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APUSH Thanksgiving Project Review Matrix Kelly Howard

Colonial Era "Revolutionary" Era Early Antebellum Era Late Antebellum Era
(1607-1776) (1776-1800) (1800-1830) (1830-1860)
 Dutch set up outposts in PA, English  First federal census in 1790, one fifth was  Jefferson repealed the Alien  Freedman’s Bureau is established to
in Atlantic coast, French in LA and African American, three fifths were English, and Sedition Acts help former slaves
Canada and one fifth was Scottish or Irish,  Bladensburg Races  Ku Klux Klan forms in TN
 Colonization became dependent on remainder being Dutch, French, German, or  Gibbons vs. Ogden  First Women’s Rights meeting in
American religion Swedish. 1848
Diversity  Indians were a major group as well  Differences in ethnicity didn’t really change  Black Codes: limit rights and
from the Colonial Era. liberties of African Americans

 Before revolution, the identity of  The American Identity during the revolution  The idea of a greedy nation   13th, 14th, 15th Amendments for civil
the Americas was of a get-a-way. was mainly based upon the way people saw became apparent through the wanting rights
 People could have a fresh start people in America. of land and money  Ford’s Theater: place of Lincoln’s
American where they wouldn’t have to worry  America was thought of more like an  Francis Scott Key: Composer of assassination
about their debt in Europe. independent nation then a proprietorship. the Star-Spangled Banner  “crackers”
Identity  The identity changed as different  Old Hickory  “black belt”
nationalities came to the US.  Underground Railroad

 Several different cultures arose as  Republican Motherhood: children should  Oneidas   Ku Klux Klan forms in TN
the colonies were established. be raised in a republicanism manor where  The Shakers  First Women’s Rights meeting in
 Different nationalities had different they obey and know the republican way  The Mormons 1848
cultures along with the Islanders  Loyalists and Patriots  The Transcendentalists  Manifest Destiny
Culture and Africans bringing in a  Valley Forge  Charles G. Finney and the
completely different culture. Second Great Awakening

 In the beg., the colonies were  Mortality rate decreased while the birth  Universal White Manhood  Black Codes: limit rights and
settled by the immigrants but as the rate increased Suffrage: right to vote, rights of minors liberties of African Americans
time went by less and less  Migration wasn’t as dominant in the and non-citizens  “An imaginary Negro in an
immigrants traveled to start new Revolutionary Era but the idea of one impossible place.”: Mark Stagmeiler
colonies. nation became more prevalent and  Pottawatomie Massacre: in reaction
Demographi  The populations grew year by year separate nationalities wasn’t thought of as to sacking of Lawrence, killed 5 pro-
due to birth and immigration. much slaves
c Changes
APUSH Thanksgiving Project Review Matrix Kelly Howard
 The Indians hunted and gathered as  Unified, common market  The New Democracy  Copperheads: group of Democrats
means of an economic system  No internal tariffs or taxes upon  Second Bank of the United States who opposed CW
 Charter companies and the lifestyles internal commerce  Henry Clay and the American System  Clement Vallandigham: unionist in
of the Europeans transformed the  Mild central government with states  Judiciary Act of 1801 Copperheads
Economic economic system of the Americas to having majority of control  Midnight Judges  Appomattox Court House: first
Transformations what it was going into the  Federalist No. 10  Tariff of Abominations 1828: South county seat, Clover Hill, VA
Revolutionary era.  The South Carolina Exposition and
Protest: against Tariff of Abominations
 Spoils System
 The environment of the new  Land Ordinance of 1785: provided  Missouri Compromise   More Politics:
America’s was very diverse. In the political organization of colonies north  Cumberland Highway  Jefferson Davis: President of Confeds
north (Canada) there were times of the Ohio River and west of the  Maysville Road  James Buchanan: “Old Buck”
when you would go months with Mississippi River  Battle of the Thames  Manifest Destiny
just snow, but the islands had more  Northwest Ordinance of 1787:
heat and saw the sun every day. creation of the Northwest Territory as
Environment the first organized territory of the
United States out of the region south
of the Great Lakes, north and west of
the Ohio River, and east of the
Mississippi River.

 The Great Puritan Migration was a  Treaty of Alliance 1778: promised  Treaty of 1812  Morrill Tariff: protective tariff law
migration of Protestants not military support in case of attack by  Treaty of 1819  Mason-Dixon Line: dispute between
wanting to be persecuted in Europe British forces indefinitely into the  Lewis & Clark Brits and Am.Col. for border of PA,
to the colonies where they could future.  Napoleon and selling Louisiana VA, MD, DE
live more freely.  Treaty of Paris 1783: Florida was  Barbary Pirates  Clayton-Bulwer Treaty: canal access
Globalization  Hessians ceded to Spain & Caribbean islands  Toussaint L’Ouverture in Nicaragua
 Treaty of Utrecht 1713 were given back to the British  Missouri Compromise
 Paris Peace 1763  Cumberland Highway
 Scotch-Irish  Tariff of 1816

 Indentured servitude was a means  Society of Cincinnati   John Quincy Adams  10% Plan: a state could be
of coming to the colonies to receive  Civic virtue  Francis Scott Key reintegrated into the Union when 10
citizenship.  Annapolis Convention  National Republicans percent of voters (as counted in the
 Politics in the beginning were  Virginia & New Jersey Plans  Revolution of 1828: Jackson’s election presidential election of 1860) had
supposed to be different from that  Federalist No. 10  Old Hickory taken an oath of allegiance to the
Politics and of England’s but really there were  Electoral College  Macon’s Bill #2 U.S. and pledged to abide by
Citizenship only a few tweaks from the  Second Continental Congress emancipation
European way of politics.  Common Sense by Thomas Paine  Swing Around the Circle: Andrew
 Loyalists and Patriots; Tories Johnson disastrous speaking
campaign under taken tried to gain
support for his mild Reconstruction
APUSH Thanksgiving Project Review Matrix Kelly Howard
 Reasons for the colonies beginning   Presbyterianism started along with the  Revolution of 1828: Jackson’s election  Wade-Davis Bill: program proposed
was the Protestant Reformation in Quakers who were there to save the slaves.  Webster-Hayne Debate for the Reconstruction of the
Europe during the 17th & 18th  Common Sense by Thomas Paine  Revolution of 1800 Southern-admittance to the Union
century  Treaty of Alliance of 1778  Social Reform: for former Confederate states
Reform  Temperance contingent on a majority in each
 Health & Sexuality Southern state to take the Ironclad
 Humanizing the asylum clan to the effect they had never in
the past supported the Confederacy.
 Religion was the basis of everything  Presbyterianism started along with the  The Prophet  More War & Diplomacy::
before and right after the colonial Quakers who were there to save the slaves.  Politics weren’t based upon religion as  William Tecumseh Sherman: general
era.  Anglican Church much as they were in colonial in CW
 Everything was based upon the  Congregationalism  The Man Without a Country:
Catholics and Protestants. describes life of an American soldier
 Northern colonies (MA, MD, PA) who renounces his country during a
Religion based everything upon religion (law). trial for treason
 Congregational Church  Fort Sumter: bombardment and
 The Church of England surrender of FS started CW
 Stonewall Jackson
 Rebel Yell: battle cry by Confeds
 Trent Affair
 Slavery was of the Barbadians and the  Shay’s Rebellion  Denmark Vesey: African slave from the   Freedman’s Bureau is established to
Atlantic Slave Trade Route didn’t take  Three-fifths compromise Caribbean that planned one of the help former slaves
Slavery and place until closer to the end of the  Slavery was beginning to be a massive would have been greatest slave  Ku Klux Klan forms in TN
Colonial Era. problem in the US uprising but was convicted and  Nat Turner leads slave revolt in VA
Its Legacies  The southern colonies were most executed before it could be carried out  Black Codes: limit rights and liberties
commonly the slave states. of African Americans
in North  Civil Rights Act: gave further rights
America  Emancipation Proclamation
 Confiscation Acts: free slaves held by
 Seven Years’ War  Great Compromise  Battle of New Orleans  Bull Run (Manassas): first major
 Sugar Act 1764  Virginia & New Jersey Plan  Mr. Madison’s War battle over land in Civil War
 Quartering Act 1765  Battles at Lexington and Concord  Old Ironsides  George McClellan: general in CW;
 Stamp Act 1765  Breed’s Hill: the Battle of Bunker Hill  Hartford Convention organized Army of Potomac
 Declaratory Act  Evacuation Day of the British Troops  Rush-Bagot  Jeb Stuart: army officer for Confed.
 Townshend Acts  General William Howe  Washington Irving thought of highly by And. Jack.
 Crispus Attucks  “Gentleman Johnny” Burgoyne (British  James Fenimore Cooper  Merrimack and Monitor: Ironclads
 Boston Massacre General who surrendered troops to for North and South
War and American troops)  Battle of Antietam: first major battle
Diplomacy  Valley Forge to take place on Northern soil
 Battle of Saratoga  “Remember Fort Pillow”: battle
 Treaty of Alliance (1778) where AAs were massacred.
 Benedict Arnold  Battle of Gettysburg
 Siege of Yorktown where Washington  Ulysses S. Grant
defeated General Cornwallis  David G. Farragut: Battle of Mobile
 Treaty of Paris 1783 Bay
 Siege of Vicksburg: final siege
APUSH Thanksgiving Project Review Matrix Kelly Howard

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