cross you?” but it was terrified. It could not evolution of your consciousness.
“I am the desert,” came the an- bear the thought of non-existence. How do you know this is the expe-
swer, “We cannot co-exist.” The wind continued its seduc- rience you need? Because this is
The stream refused to give up. tion, beginning to take droplets of the experience you are having at
Conjuring its strength, it surged the stream’s water to the sky, de- the moment.
for ward from be hind. But the spite its resistance. ECKHART TOLLE
desert was vast, and far more pow- “There are lands far across the
erful. It wasn’t long before it had desert where I will drop you once Spiritual opening is not a with-
eaten up the stream’s new waters. again . . . There you will be a stream drawal to some imagined realm
again and flow once more." or safe cave. It is not a pulling
For days things continued in
away, but a touching of all the ex-
this manner, with the stream at- Finally, the stream gave the full- perience of life with wisdom and
tempting endless iterations of its ness of its body to the sky, and as it with a heart of kindness, without
old maneuvers, yet being rebuked evaporated, soaring high above, it any separation.
and broken down by the desert with could sense the desert smile, as it
each attempt. Yet the flow from the JACK KORNFIELD
had so many times before, and
mountain range continued, crawl- eventually it came to be released, It does not matter what comes
ing endlessly forward to the same softly, on the top a distant moun- towards you, you must make it a
dry death here. There was no way tain, where once again it began its steppingstone to stand on.
out. This indeed was hell. flow. And here, in this new land,
Just as it had given up, however, the stream finally began to under-
something caught its awareness. stand what it really was. 
The winds were stronger today — From Wisdom Pills
October-December, 2017 The Philippine Theosophist 4

have found my self at one of

Chennai’s glit ter ing new West-
ern-style malls, I have been im-
pressed, not with the products or
shops, which closely mirror those of
the rest of the world, but with the
people and the vitality. Except for
the oldest and the poorest, all types
of people find their way there.
For someone like me, the vision
of humanity on display is both fas-
cinating and awe-inspiring. Thou-
sands of people stream through the
place on weekends and holidays.
From one of the upper levels, look-
ing down at the movement of peo-
ple, their collective motion literally
resembles a river — a flow of hu-
manity. Although each person and

The Human Project family has their separate thoughts

and particular destination, collec-
tively all are moving as one body.
Like a river, the human flow has its
have different styles and colors, but eddies where families break away
Tim Boyd we all wear clothing. The foods and from the motion and the children
the instruments we use to feed our- play their games alone, oblivious to
selves differ, but we all eat. The the surrounding crowd; or where

t this point in my life, I have
names, symbols, and imagery for young couples sit simply talking
done a significant amount of
the local concepts of divinity vary and enjoying a “private” moment
travel, yet there are still cer-
widely, but everywhere people at- together before rejoining the flow.
tain things that never cease to
tempt to reach out to something
amaze me. Often, I find myself As much as we cling to the idea
beyond their limited selves.
waking early in the morning to go of ourselves as separate individu-
to the airport. Within a few hours, I als, when we actually look, it be-
am getting off of a plane in a place comes apparent that we are sub-
whose flora and fauna, geography,
climate, language, and customs
As much as we cling sumed in some larger life. What is
so impressive is the solidarity of
have shifted dra mat i cally from to the idea of our- the human experience. However
those of “home.” The outfits people selves as separate in- much we may cherish a sense of in-
wear, the ways they recognize and
celebrate divinity, the foods they
dividuals, when we dependence and individualism, our
participation in a greater whole is
eat, even the way they eat their actually look, it be- undeniable and at times breaks
foods can seem so different. While comes apparent that through to our normal awareness.
visiting with my wife’s family in
the multicultural city of Singapore,
we are subsumed in Since its founding, the Theo-
sophical Society has espoused a
more than once I have had the ex- some larger life. worldview that embraces the unity
perience of eating breakfast with of the human family. Its First Ob-
my fingers, lunch with a spoon and ject, “to form a nucleus of the uni-
One of America’s dubious gifts to
fork, and dinner with chopsticks, versal brotherhood of humanity,”
the world is the modern shopping
depending on whether I found my- has been emphasized again and
mall. It may be surprising to some,
self in an Indian, Eurasian, or Chi- again from the Society’s early days
but originally the shopping mall
nese community. until now. This unity of the human
was conceived as a community cen-
One side effect of travel is that ter where people would converge family, expressed as “universal
you find yourself exposed to a host not only for shopping, but also for brotherhood” in the language of the
of differences, but also to similari- cultural activity and social interac- late 1800s, must be understood on
ties. Just scratch the surface, and tion. In Chennai, India, where I many levels.
shared, even universal, qualities spend a good deal of time these In our times, it is easy to lose
appear. The costumes we wear are days, the phenomenon is relatively sight of how radical the idea of a
made of different materials and new. On those occasions when I uni versal brother hood “without
5 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, countless other things and condi- represented in the constitution of
or color” was in 1875, when the Ob- tions. Everything arises dependent man . . . and it is the union of these
jects were first formulated. In the on other things. three streams in him which makes
US, the Civil War had ended in One example that is sometimes him the complex being he now is”
1865, so, just ten years prior to the given is a simple thing like a chair. (The Secret Doctrine, 1.181). From
TS’s founding, laws in the US. per- The question is asked, “What is a the perspective of the Ageless Wis-
mitted slavery. At least in the chair?” Whether it is a three-legged dom, humanity, and we human be-
southern part of the country, any stool, an elaborate throne, or some ings, are more like a cooperative
person who could afford it could interpretive modern art rendition, project than independent entities.
purchase another human being of we all can recognize a chair when While this way of looking at our-
African descent and own him or her we see one. But what makes it a selves may seem challenging, it is
as his personal property. In his in- chair? Is it the wood? The glue or not as unfamiliar as we may think.
augural address for the TS deliv- nails used to construct it? Is it the At the most basic level, we are all
ered on November 17, 1875 in Mott rain and sunshine that made the aware that our physical bodies are
Memorial Hall in New York City, wood grow? Is it the carpenter? The composed of literally trillions of in-
Henry Steel Olcott referred to this idea in his mind? Carried to its logi- dividual cells, each with its own
condition, saying that 30 years cal extreme, the existence of a needs, direction of growth, and ex-
from that time, Americans would chair, or anything else, ultimately pression of consciousness. Within
be “ashamed . . . of ever having depends on everything there is. At the body, these individual cells join
owned a slave or countenanced hu- together to form the organs, the
man slavery.” It would take an- heart, brain, liver, kidneys, etc.,
other 45 years before it would be each organ having its own needs,
legal for women to vote in the US. function, and consciousness that is
After the holocaust of World The universal brother- significantly more expansive than
War II, and the genocidal struggles hood at the heart of are those of the participating cells.
preceding it, the newly formed the Theosophical With the addition of the “soul,” or
United Nations adopted a Univer- spiritual consciousness, this combi-
sal Declaration of Human Rights. movement is rooted in nation of diverse lives and func-
This declaration expanded on the Oneness. tions becomes that greater life
language of the TS’s First Object in described as “me” or “I.”
stating that human rights were un- The universal brotherhood at
affected by “race, color, sex, lan- a fundamental level, all things are the heart of the Theo soph i cal
guage, religion, political or other interdependent. Buddhist monk movement is rooted in Oneness.
opinion, national or social origin, and noted international teacher There is no road to a genuine spiri-
property, birth or other status.” Thich Nhat Hanh coined the term tuality that does not lead us toward
This level of understanding of “interbeing” to stress this idea. a deep en ing aware ness of our
the human fraternity has since The Theosophical perspective on shared experience. The Bible de-
been accepted and encoded in law human interdependence adds some scribes the human condition in this
worldwide. This rapid evolution in specificity to this idea. In The Se- way: “In him we live, and move, and
the collective worldview should be cret Doctrine, HPB makes the point have our being” (Acts 17:28). That
considered remarkable progress. that our habit of regarding our- Di vine Con scious ness is ev ery-
Yet from the perspective of the selves as independent units needs where present, expressing itself in
First Object, it is superficial. The rethinking. HPB depicts the hu- us and as us. Our role is to know it,
changes of the last century and a man condition from the point of not as a mere idea or concept, but as
half relate merely to rights and leg- view of consciousness — that hu- the essential truth of our being.
islation. The universal brother- manity as a whole and its compo- The motto of the TS is “There is no
hood of the First Object relates to nent units (us) are composed of gra- religion higher than Truth” — and
being. In Buddhism, and in H.P. dations of intelligence. The human there is no truth higher than One-
Blavatsky’s The Voice of the Si- being “arises” dependent upon the ness.  — From Quest, Winter 2017
lence, there is the con cept of interblending of three evolutionary
paramitas, or “perfections.” The streams (spir i tual, in tel lec tual, Tim Boyd is the international
last of these perfections is Wisdom and physical) and upon the hierar- president of the Theosophical
— the direct perception of Reality chies of in tel li gent be ings that Society.
or Truth. One component of this el- guide and direct those streams. She
evated state of seeing is the recog- writes, “Each of these three sys- jjj
ni tion of “de pend ent aris ing,” tems has its own laws, and is ruled Quantum physics thus reveals a
which is to say that there is nothing and guided by different sets of the basic oneness of the universe.
that exists that is not composed of highest Dhyanis or “Logoi.” Each is ERWIN SCHRODINGER
6 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

The Power of Spiritual Community

in Theosophical Work
My first encounter with the Age- Kindling the spiritual fire is but
Vicente Hao Chin Jr. less Wisdom was through a or- the first step. This flame must be
ange-robed yogi who spoke at our sustained, and here we encounter
college. I do not remember what he the second power of the communi-

ne encounters the Ageless talked about, but after the lecture I ty, the power to nurture. Being with
Wis dom mainly through approached him and asked to be a spiritual group like the TS, not
two avenues: the first is taught how to meditate. The follow- just an intellectual debating soci-
through books, and the other is ing Sunday, I received my introduc- ety but a living spiritual commu-
through people. It is the second tion to raja yoga, which led me to nity, enables us to sustain our ini-
that I believe has a greater impact tial effort to tread the path toward
on influencing someone to walk the the higher life.
spiritual path. I may read a book on
karma, and after reading it, nod my It is not easy trying to live ac-
cording to one's principles. The
head and say, “Oh, yes, this is true. Being with a spiritual worldly life has its own smart rules
I believe in karma,” and end there.
It is rare that reading a book alone group like the TS, not that sneer at integrity and truth-
will trigger a basic redirection of just an intellectual fulness, at spirituality and selfless-
ness, at meditation and nonacqui-
one’s life path, although this does debating society but a sitiveness. It offers so many tanta-
happen. But, it is when we meet
someone whose life strikes a chord living spiritual com- lizing experiences and sights that
of truth within us, and are continu- munity, enables us to it is easy for one to get carried
away. The community enables us to
ously exposed to such a person, that sustain our initial ef- sustain our sight of the distant
we realize the power of such associ-
ation in creating turning points in fort to tread the path light ahead of us, or, to put it an-
our lives. Allow me to share four toward the higher life. other way, to constantly be aware
facets of this power of long-term as- of this inner vision of the truer life.
sociation with spiritually inclined The spiritual community sustains
people, in our case, the Theosophi- and energizes this inner insight
the Theosophical Society. There I that begins as a series of intermit-
cal community. met a lady who was to have an en- tent sparks and becomes a tiny un-
The first is the chance to begin. during influence on my young life. I steady flame that needs to be
We are introduced to a new way of have been involved with the Theo- gently fanned for it not to be blown
life when we meet people who em- sophical Society ever since, and my out.
body such a life and worldview. We life has never been the same. The
notice within them a different kind My parents were businesspeo-
first power of the community, then,
of inner power –– one of equanimity ple. Being the eldest in the family, I
is the chance to begin our initial
and wisdom that goes beyond the was expected to pursue the life of a
steps towards the spiritual path in
smartness and cunningness that businessman after I graduated.
this life. The right community can
we normally see all around us. The people around me, the immedi-
kindle the spiritual fire within.
ate surrounding culture, my uncles
October-December, 2017 The Philippine Theosophist 7

sonal gain from it. In a world of

com pe ti tion, the aim is to get
The power of example is a very potent one. Peo- ahead, to acquire more, to gain.
One even learns that it is smart to
ple are the highest embodiments of truth outside use Machiavellian ways to surge
of ourselves. They give us conviction and cer- ahead. I was not lacking in such ex-
tainty about the validity of the spiritual or posure; however, the timeless prin-
ciples of the Ageless Wisdom con-
theosophic way of life. stantly reminded me to look the
other way –– to be willing to lose, to
give way, or to assist, if doing so
and relatives, were of similar busi- the proof that the wisdom is ulti- would mean lightening the burden
ness minds. It is hard to say what I mately sound and that committing of some one. These prin ci ples
would be doing today if it I had not our lives to the higher life is worth taught me that there is no such
encountered yoga and the Theo- it. thing as an enemy. We are all trav-
sophical Society. The weekly asso- Finally, the fourth power of the elers or pilgrims in quest of a dis-
ciation with Theosophists had a spiritual community is the power to tant paradise. Let us not quarrel
sustaining impact in my young life, teach how to truly serve. Again, this about precious stones or jewels that
such that despite being involved in de pends upon which par tic u lar we may have picked up along the
the business world, I was never group one associates. When there is way. We will have to divest our-
fully immersed in or carried away at least one person in the group selves of them eventually and enter
by it. One becomes like the dou- who exhibits the quality of cheerful the sa cred land hold ing each
ble-headed eagle, capable of seeing and spontaneous service, we may other's hands, not jew els and
in two directions: the life in the be blessed with the discovery of, stones.
outer world, and the life in the in- perhaps, the most important activ- Our journeys are not independ-
ner. This dual vision is one of the ity that a human being can engage ent of one another, but intertwined
most crucial stages in one's effort to in the life of service. in complex and mysterious ways so
live the higher life. It keeps one's that the joys and pains of others are
Most people are not naturally
feet on the ground, cognizing one's really shared by everyone. The
endowed with a service-oriented
duties and one's humanity, but at spiritual community teaches us
nature. On the contrary, we almost
the same time not losing sight of how to serve; not in the way a mer-
always start with selfishness. The
the reality of our transcendent na- chant would give his goods in ex-
budding spirituality that inclines
ture. change for something in return, but
towards selfless service needs to be
The third power of the spiritual nurtured in an environment that is to give and serve unconditionally.
community is the power to inspire. not cynical about compassion and It is truly a difficult lesson to learn
This, of course, depends upon the the giving of oneself. because the encrusted ego would
type of organization or group one is like to continue to strengthen it-
It is rather unfortunate that the
associated with. Speaking of my self, and is not willing to let go of its
practical man or woman is often
own exposure to the Theosophical imagined treasures without a cor-
subconsciously nurtured to think
Society, I may say that encounter- responding gain. The spiritual
that one should do certain things
ing certain individuals in the Soci- (continued on p. 12 )
only when there is a resultant per-
ety has pivotally uplifted my own
small efforts, giving strength to my
young wings. This is possible be-
cause we see embodied in certain
individuals the fruits of the wisdom Med i ta tion Cor ner
and the worthiness of such a life.
We realize that some day, we too We tend to think of meditation as inactivity. I think many people
can reach such heights, such levels think of meditation as something either that prepares us for action or
of integration. perhaps refreshes us after action, but the more you meditate, the
more you realize that meditation is not an inactive path. It is not out-
The power of example is a very side the sphere of action, rather it is at the center of action. Meditation
potent one. People are the highest we could describe as “pure action.” It is the highest form of human ac-
embodiments of truth outside of tion and because it is pure action, it takes us into the realm of “pure
ourselves. They give us conviction being.” The one who follows this path rejects nothing. We reject noth-
and certainty about the validity of ing of our own selfhood and we discover ourselves integrated, all our
the spiritual or theosophic way of powers, all our gifts, the total gift of our creation integrated, in har-
life. The deep, balanced, and exem- mony with the source of our being, in harmony with being.
plary lives of spiritual people are
John Main in Silence and Stillness in Every Season
8 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

Preparing for Perfection

a b o u t t r a n s c e n- God and the God-like fuse into a
Jose Victor Peñaranda dence or going be- union of superlatives.
yond the per- According to Nagarjuna, the an-
sonal ego. It is cient Buddhist sage, “When one at-

t is said that perfec- about the un-
tion is the goal of hu- tains to Nirvana, one does not ‘go’
ion of the indi- anywhere, it is one’s perception to-
man evolution. Since v i d u a l c o n-
it is our destiny to be per- ward and attitude about the world
sciousness and the things in it that have
fect, it is only reasonable with the Uni-
that we become familiar, changed. But the causes of one’s
v e r s a l C o n- samsara no longer exist.” Samsara
as we aspire, with aspects sciousness (the
of this ultimate condition. (the cycle of repeated birth, death,
microcosm and and re birth) con notes “aim less
We need to have a glimpse of the mac ro cosm
what is in store for us in the wandering,” slow progress or with-
are one). It is about out implication to one’s evolution in
future or succeeding lifetimes Nirvana in Buddhism
and know what it means to embark c o n sc i o u s n e s s. T o o v e r c o me
or Fana in Islam or Ascen- samsara is to dissolve the misery of
on such a journey. sion in Christianity — fully awake being ignorant and to end the suf-
Let us recall Christ – Christ as a to our original, divine state. fering caused by egotistic indul-
state of being rather than a person. Treading the Path, therefore, is gence.
The ideal in the early Christian a journey of unfolding our divinity
tradition is to reach a state of one- The flower of spirituality in us
and a stage-by-stage development cannot bloom if we haven’t mas-
ness with the divine spirit inherent of the personality. The goal is inte-
in each one: tered the demands of our physical
gration, but our divine individual- and emotional bodies through a
Till we all come in the unity of the ity should master the personality. mind illumined by the Buddhi prin-
faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man,
ciple, the transcendent faculty of
unto the measure of the stature of the inner self that transforms suf-
the fullness of Christ (Ephesians fer ing into con science. Hel ena
4:13). Christhood or Blavatsky once said, “Only one in-
Having attained this conscious- adeptship brings full flexible rule has been ever binding
upon the neophyte, as it is binding
ness, one loses the grand illusion of
self-centeredness, and perceives
and conscious oneness now, the complete subjugation of
the essence of the truth of having with the Christ-nature the lower nature by the higher.”
been always with the great All, the (Atma-Buddhi / In the Self-Trans for ma tion
absolutely Infinite. Christhood or Seminar of the Theosophical Soci-
adeptship brings full and conscious
Spirit-Soul) in every ety, the “Self-Mastery” sessions
one ness with the Christ-nature human being. deal with the purification of the
(Atma –Buddhi / Spirit-Soul) in ev- personal self, while the “Transcen-
ery human being. We actualize our dence” sessions deal with the disci-
divinity. This interior unification What we develop in the journey pline of the mind to awaken the
allows the Ascended or Perfected are inherent faculties, especially of higher levels of consciousness. This
One to share with every human be- the mind, to contemplate and real- process of purification from psycho-
ing his or her spiritual gifts, as an ize the one pure consciousness. Nir- logical conditionings is a crucial
act of love and out of renewed duty. vana or Fana is experiencing the stage in releasing ourselves from
In theosophical literature, one bliss of existence, of being absorbed physical stress and emotional dis-
who has attained human perfection in oneness with the Absolute or be- tress, to be able to enjoy our rela-
is called an “Adept,” which corre- ing immersed in the Void. We are tionships with people and to recog-
sponds to the Arhat of Buddhism, usually at a loss for words when at- nize what is beau ti ful in and
or the Rishi of Hinduism, or the tempting to de scribe those mo- around us.
Christos-saint in Christianity. ments of illumination when one is To experience beauty in Nature
Since being Christ is an inner drawn to participate in the holiness or in other people is to experience a
condition or state of being, it is of what is timeless, or when the sense of wholeness, of being able to
October-December, 2017 The Philippine Theosophist 9

partake in the mystery of the sa- com pare what hap pens in the Path. The qualifications for initia-
cred. Taking the Path is an exqui- realm of the timeless with what tion into this mystic adventure is
site opportunity to abandon a life happens in geo logic or historic enumerated and explained in the
engrossed with feeding or defend- time. Could a morning dewdrop en- booklet, At the Feet of the Master:
ing the ego and to be thankful for capsulate a century of recollec- Dis crim i na tion; Desirelessness;
recovering the grace in living. Em- tions? Besides, what is far more im- Six Points of Right Con duct
phasis is given to serious study and portant to us is the present, who (Self-con trol as to the mind;
cultivating an ethical life. While and where we are now. self-control as to action; tolerance;
the divine is latent in us, each one The journey to perfection is in a cheer ful ness; one-point ed ness;
has to work diligently for redemp- sense a prac tice in unity. One confidence) and Love. And of all the
tion. According to Annie Besant, learns to identify individual con- qualifications, love is the most im-
“The Spirit cannot manifest in the sciousness with the consciousness portant.
ignorant or in the immoral man.” of people he or she interacts with Out of love springs the resolve to
At a certain point, the one who everyday. It is a process of develop- be concerned and caring, and to will
seeks perfection makes a vow to ing sympathy to empathy, develop- for the happiness of those you care
gain enlightenment at the shortest ing the capacity to understand the for. It is for this reason that the vow
possible time, to be worthy of help- is made not to harm living beings
ing others in gaining enlighten- and to be always alert for opportu-
ment. Thus, the aspirant chooses nities to help and heal. It is also
to take the Path of Hastened At-
tainment or the Path of his own
Treading the Path, love that impels us to serve uncon-
ditionally and to rest in contempla-
Resurrection. Upon gaining perfec- therefore, is a journey tion of the Eternal.
tion, one may decide to forego eter- of unfolding our di- The spiritual in each one inevi-
nal liberation or ascension from hu-
man condition. By doing so, the
vinity . . . The jour- tably translates into acts of service
because it is the nature of the inner
Perfected One makes the supreme ney to perfection is in life to flow outwards, to offer and
choice to reincarnate immediately, a sense a practice in share. Such actions seek nothing in
to help others recognize the Path
and to take the Path. The Perfected
unity. return.
Goals of service have been ex-
One assumes this role without tam-
pressed previously at the historical
pering with the duties of those be-
beginning of the Theosophical Soci-
ing assisted in dealing with their limitations in others, their fears
own karma. and failures, their hopes and hap-
piness. It is a process of transcend- · To minimize the sum of misery in
The Christ triumphant is called this world;
“savior” by participating in our life, ing the notion that we are different
· To forget the self in working with
and not by substituting himself or and separate from others, that the
herself for us. Salvation remains problems of society are not our
· To eliminate selfishness and sub-
an individual choice and effort. problems, or that we have nothing
stitute love as the rule of the
Those who learn from the Christ to do with the devastation of the world;
world we live in or with healing it.
perfected acquire the will and wis- · To live to the highest that is
dom to be liberated or saved. Only by reflecting on our human within us.
condition and contemplating on On the Path to perfection, one
The curious mind will ask: so
our divine heritage can we verify realizes that social awareness can
how many reincarnations do I have
the unity of life, and engage ac- only be shaped into consensus by
to go through in order to attain per-
tively in the interdependence of all those who are self-aware and ready
fection? The question is valid and
existence. to serve. The sea of social change
may be understood in relation to
human preoccupation with time. Taking the Path of Hastened At- can ef fec tively be life-giv ing if
Mahatma Koot Hoomi once gave an tainment also means quietly and drained by rivers of self-trans-
answer and this is recorded in the humbly seeking the spiritual mas- formed individuals.
Mahatma Letters: “ . . . one life in ter within, the intuitive voice that In treading the Path, we learn to
each of the seven root races; one life comes from the most sacred source, make the best of ourselves — physi-
in each of the 49 sub-races — or the wellspring of what becomes our cally, emotionally, mentally — in
7x7x7 = 343, and add 7 more. And conscience. It implies a commit- whatever situation we are in, not to
then a series of lives in offshoot and ment to the study of the Ageless exalt the future position of perfec-
branchlet races; making the total Wisdom and to cultivate life skills tion, but that we may be worthy to-
the incarnations of man in each leading, possibly, to becoming a pu- day of becoming instruments of
station or planet 777.” One is awed pil of the Mahatma or the Adept. goodness or disciples that the Mas-
by these statistics, but we cannot No one is excluded in taking the (continued on p. 12)
10 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

escape in the utopian clouds of re-

nunciative indifference, but rather
that of a collaborator and activist,
ever willing to lend the helping
hand by the means of true theo-
The Ideal of sophical service. Such a one is a
builder and co-worker in the estab-
Service lishment of the ethical and righ-
teous foundations of society; his
mission is to set firmly the corner-
stone of universal brotherhood over
which the bricks of social order will
be gradually laid.
This idea of service stands at the
bedrock of what it means to live the
theosophic life. It is for this very
reason that G. S. Arundale refers to
Theosophy as “the way of service” in
his short 1919 work of the same
name. The relationship between
The oso phy and so ci ety may be
readily grasped when one recog-
nizes that the application of Theo-
means to be a Theosophist. sophical principles to societal ac-
Luke Michael Ironside It should be clear to the shrewd tion results in altruism. Altruism
student of these teach ings that may thus be rightly understood as
Theosophy was never intended as a the central principle of the Theo-

ne need not look far to per-
ceive the dilemmas that af- merely philosophical pursuit. In- sophical worldview. This, then, is
front our world today. It is, deed, it is the duty of every Theoso- prac ti cal The os o phy; al tru ism
in fact, impossible to walk down the phist to set right the misconception through selfless service to human-
street without observing suffering that his is an idle life; and this is to ity, where one’s actions are solely
of some kind; and though we may at be achieved not by argument but by for the purpose of helping and ben-
times close our eyes and ears to the efitting his fellow man, and in this
facts, the problems of life will al- way to pur sue the Bo dhi sattva
ways again rear their ugly heads. ideal. For it is in the pursuit of this
We are each of us entangled in soci- This idea of service path of compassion that one may
ety’s web of issues and are thus stands at the bedrock alleviate the suffering of the world
in those ways best suited to his
each responsible for our responses
to these; our actions or lack thereof.
of what it means to abilities.
Simply stated, society is the out- live the theosophic Blavatsky, writing in her second
ward expression of our collective life. It is for this very letter to the American Convention
of Theosophists, says of altruism
karma: we are its cause, and its is-
sues, the effect.
reason that G. S. that it is —
Theosophy has at times been ac-
Arundale refers to the keynote of Theosophy and the
cused of attracting dreamers to its Theosophy as “the cure for all ills; this it is which the
cause, and here a misconception way of service.” real Founders of the Theosophical
Society promote as its first object —
arises that Theosophy seeks to es-
cape from the world and in so doing
retreat from the great issues of the action. There is a profound truth to When considering Theosophy in
time; a misconception that Theoso- the proverbial assertion that ac- regards to its relationship with so-
phists are rather too metaphysical tions speak louder than words. We ciety at large it is well to reflect
for the practicalities of societal life. may here appropriately quote Dr. upon the aforementioned first ob-
Too often do we hear this reproach Annie Besant in her statement that ject of the Theosophical Society,
that Theosophists are somehow di- it is better to “remain silent, better this being: To form a nucleus of the
vorced from the great battle of the not even think, if you are not pre- universal brotherhood of humanity
day, from that which touches hu- pared to act.” The role of the Theos- without distinction of race, creed,
manity at its deepest point. And yet ophist in relation to the affairs of sex, caste, or color.
this is far from the truth of what it society is not, then, one of blissful It is this ideal of universal broth-
October-December, 2017 The Philippine Theosophist 11

erhood and tolerance of diversity thought. By what method, then, sciousness; here the low and the
that rests at the heart of the Theo- may we begin to move forward in base are understood for what they
sophical perspective on altruism our quest for progress; and where are: the muddy ground at the base
and social development. lies the common ground on which of the mountaintop of Man’s evolu-
The current condition of our so- we may each of us stand? tion through which one must toil to
ciety is rooted not in order but dis- climb to greater heights of spiritual
order, not law but lawlessness; this attainment.
is the karmic consequence which The desire for material goods is
faces us on every side, from which rooted in the condition of combat
arises the mass suffering and dis- The change must be- and competition; this being for the
content that bears striking witness gin as an internal reason that material goods are fi-
to the failure of our modern civili-
zation. The masses thirst for the
one; we must first nite and limited, and thus inequal-
ity in terms of material wealth is
sweet nectar of brotherhood and aim to train and dis- the necessary condition of a materi-
justice and yet find their cups filled cipline ourselves be- alistic society. Possession by one
instead with the bitter waters of
discontent; from this is bred the ha-
fore we seek to individual or group of a material
good excludes possession by an-
tred and malice so that so plague confront the chal- other; hence, conflict occurs. Prog-
our present society. Our natural lenges of the world. ress towards peace must therefore
state of unity and coexistence with necessarily arise through an ap-
our fellow kin is daily contradicted peal to the intellectual and spiri-
in our societal lives, until that brut- The change must begin as an in- tual aspects of life, and not that of
ish point is reached where brother ternal one; we must first aim to materialistic gain.
turns against brother; fa ther train and discipline ourselves be- We must, finally, foster a sense
against son. The mass disdain for fore we seek to confront the chal- of faith in humanity and appeal to
natural law threatens to set ablaze lenges of the world. In our immedi- that which is best in Man; we must
the very constructs of our society; ate circles, we can place before our invoke the Spirit and not the beast.
to burn to ashes the systems by associates those ideals that shall be It is duty that must be laid as the
which we interact one with another so clearly of noble character, so evi- foundation of society, for in duty is
— yet as the Hindu cosmology so dently wise, so pure of intention, contained the ideal of universal
articulately teaches, it is only by that they shall win the loyalty of brotherhood from which the garden
the Destructive Principle of Shiva the intellect while likewise gratify- of peace may bloom.
that the ground may be cleared for ing the hankerings of the heart.
Those things which are of an intel- The keynote of our current age is
the emergence of something new.
lectual and spiritual nature must progress. We are concerned, now
Perhaps from the wreckage of our
be set in the place of materialistic more than ever, with the develop-
worn-torn world we may attempt
urges upon the altar of our atten- ment of human society, and by
anew to build a civilization, one
tion –– that Man may emerge from such, to climb higher upon the lad-
founded upon the ideal and fact of
his infantile state in the gold chests der of Man’s evolution. The major-
universal brotherhood and the fun-
of his lower nature and thus ascend ity of our human race today are yet
damental oneness of life.
towards the real gold of the Spirit. in the fourth race, and yet it is the
The one point on which all can fifth race that is leading this pro-
agree is that the current state of af- This change occurs with the rec- gressive development. The advent
fairs is a dissatisfactory one, and ognition of the lust for luxury and of the sixth race is still far on the
yet the process by which we bring wealth — the multiplicity of mate- horizon, though it is this last which
about change is an issue for conten- rialistic wants — as being the mark will strike the keynote of unity and
tion among the differing schools of of an inferior development in con- brotherhood in the spirit of service
to all.
The fundamental reality of the
Reincarnation: unity of life is the central truth of
the coming race, and it is from this
Fact or Fancy? understanding that we will emerge
into a higher state of being. Thus do
Reincarnation is not an exclusively Hindu or Buddhist concept, but we stand at the threshold of a new
it is part of the history of human origin. It is proof of the mindstream's renaissance that is founded on the
capacity to retain knowledge of physical and mental activities. It is re- cornerstone of brotherhood and al-
lated to the theory of interdependent origination and to the law of cause truistic service for the betterment
and effect. of mankind.
The Dalai Lama (Preface to The Case for Reincarnation) (continued on p. 13)
12 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

The Power of Spiritual... Preparing for Perfection...

(continued from p. 7) (continued from p. 9 )
community has the power to soften
and melt such encrustations so
ters can use in their work in this
world and in this life. &
that one day, in one life, the soul
will be ready to let go of that
In a busy or troubled environ-
ment, there is usually a greater Answers
center called the self and awaken need or urgency for the individual
to the Self Universal. to find inner peace. When there are
The Theosophical community is persons who live in poverty and Q: Do animals have souls?
indeed a blessing to those whose helplessness, the challenge is to
fulfill their basic needs so they can A: Theosophical literature af-
lives revolve around its sphere of
turn their attention from mere sur- firms the existence of soul in ani-
influence. It has, first, the power to
vival to the spiritual. mals. Helena P. Blavatsky states
allow a soul to begin the quest; sec-
that animals have five principles
ond, it has the power to nurture the The theosophist who perseveres (as opposed to seven in a human
flame that sustains the quest; it can help awaken inner potentials being), and that they reincarnate
has the power to in spire and and release the spiritual energy of almost immediately to higher ani-
upliftthe soul to tran scend ing individuals to surmount both phys- mal organisms after death. These
heights; and, finally, it has the ical and psychological difficulties, five would then be manas (mind),
power to teach how to truly serve but he or she must first become a kama (desire), prana (vitality),
without self. wor thy as pi rant. An im por tant linga-sarira (etheric double), and
The Theosophical community, task is to be aware of lucid mo- physical body. She points out,
while be stow ing bless ings and ments of prac ti cal ful fill ment. however, that in animals the up-
power on the pilgrim soul, does not Soonly, the experienced can blend per triad (Atma-Buddhi-Manas)
demand for itself any allegiance to pain, grief, and sorrow in the same is “absolutely dormant” (even in
any doctrine or dogma. It is a com- mindscape with kindness, beauty, higher animals), suggesting that
munity that points not to itself, but and the joy of existence. she is referring to the higher men-
to something beyond itself. This is A teacher has said it before: tal (arupa-manas) as dormant
the transcendent power of a truly Should one take the Path, do it not rather than the lower men tal
spiri tual community. One feels for any other reason, but for love.  (rupa manas).
truly blessed to be under its moth-
H. P. Blavatsky points out that
erly wings. Jose Victor Penaranda was the Christian and Biblical teachings
For our part, let us share in nur- vice president of the Theosophical similarly affirm such a view. The
turing the spiritual quality of the Society in the Philippines. Old Testament ascribes nephesh
Theosophical community for the (soul) to animals. The Catholic
sake of future pilgrims to come. Let Church in turn affirm that saints
our programs, activities, and gath-
erings always be imbued with a
FFF have resurrected dead animals,
such as the feats of St. Francis of
wisp of the eternal. And let this be- Be perfect, therefore, as your
Assisi, St. Isidore of Spain, and
gin with our tiniest actions, with heavenly Father is perfect.
St. Nicholas of Tolentino. Such a
the casual words that flow from our THE BIBLE resurrection can only be possible
lips, with the daily fleet ing if the soul sur vives phys i cal
thoughts that cross our minds, un- Per fec tion is achieved, not
til our own lives have become per- when there is nothing more to
add, but when there is nothing The belief in the absence of
meated with the soundless melody
left to take away. souls in animals has led to cruelty
of the song of life, the song of the
to animals, such as in the practice
eternal. Then, truly, every new pil- ANTOINE DE -EXUPERY
of vivisection, the use of animals
grim will be in the midst of a genu-
If virtue promises happiness, for laboratory testings, and hunt-
inely transformative community,
prosperity and peace, then prog- ing for sports. The latter practices
the Theosophical Society. 
ress in virtue is progress in each are strongly opposed by many the-
of these for to whatever point the osophists.
Vicente Hao Chin Jr. is the presi- Vicente Hao Chin Jr. (Extracted from “Soul of Animals,”
perfection of anything brings us, Theosopedia.)
dent of Golden Link College Foun-
progress is always an approach (see more on next page)
dation and past president of the
toward it.
Theosophical Society in the Philip- EPICTETUS
October-December, 2017 The Philippine Theosophist 13

efforts should be made with a view to

The Ideal of Service... their ultimate social emancipation,
(continued from p. 11)
or the development of the sense of
duty in those who now so often ne-
Hence, we must raise high the
glect it in nearly every relation of
life. &
flame of hope, keep ever bright our
thoughts, and pure, our inten-
tions. It is for us who are Theoso-
The Theosophical Society, past
and pres ent, has al ways stood Answers
firmly upon this foundation of ser-
phists to pave the way for realiza- vice. We see this manifested in the
tion of peace, brotherhood, the activism of Dr. Annie Besant in the (continued from p. 12)
bring ing to gether of cul tures, fight for women’s rights as well as in Q: If ani mals have souls,
classes, and nations, the eradica- the Indian campaign for democratic how should we treat them?
tion of hostilities, and the recogni- rule. Likewise in the formation of
tion of our shared responsibility to A: The keynote of Mme. H. P.
the Theosophical Order of Service, Blavatsky’s worldview was the
our fellowman and the world we which is founded on the ideals of
each of us inhabit. Thus must we just and moral treatment of all be-
creative and humanitarian action ings in nature. This is part of the
prepare, each and all, for the com- in the fields of education, social wel-
ing trials ahead. The discovery of First Object of the Theosophical
fare, animal rights, and environ- Move ment, Uni versal Brother-
our role — of our dharma in the mental concerns.
cosmic play — is the duty of every hood. . . . The foundational teach-
It is in this spirit that we must ing of Theosophy, as expressed in
Theosophist; we are each of us
progress boldly into the future, each The Secret Doctrine, is “the funda-
suited to those methods whereby
assuming joy fully the part they mental identity of all souls with
we may have the most beneficent
have to play. Service to one is ser- the Universal Over-Soul . . . every-
impact on the progress of our soci-
vice to all, and no act is too small or thing in the Universe, throughout
insignificant from the Theosophic all its kingdoms, is conscious,” and
Blavatsky, speaking of the role perspective. Every action counts, endowed “with a consciousness of
of the Theosophist in relation to and the seeds we sow today may one its own kind and on its own plane
society, wrote the following words: day grow to encircle us in the fields of perception.” Because we share
Every Theosophist is bound to do of compassion and love.  the same Di vine Par ent and
his utmost to help on, by all the monadic ancestry with animals,
means in his power, every wise and Luke M. Ironside is the president we must treat them as our youn-
well-considered social effort which of the Pandacan Lodge of the Theo-
has for its object the amelioration
ger brethren in the evolutionary
sophical Society in the Philippines. ladder and take care that they are
of the condition of the poor. Such
not harmed in as far as they can
also feel pain like we do. (Extracted
from “Animal Souls, The Heart of Good,” The-

To Find the Joy osophy Watch.)

Q: Is meat-eating in align-
There is no finer joy than to live for others, to put our own selfish ten- ment with esoteric teachings?
dencies away. It is the highest form of yoga to endeavor to focus one’s at- Meat eating is something that
tention towards another, to give our devotion to others as if to God — for every esotericist should try not to
does not God lie within all? do. It is one of the horrible things
It takes an inner hand to gently guide our attention out to others, to that belong to the present stage of
all the lives around us, great and small: the plants that need watering, our humanity. . . . The idea of kill-
the spider that’s trapped indoors, the dog that needs to play, the child ing our unfortunate fellow beings .
who speaks, the husband or wife who needs companionship, the neigh- . . in order to live on their carcasses
bor fussing with his mower or building a new fence, or a grandparent is indeed a beastly one; and in the
who needs a helping hand. All of these are wonderful moments in which higher degrees in this our Order,
to draw ourselves out and make life a little better for those around us. meat eating is not permitted at all
— not so much because it is a
Self-centeredness and self-absorption is a hard nut to crack. But with crime, but from motives of com-
fortitude, it can be done. And once the sweet meat is tasted, there is the passion and from reasons of bodily
dawning of a new age for the inner man. He sees the fruitlessness of all purity. Actually, we do not need
his past toils to acquire things. He knows the worthlessness of striving meat. Flesh foods have a stimulat-
for self. Happiness has been discovered to lie elsewhere, in the happi- ing effect on the body, and also a
ness of his brother. grossening, coarsening effect.
Doreen Melbrod (Theosophy Northwest View, October 1999) (Extracted from G de Purucker's Dialogues — KTMG 5)
14 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

News and Events

Zen Roshi Sr. Sonia Punzalan Conducts Session at the TSP Hq
The TSP National Headquarters sponsored a 3-hour Zen meditation session conducted
by Sr. Sonia Punzalan, a Zen roshi and Catholic nun, with the assistance of Zen teacher
and healing priest Fr. Efren Borromeo and jiki Jay Batoon. Sr. Sonia led the practice of
zazen and body movements. She also shared with the audience the basic quality of con-
sciousness nurtured in Zen: seeing things as they really are.

Series of Self-Transformation Seminars Conducted

A series of Self-Transformation Seminars were conducted by Vic Hao Chin Jr. in vari-
ous parts of the country. The first was held in Urdaneta, Pangasinan last June 9 at the re-
quest of its city mayor which was attended by all the city government's department
heads. Another was conducted for university librarians in Mindanao last May 4-5 at the
Ateneo de Davao University. The Philippine Librarians Association then organized a
Self-Transformation Seminar in Cagayan de Oro last July 27-28, and in Davao City last
August 31 and September 1 at the University of Mindanao. The latest seminar was held
at the National Headquarters last Aug. 13, 19 and 20.

Monthly Yoga Sessions Launched

Regular monthly yoga sessions have been launched at the TSP National Headquarters.
The sessions are conducted by Dr. Andrew Navarro, a yoga teacher who has trained in India.

Self-Transformation Seminars in Finland

The Theosophical Society in Finland hosted two Self-Transformation Seminars in
Kreivila, Finland last June 25 to July 5. The first seminar was for the members of the TS in
Finland, and the second one was for TS members in Sweden. Both sessions were conducted
by Vic Hao Chin Jr.

The Spiritual Film Club Formed

A group of young TSP members launched the Spiritual Film Club last May. The group,
together with other interested TSP members, meets once a month to watch, and discuss
about, films that are theosophically relevant. They have shown Awake: the Life of
Yogananda, Bee Season and Zen: The Life of Zen Master Dogen, among others.

Billy Tan Conducts Yoga Laughter Session at the TSP Hq

Bro. Billy Tan of Malaysia conducted a lecture and session on Laughter Yoga last
March 5 at the TSP National Headquarters. Billy is also a clinical hypnotherapist.

Ven. Bhante Sujatha Conducts Lectures for the TSP

Ven. Bhante Sujatha of the Blue Lotus Temple in Woodstock, Illinois, USA, conducted
several lectures for the TSP last January on the subjects, “The Art of Happiness,” and
“Healing through Loving-Kindness Meditation,” and also a retreat on “Mindfulness and
Loving-Kindness Meditation” at the Golden Link College.

Vic Hao Chin Jr. Elected as General Council Member

The General Council of the Theosophical Society unanimously approved the election
of Vic Hao Chin Jr. as an Additional Member of the General Council upon his nomina-
tion by TS International President Tim Boyd.
October-December, 2017 The Philippine Theosophist 15

Directory of TSP Lodges and Study Groups

Provincial Areas
Ahimsa Study Group Celestine Lodge of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
Coordinator: Norma Garbanzos President: Lucia Alerta Tel.: (Cel.) 0908-2889821
Meeting: Every Saturday 6:00 p.m. Meeting: Every Sunday 2:00 p.m.
RVS Building, La Salle Avenue Venue: Abalayan Subd., San Jose Ormoc Lodge
Bacolod City 8002 Digos City President: Arnulfo Lumangtad
Tel.: Res. - (082) 553-2839/ Off. - (082) 291-1021 Meeting: Every Sunday 5:00 p.m.
Amor Study Group Venue: District 4, Aviles St. corner Juan Luna
Coordinator: Michael C. Andrade Godea Lodge St., Anilao Riverside Ormoc City
Meeting: Weekends 2:00 p.m. President: Anita Sescon Tel.: (Cel.) 0905-5036527/0928-9509412
Venue: Sabino Residence c/o Bro. Joyce Cary Meeting: Every Saturday 7:00 p.m.
Sabino, Damula-an, Albuera, Leyte Venue: No. 3A Concepcion Apt. Palompon Study Group
Tel.: (Cel.) 0916-5427153 San Miguel Village, Coordinator: Arnold A. Arapoc
Pala-o, 9200 Iligan City Meeting: Saturday 3:00 p.m.
Bacolod Lodge Tel.: (063) 351-7081, 223-0126 Venue: 635 Lopez Street, Bgy. Guiwan 2,
President: Ferdinand Yulo Email: Palompon, Leyte
Coordinator: Norma Garbanzos Tel.: (Cel.) 0926-2213388
Meeting: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday Iloilo Lodge
Venue: 82 St., Ignatius Avenue, Dona Juliana c/o Lisa Montero, Lily Que Satsang Lodge
Heights, Bacolod City Meeting: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday, 6:00 p.m. President: Dr. Mary Anne Cabrera
Venue: Au Wong residence, Diversion Road, Meeting: once a month, always on a Thursday,
Bataan Study Group Manduriao, Iloilo City 6:00 p.m.
Coordinator: Norve Cruz Tel.: (033) 320-3950; (Cel.) 0919-8592504/ Venue: Cafe Georg, Banilad or Persian Palate,
Meeting: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday 0919-3027998 Mango Square, Mango Ave., Cebu City
Venue: East Calaguiman, Samal, Bataan Tel.: (032) 253-7098
Tel.: (Cel.) 0917-5762407; 0929-7256762 Maharlika Lodge
President: Dionisio S. Cervantes Toril Study Group
Bohol Lodge Meeting: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday Coordinator: Jun Aling
President: Ludwig Quirog Venue: Josie B.D. Cartago residence, Road 4, Meeting: Every Saturday 4:00 p.m.
Meeting: Every Thursday 6:00 p.m. Dona Vicenta Village, Davao City (near Ponce Venue: Blk 5, Macleod, Daliao
Venue: Cora Ponteres residence, 120 P. Garcia Suites Gallery Hotel) Toril, 8025 Davao City
Avenue, Mansasa District, 6300 Tagbilaran City Tel.: (Cel.) 0923-5714743/ 09255120523/
0917-7211130 Urdaneta Study Group
Cebu Lodge Coordinator: Ramil San Juan
President: Lovorn Ang Muñoz Lodge Venue: Blk 3, Lot 21 Doña Loleng
Meeting: Every Saturday 6:30 p.m President: Clemente Madarang Urdaneta, Pangasinan
Venue: 2nd Floor, Pan de Malunggay, Juana Meeting: Every Sunday 1:30 p.m.
Osmena St., Cebu City Venue: Purok Curva, Bgy. Bantug, Science City
Tel: (Cel) 0943-5202891

Metro Manila Area

Golden Link Theosophical Lodge Pandacan Lodge Tel.: (02) 741-5740;
President: Rekha Nahar President: Luke M. Ironside Email:
Meeting: Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 4:00 p.m. Meeting: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11:00 a.m.
Venue: Conference Room, 2nd floor, Main Build- Venue: TSP National Headquarters Soliman Lodge & Raja Lodge
ing, Golden Link College, Camarin, North 1 Iba St., cor. P. Florentino St., President: Dr. Preciosa Soliven
Caloocan City Quezon City, 1114 Metro Manila Meeting: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday, 1:30 p.m.
Tel: (Cel.) 0918-9146901 Tel.: (02) 7415740/ (Cel.) 0919-6477503 Venue: Room 601 or Rooms 704-705, Operation
Email: Brotherhood (OB) Montessori School, 3 Eisen-
Logos Study Group hower St., Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila
President: Bert Cabrera Rizaliana Lodge Tel.: (Cel.) 0917 945 1758 (text only)
Meeting: Every 1st and 3rd Saturday, 3:00 p.m. Meeting: Every Saturday 6:00 p.m.
Venue: Unit 304 Page 1 Building, Acacia Ave., Venue: TSP National Headquarters Theosophical Research and Study Group
Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang, 1 Iba St., cor. P. Florentino St., Meeting: Sunday 6pm; inquiries
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila Quezon City, 1114 Metro Manila Venue: TSP National Headquarters
Tel.: (Cel.) 0917-9451758 Tel.: 741-57-40 1 Iba St. cor. P. Florentino St.,
Quezon City, 1114 Metro Manila
Manila Lodge Saturday Inquirers Group Tel.: 741-57-40/09178987794
President: Mona Brocoy Coordinator: Luke M. Ironside Email:
Meeting: 1st and 3rd Sunday, 11:30 a.m. Meeting: Every 1st and 3rd Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Venue: TSP National Headquarters Venue: TSP National Headquarters Vidya Lodge
1 Iba St. cor. P. Florentino St, Quezon City 1 Iba St. corner P. Florentino St., Meeting: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, 6:30 p.m.
Tel.: (02) 7415740; (Cel.) 0927-4034983 Quezon City, 1114 Metro Manila Venue: TSP National Headquarters
Tel.: 741-5740
16 The Philippine Theosophist October-December, 2017

The Theosophical Society

The Theosophical Society was formed at New York on
November 17, 1875, and incorporated in Chennai (Ma-
dras), India, on April 3, 1905.

Its three declared Objects are:

· To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Hu-

manity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or
· To encourage the study of Comparative Religion,
Philosophy and Science.
· To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the
powers latent in man.

“Theosophy is the shoreless ocean of universal truth,

love and wisdom reflecting its radiance on the earth,
while the Theosophical Society is only a visible bubble
on that reflection. Theosophy is divine nature, visible
and invisible, and its Society human nature trying to as-
cend to its divine parent.”
Key to Theosophy

The Theosophical Society in the Philippines ENTERED AS THIRD CLASS MAIL MATTER
1 Iba St., Quezon City, Philippines AT THE MANILA CENTRAL POST OFFICE


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