Trough - Historic Sections

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‘sdulus of omplece 453 DORMAN, LONG & CO., LIMITED PRESSED STEEL TROUGH SECTIONS qe to ere ai | TALS eos SINGLE TaOUGR WiPm LAP JOIN DSR BOURKE TmoUeM wi LAP JOINT DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOAUS IN CWTS, PER SQUARE FOOT SPANS IN FEET ae re | ay | a0 | 32! $e |o4-20 [44-54 [52-90 05:11 1:0 \1¢ 97 [13.26 11 10) 92 1 i SF BS BS? dove teas 9.6 sol 98 3 ‘S:11 as at [tes [ts39|.098| 695 Fa8| C28 ‘ 21-47 bs-9¢ 63s hous iss 292 |i048| 297] | Besaatheeles aplee ea i Seat auee HGS lowe '9ae, Toe CS 7 [26-08 | 18-11 argo flea 80s 652) 539) 453) $ jo as x2.02 ic0e 1932 1979 oe : seat BEE Tas | 608 73 937] S38) e jie) fess tess ites ‘eae | 32/ 239| | e EBPs esa [tho |e) O38) G2) 2 ie {aes (267 |1940|15-9| 125 |» co| | | u fase [29-61 | 1e-g1 [12-72 [10.03 | B14 B Rest tac [SEs liese|'sse, Sak a 54 Lae 103 ie | tg [sori ja-4s |aas4lie-se auf | | | tt Has lage egy SSF fs] | re SSH BSS 21S Eat ces | te leszzhsoshorzliessliioe| om} roel | 28 [57-40 23:60|16-45 [12-08] 923] Pat | 992 | | Bt psi lina SSE S| 72] 2) CE Ld Le | PRESSED STEEL TROUGHING. “The tabular loads are bated on an extreme fibre sire of 6 tone per square inch and Include the weighe ofthe eraughing sel The areas. and Section Moduli ebilated are for ane complete unie a presveu. in which ease these properties for dauble tought are far complete nection In the ease af troughs with buce Joints the tabulated properties include Sor the faz an | ties | stage | este “Riecea | aloe] Seaean in Me. i 45 [ 50-86 a6 | ea | Re | ee aot | jal dtees ae iB) ee 254 303 | PRESSED STEEL TROUGHING je based on an extreme fibre nrea of 8 tons per aquare inch and inched ihe erovghing uel ‘The arent ané Section Modull tabulated are for one complete unit at pressed, in wi es eect far dovle tooughs are for the complete tection. In he eae of troughs with "bur" oints the tabulated properties Include for she Section Type Area of | Weight Ref. sion Mark Y D cle 2ee- S885 SB em sane 8 8. 8. r 7 6 6 6 6 5 3 Beoe BRS= 8 s eSs Gla faa s88 382 PRESSED STEEL TROUGHING The tabular loads are based on an extreme fi nelude che weight of the troughing itself. The areas and Section Moduli. tabulate which case these properties for doubl ® troughs are for the complete section In tha ease al rrevibe i Minimum Modulus of Section | including] Dimen4| Complees Section cluding cover for Butted Trough) 180-79 151-08 (21-24 129-17 107-94 86-62 65-19 94-40 78-84 63-24 47-58 84-02 71-23 37-99 44:28 60-65 48-78 36:69 54-45 ALL 33-97 bre stress of 8 tons per square Inch and 4 are for cne complete unit aa pressed, In Mark 8 2% mj nis | L ut I 1 64-28 |44-64 |32-B9 |25-11 | 19-84 16° ar (i328 WN16) 9-51) B19 ral 628 2 53-72 |37-30 |27-41 [20-98 | 16-58 |13-43 || 1-10) 9-33) 7-95] 6-85) 5-97) 5-25, 3 43-11 |29-93 121-99 116-84 | 13-30 [10-78 | 8-91 | 7-48) 6-38) 5-50) 4-79) 4-21 | i 4 51-67 35-83 [26-36 |20-13 || 5-95 ]12-92 110-68 | B-97| 7-64) 6:59 5 43-18 |29-98 |22-03 | 16-87 |13-33 |10-79| 8-92 | 7-49} 6-39) 5°51 6 34-65 [24-06 |1 7-68 |13:53 [10-69 | 8-66 | 7-16) 6-02] 5-13] 4-42 7 26-08 |18-11 |13-30 |10-19| 8-05 | 652) 5-39 | 453| 3-86] 3-33 8 43-16 [29-97 122-02 |1 6°96 |13-32 |10-79 | 9-92 9 36-04 |25-03 (18-39 |14-08 [11-12 | 9-01 | 7-45 10 28-91 20-08 |14-75 |11-29 | 8-92 | 7:23) 5.97 " 20-75 J0S-10 |11-10] 8-50) 6-71) 5-44) 4-49 12, 38-41 |26-67 19-60 115-00 111-85) 9-60] 7:94 1a 32-56 }22-61 16-61 [12° 0-05 | 3-14] 6:73 4 26-51 |18-40 [13-53 8:18) 663 | 5-48 15 [20-24 |14:06 {10:33 625 | 5:06) 418 ie |so-71 |32-45 laa-84 [16-56 oor] B11 7 40-65 |26-02 |18-07 |13-27 8-03 | 6-50 18 30-57 |19-57 13-59 | 9-98 6:04 | 4:69 19 [45-37 (29-04 [20-17 [14-82 11-34 | 8:96 | 7-26 2037-00 23-68 16-45 12-08 | 9-25 | 7-31 | 5.92 2 28-31 [lei2 a 9-24! 7-08 | 5-59 | 453 PRESSED STEEL TROUGHING. covers. The tabular loads are based on an extreme fibre stress of 8 tons per square inch and Include the weight of the troughing Itself. The areas.and Sectlos Modult tabulated are for one complete wn which caso these properties for double troughs are far complete section. In the case of troughs with ' bute" foluts the tabulated properties include for che Eas pressed, In Section el He 1 not | 4 won ote 20/4 would ow | ae 2 0\4 now| a ooo er 1 8}k non] fe walt 18 ‘ 14 ‘ 1 6la 26/4 won| ee Double Single Double & i ALE TROUGH WITH LAP JOINT Slope of Webs Area of | Weight Section |(including| {including} Rivets) cover for | per sq. ft. Butted | covered | Trough) sq.ins, | tbs, | ins. 10-74 32-43 4-60 14-06 AAG 452, W72 20:59 4-48 17-47 29-97 421 13-13 22-60 | 418 10-95 18:96 | 4:16 33-56 28-69 4-1 25:22 2158 | 4-06 21-03 18-04 4.04 10-98 2:74 3-41 9-16 i910 | 3:39 734 15-48 338 20:92 21-51 3-30 17-45 (8-00 | 3-28 13.97 1450 | 3-26 15-98 20:50} 2-26 13-33 {714 2.23 10-67 1379 | 2-21 18-55 U3 279 15-47 17-66 | 2-77 1239 14°20 275 15:34 2-12 3-09 (2-78 17-69 3-05 10-22 (430 3-01 Minimum Modulus of Complete Section (including cover for Butted - Trough) aise 40:76 30:67 25-60 36-81 28-26 23-83 73-38 56-09 47:20 18-6! S73 1277 36:95 31-16 25-24 19-09 16-58 13-17 27-38 23:14 18-78 25-68 21-48 17-25 TO"d WoL Worn OF DEPTH oF [pcre Mapucus eigen SECTION OF TROUGHING. [SESTIN SET Corantsmey Ze fll mameid b | id t ins lbs. = RAILTRACK TNFORMATON SHEET 7 2-0 CAL Z a z 2-0 ga B: med 3 ii) +07) |Elolse 4 viak x ‘| it a Fl gy | ip ‘ ig «| cee Jor ey 2-6 re ro E PEE: i 2-8" oo 2:8 2-8 | 12 ess | 32) ith sage 107-0 | 420 ever ead > ae en sha - ; 2-8°| is 44° | aso | als sesth dese "1 ieto | sit forer ond ae) A single ae 138-0 Sie bermios she cere 5 ne a ? 8d MSY STEEL TROY, SECTIONS le ON LONG & CO. UnitED | PRESSED STEEL TRoUg), SECTIONS | | uy orf = DORMAN LONG if 10 | i | 1 [Sinan | iH Weight Modulos Slope} Section Igars eg Dizes-| “ot | ot finciucig| ens] sion |cesplete|”" Do Webs |cover forl sorsq.te| % including Foot 1 ‘Ape | Butted [every covert] ath | eye] | [rgd sa. ins. cee | 1 T {EEE ae (peel | sli 613 Double! Lap | 60° | 1840 | 21710 | 278 | 27°40 | 9713 5/1 6| & [Doubie} Lap | 60° 15°40 | 17°65 | 2°76 | 22°80 760 5|1 6| © double Lap | 60° | 1230 | 14°20 274 | 1825 | 608 | i j { 660 1 3/4 [Double} Lap | 60° 282 i216 661 | 5| 1 3) g [Doublel Lap | 60° 280 12 \ 662) 5] 1 3] IDouble! Lap | 60° 278 760 : —j3i0] 5/1 4.3 [Doublel Lap | e0° | 16°92 | 21°90 | 2°78 | 2420 | 9°07 311 1 4] 4 [Double Lap | 60° | 14710 | 18°30 | 2°76 | 20°20 757 312 14 t[Double Lap | 60° 14°30 | 14°70 | 2°74 | S610 604 | | | 280| 41 6|% Double! Lap | 65° | 18°30 | 251 | 26°90 | 8°97 381} 441 6] -& [Doublel Lap | 65° | 15°25 749 | 22°40 | 7°47 282] 411 6| g)Double| Lap | 65° | 1220] i410 | 247 | 17°90 | | 1 i \ PRESSED STEEL TROUGHING. The tabular loads are based on an extreme fibre: stress of 10 tons per square.incb and include the weight of the troughing itself- “The areas tabulated ure for ‘one complete unit es pressed. {n the case of troughs with=Batt” Joints the tabulated properties includes for the covers, is a | ie IP BoM and —se7) westwoons- a) haa ] “STEEL TROUGHING - SECTION.F tae F -c'| 23-3! 25-0" T T T la.3 123 j sot lo-3 10: | 31-4 | 20-9) 4-5) 9-3/5-2 i 36-6) 24-4/1G-9/ 10-8) @-1 | 3-9 | 27 [41-9 [27-9 |19-4/12-4/ 7-0 |4-5 | 3-1 ; | | Z| a5-cl471 | 31-4 [21-s|13-9|/7-8 | so/]3-5 | 7] T T a 32:6| 52-3 | 34-8) 24.2/15-5/ 3-7 | 5-@/ 3-9 Ty 6 | 43-5 |57-¢| 38-3 |20-01 17-0 SG) ol 4-3 2 | 47:5 |e2-8 |4i-8 | 29.0 18-6|10-5| 67 Ac | tf TASULAR Loans Age BASED ON aN ExTeeme FIGR STRES= OF ID Tons pce sauaee wen ANOS INCLUDE THE WeIaHT OF TROUGHING MmseLe Nore: SB _SECTION CAN mE vagico IN WiptH a Few INCHES TO SUIT ENGWEERS REQUIREMENTS AND can SE Mave iw LeNnerwe of 36-0 witwour somt Sk Mave w LeNerws of 36-0 wirwour sowT Josers wWestwooo g cs ize _mmuwau., Lonsen cin er | | Srerlon i Maximunt Safe Loads in Gwts. por square Foot, allowing a working stress of 6 Tons per Square Inch, 2 WEIGIW ADBSLTT 198" 390d SAS DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED, Se STEEL TROUGHING Hgja. rivers. 7 Biter ct MINIMUM, Welt per 6q.R. of covered area =26.26 Ibe Section Mogulus = 36-57 Cl MAXIMUM Weigh por 49.1 of covered area = 35-02 Ibs Section Modulus = 31°45 FOR PROPERTIES @ SAFE LOADS SEE PAGES 200 AND eb J DORMAN, LONG-& CO. LIMITED. STEEL TROUGHING Centre Line 367" XY Wadia rivers, ‘Aplien 1267 © MINIMUM Contre Line D MINIMUM FOR PROPERTIES & SAFE LOADS SEE PAGES 200 AND 201, : = 201 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. STEEL TROUGHING SAFE LOADS IN CWTS. PER SQUARE Foot TONS FOR WIDTH “c © DISTRIBUTED Loaps tn poe ee SPANS IN FEET

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