FORM 3 CHAP 4 Reproduction PDF

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1. Reproduction
- To produce a new individual.
- To ensure continuation of species or to increase population.
2. Reproduction
Sexual Asexual
- Involving fusion of male and female i. Carried out by lower organisms
gametes. ii. Involving one parent and without fusion of
Human gametes.
Male Female iii. It is a quick reproduction process.
(testes) (ovary) a. Binary fission – split into two
↓ ↓ - such as amoeba, paramecium, euglena,
Sperm Ovum chlamydomonas and bacteria.
(male gamete) (female gamete) b. Budding
fertilization - such as yeast and hydra and spirogyra.
c. Spore formation
- such as ferns, moss, mucour, fungi,
Zygote → sperm fuses
lichen, mushroom.
with ovum
d. Rejuvenation
- such as starfish, fluke, flatworm,
Embryo → division of
Gestation zygote
e. Vegetative reproduction
- grow from specific vegetative part such
(38-40 Foetus (2-9 months)
as leave, stem or root.
weeks) - has complete body

Baby (foetus that is born)

Male / Stamen Female / Pistil
(anther) (ovary)
↓ ↓
pollen grain Ovule
(male gamete) (female gamete)




3. Human Gamete (are produce after puberty)

a. Sperm (smallest cell in men body) b. Ovum (biggest cell in female body)
i. Able to swim / move / tadpole shape i. Unable to swim / spherical shape
ii. Contain mitochondria which provide ii. Contain abundant cytoplasm to supply
energy. food and a large nucleus./ female genetic /
iii. Contain a nucleus with DNA / male DNA.
genetic iii. Ovaries take turns to release the ovum
iv. Alive less than 72 hours in uterus every month (28 days).
iv. Die in 24 hours if it is not fertilize by

4. Reproduction
a. Male reproduction system b. Female reproduction system
i. Scrotal i. Ovaries produce ovum and female
- Protect the testes. hormones (estrogen and progesterone).
- To lower temperature for the testes ii. Fallopian Tube / Oviduct
ii. Seminal Vesicle. - Place of fertilisation
- Secretes a slippery fluid to nourish the iii. Uterus
sperms. - Place where the foetus develops
- Activated the sperms and to store sperms. - Help to push the baby out.
iii. Testes iv. Cervix
- Produce sperms and male testosterone - Secrete slippery fluid to active the
hormone. sperms
- Help to push the baby out during
labour (widen during childbirth).
v. Vagina
- Receive sperms

iv. Prostate gland

- Control the flow of urine and sperms.
v. Urethra
- Release urine / sperms out of the body.
vi. Sperm duct
- Channel sperms from the testis to the
The Important of Pre-natal Care - To increase sperms count
1. Nutrition for foetal Development
a. The foetal obtains his source of nutrients c. Surgery
from the mother through umbilical cord / - Help to clear blockage in fallopian tube /
placenta. sperm duct.
b. Therefore, the mother diet must contains: d. Surrogate mother
i. Protein -For formation of protoplasm/ e. Rhythmic method (have sex during fertile
to build tissues. phase day 11-17).
ii. Carbohydrates and fats -Provide 4. Birth Control Method – for family planning
energy for growth. a. In Woman
iii. Minerals i. Contraceptive pills.
- Iron to build heamoglobin red blood - To prevent ovulation.
cells. ii. Spermicides.
- Calcium and phosphate for bone and - Introduce into vagina to kill sperms.
cartilage development iii. IUD
iv. Vitamins -Strengthen mother’s immune - Inserted into uterus to prevent zygote
system and health of foetus. from implanting into uterus.
v. Folic acid - for brain development and iv. Diaphragms
nervous system. - Rubber cap fitted into cervix to prevent
c. Smoking, alcohol and drugs on the sperm from entering the uterus.
other hand are harmful to the foetus. v. Tubectomy
- Legition of both fallopian tubes
vi. Natural method (Rythemic Method)
2. Sterility/ Infertility – unable to have - Avoid having sex during fertile phase
children. which is day 11 to 17.
a. In Man - Unreliable as the menstrual cycle is not
- Low sperms count in the semen. constant.
- Disorder of testicle.
b. In Man.
- Blockage in sperm duct.
i. Condom
- Inability to erect
- To prevent sperms from entering
- Hormone imbalance.
b. In Woman.
ii. Vasectomy
- Inability to release ovum. (no
- Cutting and trying up both sperm duct
to prevent flow of sperm.
- Blockage in fallopian tube.
- Disorder in uterus/ovary.
- Hormone imbalance.
3. Overcome Sterility / Infertility
a. In vitro fertilization / artificial
- Retrieving ovum from the women and
fertilizing them with sperms in a dish and
then implanted into the woman uterus.
b. Hormone treatment
- Help the inability ovary to release ovum.
Type of fertilization in animals

4. Fertilisation
a. Internal b. External
- Occur inside of the - Occur outside of c. The advantages of cross – pollination
female’s body. the female’s body. i. Offspring which have good qualities in
- eg. mammals, - eg: fish and terms of size and taste.
reptile, bird. amphibian ii. Offspring which is healthier and can
- Advantages: - Advantages: adapt to environmental changes.
a. Less gametes are No specific iii. More resistant to diseases.
produced reproduction iv. More varieties
b. Zygote / embryo organs. d. Method to avoid self-pollination
is protected in the - Disadvantage: i. The stamen and pistil mature on
female’s body. a. Lot of gametes different time.
c. Chances of are produced ii. The male flowers and female flowers
fertilisation is b. Need water as on different trees.
high, medium of iii. The anther is located below the stigma.
- Disadvantage: transport.
Require specific c. Fertilization 2. Pollinating Agents.
reproduction chances is low as Characteristic Pollinated by
organs. lots of gametes of flowers i. Insect ii. Wind
are washed away a. Petals Large , Small, dull,
or eaten by bright, not
predators. colourful colourful.
b. Pollen Large, Small, dry,
The Sexual Reproductive of flowering grains sticky. light, smooth
plants. and a lot.
1. Pollination
a. The transfer of pollen grains from the c. Stamens Short Long
anther (male flower) to the stigma d. Stigma Short and Long, large
(female flower). sticky and feathery
e. Produces Scented Unscented
and with without
nectar nectar.
b. Pollination f. Examples Hibiscus, Coconut,
lotus, maize, paddy
Self Cross orchid, and grass.
- occur in the - occur in sunflower
same flower. different flowers and rose.
- occur in the in different
different plants.
flowers but in
the same plant.

3. a. Stamen Pistil
(Male flower) (Female flower) ii. Testa → soften and crack
↓ ↓ ↓
Anther Ovary iii. Radical → become roots
↓ ↓ (grow first)
Pollen grains Ovule ↓
iv. Plumule → become shoots
Pollination ↓
↓ v. Cotyledon getting smaller
Pollen tube (as food being used up for growing)

Fertilisation 2a.



↓ b. The plant will only make food /
Seedling photosynthesis when the first foliage leaves
The Germination of Seeds 3. Ways of storing seed and to prevent
1. The germination of seeds need water, air germination of seed.
and suitable temperature / heat(except - Store in cool and dry place
sunlight because they do not have any leaves - Store in refrigerator
for photosynthesis.) - Store in air tight container
a. Sequences of germination
i. Absorb of water – the seed swells and
increase in size
Type of Germination
Epygeal Germination Hypogeal Germination.
- Cotyledon is brought above the soil surface - Cotyledon is below the ground during
during germination such as peanut, long germination such as like maize, paddy and
beans, groundnuts and kidney beans. rubber tree.

5. During germination, the cotyledon is getting smaller because the food has been used up for
growing / germination.
6. Reproduction
Sexual (produce variation) Asexual
- New individual is produced from two parents - New individual is produced from a
of different genders. single parent.
- Advantages
Animal Plant i. Involving a single parent.
-Via male and - Via pistil and stamen ii. A quick reproduction process.
female flowers - Disadvantage
i. No variation
More healthier, better qualities, more resistant to ii. Less adaptable to environmental
diseases and adaptable to environmental changes. changes.

Vegetative Binary Fission Budding Spore formation Rejuvenation /

- Rhizomes - Amoeba - Yeast - Ferns Regeneration
- Corms - Bacteria - Hydra - Lichens - Star fish
- Stem tubers - Paramecium - spirogyra - Mushroom - Fluke
- Leaves - Euglena - Mucor - flatworm
- Runners - Chlamydomonas - Moss - tapeworm
- Stem cuttings

Vegetative Reproduction In Flowering Plants

1. Grow from specific vegetative parts of the i. Involving a single parent plant.
plant, such as stems, leaves and roots. ii. No variation.
iii. A quick process.
a. Rhizomes
- Grow horizontal underground stems
like lalang, ginger, lotus and tumeric.

f. Runners
- With stems (runner / stolans) that
grow horizontally above the ground
like sweet potato and strawberry.
b. Corms
- Thick, short underground stem
swollen with food reserves, like water
chestnut and yam. g. Stem cutting
− Growing from buds, found on the
stem, like tapioca, rose, sugar cane,
bougainvillea and hibiscus.

c. Bulbs
- With fleshy scale leaves.
- Food is stored in leaves, like onion h. Suckers
and garlic, tulips, lilies. - Shoot growing from the stem, like
banana, bamboo and pineapple

d. Stem Tubers
- Swollen underground stem with a 2. Advantages of Vegetative Reproduction
number of buds. are as follow:
- Buds produce young shoots like a. It takes a shorter time for new plants to
potatoes and dahlias. develop by vegetative reproduction than
from seeds because no pollination or
fertilization takes place as only one parent
is needed.
b. The new plants can survive better in
harsh condition because they can still
obtain food from the parent plant.
e. Leaves c. Since vegetative reproduction is a form of
- Plants growing from leaves like asexual reproduction.
bryophyllum leaf and aloe vera. i. The daughter plant will resemble
the parent plant in every way.
ii. The good qualities of the parent
plant can be directly passed down
to the daughter plant without any hence this makes them less adaptable to
changes. changes in the environment.
3. Disadvantages of Vegetative Reproduction b. The lack of dispersal make the new plants
are as follow : grow close together and have to complete
a. Compare to the new plants produced by for sunlight and nutrients with the parent
seed, those produced by vegetative plant.
reproduction are of lesser variety and c. No variation occur

4. Classification of vegetable reproduction

P: Bryophyllum P, Q, R, S
Q: Potato Reproduce from leaves Reproduce from stem
R: Yam P, S Q, R
S: Aloe Vera


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