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Initiative: the power of the pedpte! to propose anendments. 10 ths Consillulcr or to propose DEFINITIONS: ‘i ‘And enaci logialations through an aldction entied lor sho panptto, Suffrage: the right to Goto I -the emetion of lficers “chosen by the fwosle tn! in Referendum the power of thn electorate to Aeierminaton of questions sumited to thy ‘ppm oF reject legislation through an sleetion Deonln; It includes election, plubiscte. naive ated for he purpone,. | sand referendum 4 Reesit: a moda of eemaval of a loca! elactiva Evetion: dhe -neanw by whieh the pe apie choose atte‘ Wy the poopie hofara tha end of hie tarm of ‘or 8 dofinta and fixad perio! snd 10 office whom they entrust for the time baing the exrreise with of the powors uf government, FIFORY ON SUFFRAGE PREVAILING IN THE PHL.IPPINES: Suftage. is both a right and 8 Kinds: privioge, is 0 right because It [sh expression 1. Raguras: ong providu by taw fer eisction of nf the soveralan wil of Ihe neapia, It Is privlage offcars gither nationwide or in. weetain bocmine ls axoreiag 8 granted nol to evanybody subsivisione thereof, afi expiration of tha tl but to the persons of clase ct person. an are most farm ef the former mambe-s; partiiated In tkevy 10 exer ste Hor the purpos? of the pubhe by those whe possess the right ct # illrage gooe. Sy are not otherwise disqualiied by law, and who ate registaved vovers, SYSTEM OF RLECTION ADOPTED IN THE PHILIPPINES: » Sinens 1901, the Australian + The SK eletion is net @ regular artic, ——_systary, teteanentaty gencls Out, a iia toed «a ISR ye youth with ages ranging from 18:21 ‘mow “abqingust fh tS BYAfom In Skt 18-46 per RA 8164), some of wliom cv Neetey tn boirihss SST KAA, ot qualified voters to -alect local or é. rational elective officials (Pavus v COMELEC, GR No, 123619, Docomber 4, 1996), 2% Special: ona held to fil any vacvacy in an ohtice batove tha.expiration of the full term for whlch the Incument vias electad. Pleblscito: the electoral process by witich a Initiative on the Conatttution Is approved ot {elected by th’ people; It also the msans by which {he voters In affected arcas condont oF objec! to the change ir the form of local government 4 MEP, soo. 6, Rbitulida: is days, excunvecomwnnt cantar courte ant OMA Baan cat acanamia poration, MAMA ADE SANS eh ha parc ny, GRACE SATAN RI ee hal fo eneratons JUAN CARLOS NUESITO Mec for wate, Mak ANCL AC ETANG ae eo or cea RINE ARMAOLLLEE ARSE ‘ee Chai for ance IRENE NPR ACE tA cha frp AC LOC ONCE ON Wer Sa ae POUNEAL LAW: i AERGAnETTE ONTHAN sblet i, MARY CAAISINE DANU tnt une chal, CHINE MACK, DALE JogOME SAMA constsalonal aw 2, ROSE JENNER CHA sheen laa, MARLYN BEAM BOs ee 2OSIMIA VIL NF In on pubhe eatperatens DIOANIAE ZOMAAT RMUAsApule ernolooal te " REXIAPAO conthutioal ow "on pul fee, PERE. Menaens: | i Sophia Coluent, Nomis Ann Debalbs, Mine Motees Oy Je: Vise Guan ct, Apr Rou J ran sen Fey Katine Rta, Lauedte Pails lane bos" the Mir ae her ones aan Metzader, Loule Mad Patni’, Ane Say Ne 82 |2009 CENTRALIZED BAR OPERATIONS ELIE BAR OPERATIONS Tr 2 System of Continuing Raglstration. Th. orsoiut! fg of applleation ot registration o° Yotore shall be conducted daly in tho offica of the’ Election “Officer during’ regular fico ‘hours, No registration. shall, “however, be conducted during the period startina ‘one hundred twenty (120) days bofere a regu! election an¢ ninely'(G0> days bolore a special electiun (Suc, 8, 4 8109), Disqualification: Th same grounds for the disqualiications for sutfruge literata or Disabled Vaters: may cecister with the assistance of thy Election Ullicer er ny mariber of an accruciind clizen's arm epplicauon for raglatration ‘may be prepared by any relative within the fourincivil degre «| Consangvinty or ulfity or By the Elects 1 Oicer or any member of an accredited Glizen’s arms using tha data suaptied by the applicant (Sue, 14, RA 0189), Election Rogistration Hoarck These shalt 90 ig Bach ty und tmunieipuity an many Election eglstrauion Bourds as the-e are Slection oficors therein; shalt bo composed: of the Election Officer as chaimun and 1s Mombers, the publi: school offic, most Soniar in rank und the fecal civ rogls.rar, 0 In his ahsence, thy ily of mun'sipal Weasuror, No momiber of the Gourd stall he foluted to vach ater or to any incumbent ery Of municipal olactive olfcial within tno fourth Wil degree of consanguinity or atfinly. (Sec, 18, RA 8189) Chiattorgos to Right to Ragtster. Any voter, Candidate ur representelivs of @ seg sered pollical, sary may ehalenge In writing. any application for “registration, —sialing” the rounds: therelor, The challenge shall t > Under oul “and:ba attached to tha application, together with the proot uf otic Of. hearing (9°: the challenger’ ant the applicant“ Oppestiiony to sconlust 9 ‘egeitant’s apphcution for ‘rrciwion inthe Velar’s ‘st must, in alt Gaui'y, bo flled riot later than the second Moncay”of the monch in which the same ie schedulad to be heard o Prosasvod. by: thy Bigatlon: -Rogistatiny Boaid. The hauring on tha challenge sin. be fMaurd on tha third Mongay of the month arnt {Wo ducisic.» shail a eundarod belore fins Grni of tho mani (See, 18, RA UIUY}, Deactivation of Regisiration: "Ine ood Shall deaclivate Woe registration ani remove the registration records of the following Persons vom the errespondiag resin ad _—_ J San Wedn College of Law boo oF votersiand placa tho same, properly marked ard dated In indelible ink, In the Inactive fio aXer entering the cause or saves of deac-ivations™* am 8. Any parse.) wna hag bass sentenced by final Jucger sutfor imprlsonmont for ‘ol loss tnan one (3) yeur, euch disabil: not having Usen remover by plonary perdan or amnesty: Provided, howevnr, chat any porson disquaitied to voto under this paragraph shalt automatically feacquiry the fight to vote uport expiration of five (5) years alter service of sentence as centifed by the clerks of courts af the Municipal Municipal Cireuiu Metropolitan” Regional Trial Couns anc the Sandigenbayan, Any person who has beer adi.dgad by fino! judgment by @ compe.ant court o° \ritunal of Raving caused/committed any crimy nvalving disloyalty ls the dul constituted Government such — ais fedeiton, sevillon, violation of the anti svoveralon und firearms ‘uws, of any ero against rational szcury, untest: ‘estore (0 his fu! elvil and political rights ‘ secardance with lavi; Provided, Tha ne shall ragan his ryht to' vow automaticaly pan oxpication of five (8) yours after sorvice of santency; Any person declared by compaten: auonty 10. b9 Insane or incor petunt Unies ‘sich claqualification hus best subsequently removed by @ dectarntion 9 @ proper Bythority thar such person li ‘0 Fangar inst ne or incompatent; Any paruon vito dit noi vole in the two uG60331V0 plogading reyulse lection: as snown by their yong reccids. Fo tis. purwos ular elections do Ao: MUG (90) gaye mi Peeideon Cticor Birt to Elecuor Ban Mera College of Kew Preparation and Posting of the vertiting Lst of Voters: The Board shall preoare and post corte list of voters ninety (6:0) days Delore m raqular aiction snd six! 160) days before @ special election aad tuenish copiog thereof Io the provinelay, regional zs national central files. Copies of th certines ‘st, along 2 conified ,fist’ of desctiva’ legorzer! by precinct yer baratiaiy. with, the sume period shai tkewise be in the cHfice of the Election Oficer and im the bulletin board of each cily’municy,al nati Upor. payment of the fren ns fisect by tho Commission, the eanditates and hats of fegistered political pares shall also furnished copies therao! (Soc. 29, RA 318%) ‘NCLUSION AND EXCLUSION PROCEE JINGS. COMFL.EC has no jurisdiction to ranoive the issue regarding the right lo vole, whe sania being cognizabl. by te cours in the brocendings tor the eyclusion of irclusion xf volar. {Canmosa v -GOMBLEG, Si. No 120318, L rcamber 3, 1497).. Common Rulos Governiny — curtictat Proceadings in the Mattar of ‘trclusior., Exclusion and Correction of Nantes ul Voters (Sec. 12, RA 8189)! 2 Petition for inclusion exclusien or correction of narres of voters shall he filed suring office hours: b. Notice of che placa, dato and tine ¢f the hearing of the petition shall be se-ved upon the members of the Buard and tho chi tuten fing of the & A poittion shalt rétar. only to ‘ofa (4) Province! sind shall knpleod the Uri, ‘ae ‘esporden 4, No canis soll bo fisgansed wyainst ry party In these nrocuadings. Huwover, If tho court should find that the appication has veen Mled:solely. to harass tne + adverse paity, sid “cause nim to incur expenses, K shall ofdor the culpable party to pay the éosts and Ineldanial expentos; ©. Any voter, esndidale. oF politcal party wh 10 inay be ailected by the proceedings ‘ray intervene and oraaent his avides The decfsion “skal, be: lsareo. sn” tho evidorce presentad and In no care endured upen'watipuistor of fo's {tthe question ts whelher ot not the valet is {eal cr Nettious, hiv’ non-eppeorance on {he day ot for tearing. ahall bo. prin {acle evidence that the ehsllanges volar fa fettious; and . 3. Peiltion tor inekisior suo io urine vo fing. Gases! apponted "0 te Regional Trlat-Gourt Aa bo decide with ton (30) days to racrpt of tho ap pan Ino cases, the (our! shal doce “inoce petitions not‘ipter than fifteen (15) stays holor tho elestion end tho doction ano Becoma tinal fd executory 2. durtultlon in Inclusion and. Exciunton Cases: The Muntipal and (cltopottan Tri Cours. shat hays original i oxctusivo jurisdiction over all. ensns sO ilctusion and ‘exclusion of wars lt thle résdelve clos or ‘ounieipatves, Decisions of he Municipal or Hetropolinn ‘rin! Courts may be appealed! by the nggrieved party fo fia Ropionsl Tae Court within ve (6) days trom receipt of notice thercol. OMerwise, said deelsion shall ‘racoma final and exccuny. The ragional tal court hell deci the appest within ten (10) ays tom the lime i is recrived aud Ihe decision shall immedininly become linal ang sxxocute.y. (No mollon foi -rsconsireraiton shail Se antertvad (Bax, 33, 1A 9409), Any norson whos Applicalion’ for. teqletralon hos. Boer aisopproved vy Ha Hunts et whose name has Bean stricken out thom the ish my le ‘wih the court m neltion fo Inciute ts mo In {ne permanent I of voters in his precinet nt any time excopit ena hundred fwe (105) day prior to n tegularolection oF sevarty-ivo (78) ‘days prior to a spacial eleetin, "shall be Sunporied hy 8 curteale of eisopprova of his application and proot of gx vice of nolica of Pia petiibn upan the Bosro, The patton sh be decidad wihin fitocn (18) days ator {ie fing (Soc, 34, RA;8189), Ue ary or the rate patie | stun Patition farseKhRibiif ‘Any dagistered voter, ee i 9. The pttion shall'be heard anc dosiaed party, sada ‘within ton (10) days from tho daic af its ‘eating, annul any pared in accordance 84,2009 CENTRALIZED DAR OPERATIONS ~ oe TED SAR OPERATIC with the provisions of thiyiAétiori was preparod through fraud, brbory, forgery, Imoorsona:ion, {nlimidation, forcw or any similar trregularty, ot tihich contains data. that are tate cally Improbable, No order, ming or daclaion annuiling 4, b00k of voters shull b exacutad within ninety (80) days before an election (Seu. 39, RA 109). *, Tho annukront of the tlst of voters thas not Gonstituta @ ground for w pre-prociamation " contest (Ututulum vs COMELEC, Gr Ns, 99.01-04, 93206, Juno 26, 1990). GONSTITUTISNAL PROVISIONS: Constitutional Law f memory aid Refer tw DEFINITIONS [THE PARTY-LIST SYSTEM ACT (RA Toa4y: 1. Party: means vither @ poilical party or 9 ‘secloral party or a coalilion of parties Political Party: relury toon organized groun of iliens savocating a ideology or latlorm, ‘principles and policies for. ne General conduct of government und which, as {he most lntnodiute means of aecuring sre adoption, requlerly norsinates urd suppors Gerloi’ of its leaders and members as Sandidaws for pudlic atfica, tis a muliona! purly whan is constituarey is spread over tho wographical torrtery of at tons! a mujonty of Oe fegions “IV ls a regional purty when ile constituuncy 1s sprqud over the googra tattvory of 6: Joast a majority of the vite sind Provinces compriiiig ther region 3. Sectoral Party: raters to an organized grou, of clizens ueionging to any af the vectors ghumeraied in Secton 8 hares! whose Principal advocacy portaing to tho spucial Inlerest and concerns 3 their sactor, 4), Sectoral Sepanizntion:-ralurs to a grov0 0 citizens oF ¥ coalition of groups of citizens, Who share similar physical” allibules 0: sharacterishes, employment, interests or ‘concerns, 5 Goaltlon: zefers ta tin alygrupation of duly fesiatered aational, regional, soeloral pa OF organizntions tor palitral andlor election purposes, ie le ELEcHiON “OH system: To Pariylist systdiiié'a: mectinlem of wropertcna fepresentc ion In tho elgetion of soprenentatven {e'thu Mouse ot Kepresontalives fom raion pee eee ree 201 Weds College of Law rovional and 88éléral parties or organizations of soalons thereat registered with the COMELEC (Soc. 3 (a), RA 7941) REGISTRATION: Any -orgunized group of Portions may rogister ws a party, organization oF Feaittnn for purposns of tha pary-iat system by Aico with the COMELEC net lator man ninety 190) days before the election w petition verihed by Ue prasidont or se-catar/ stating its desire 10 Partvipsle in the pastysist sysiem a7 a national, ‘al or sucto‘al’ party oF orgenization or a Soallion of suck partws or organizations (Ser, §, RA 7044), qt 1 No votes cast in tavor of political party, 1 enieatlan oF gpaltian snail be valid exeeot tor Rosa rapslered under te pary-lat system (0 Art 1%," 1987 Canstitution), ? Puposes + To ucqulra juidical personality: + To entite i ta. tights and’ privileges ‘rantad to poitieal parties; and + Teopartcipata in he partysst systarn 3 Groups which cannot bo rogistorod a1 political parties (Sac. 3, RA 79¢1)- 4 Religious danominatio;ss or sects; b those vino sek to achiove ina gou's wwough viotence of unlawtul ineuns; © Move who rafuse to uphold and auhere {0 tha Constitution: a 0 1has>" wuppoted by gnvernment foreign, (4AL MUCK) (See. 6, RA 7941): hi igs Se 2 aeneaton stl sats a oat 9 eee cette! conaionny ee S Tysitwas fam yualléé tn gunna or son any position, *e Ne Certificate ut Politica! casas h 21m oF Abram 2A Magis thant pustien inciies yor Formal Deoetsi: in Only those who flee after ‘concert Ctucs: Tha’ lection of a “contidagt {o avoid purishment, bul ance Fennel be “annua on the cle greene those who, afer being hapa nes (Bo ousnttes ns eaten 0: Cneigac Bo vO'd prenncutian (annmars {Pa Guzman v. Bista of Comessors ree SOMELEC GR by HBr A 5 ny (24724, Novembira, #935) 26, 1985) 1 Rermanent resiinnis tn» toruign eeuriry 4 Cant GIRUAlIatION’ oF Withdrawal of relnoxa wna. hive enintod ans fat Seagate: Bubmitutton ot candtitaty, I {onde mbroad a vf wentrun to myn ar the tal dey te the thing of exam of ERGO MAM what tha: atoetiviy fe fenatgnoy, an oticiah condidntg aa ot Sota: caiisered! aeeredted “esti pany hog : i Amble idene > to say ntis or Is cetalieg ts: cay ence show that t.@ porsch it an mn ving tam aneberton Belonaing to, ana carina se i 12. of, parmanant rasisent ot ine or eaate Paileal nity may tie a earisneys Unites Sines of Ameren fora Sos NTRY to rapince the ennencete cae i Gout of Appoals. GR Ms Boney than Wihare oF was ainauaited nee Mee Nove bor. 1906), SEES 407 of tha tay of the electing ea 9 The insane oF facblu-mindod, 7, O59), 3 Additional Crounds for Disquatiteation lente of Candidnay: (Soe. 68, oP 804 wortifcate of candidacy One wie has vslaled provisions’ on Snnaie eee the quattestn of “ace f Campaign panto: anrit'ta tbo elected, for the postion, 1° + Romaval, " destructien ef sayy SIM RWAL Of the wsthdrnvn), tor Me herpes election propaganda oe Seng the centineata of eandiggey, Poke 1 Prohibited forms of uropagsnds age itn the pelea provided ty iarnset * _Regulution “al propognra rough {to fling of eestneates of candidacy mass media . a Fatt Pak Ohtn meney a” einer 6 Flog of wo Gortidates oF candidacy ater contidertion toluene ane han 9 person hies 1 § She who committad sete of terrose® fancioneyt & One who ‘spant olecien eurnpaign yn excoss allowed by law’ & Ore wir soloed or receiver Contributlon prohibited by tayy CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY. 1 No person shall be eligible tor a 7 clectivs Sy ake office unless he tes a awoen Leninecre (eon WCReY wikin the poriad Bred oy ces (Sec. 73, oe), : 4 Automatic Resignation. Sprcinive otticns, including active mambers of AFP and officers of government-owned of Paacled corcoralions shall be conaercs {nso facto resigned (Soe. 66, 2) fo or canbel Sole: Section 67 of the CLC’ and Soction 13 My under Sec 70, °F Pepublic Act No, 8430 on ‘automatic eC SE2¢09 CENTRAUED QAR OPERATIONS fra Beda College of Law % Nulganco Candidatos: COMELEC tay {alu pruata oF upon pation OF aR Interes'oa Barty, rafusa to giva dus course ta nf cancel 2 covtifeaip of candiducy If sRovin Mat sid ‘coruficatd was hlad: To put tha clacton progoss In mockery 2+ + disrepute, . 8. To cause confusion omeng -votert by siniarty "of numox of registered w andldatos, * &. » By other circumstances ct ects which demonsiraie that u candidate has no bona fice Intention ty un for the office for which hiv ceriificate “of cendiiagy has ‘been fled, ang thus provent. a faithtul determination of the ‘ue will of the electorate 8. Potition to Deny Due Course oF to Cunce! Gontificate of Candidacy: ‘ * The COMELEC, upon propor palition, . may cancel a certiicate’of candidacy on the ground that any... material ‘misrepresenializn contained as foquired under See 74 of the is false (Suc. 78, OG), provided that ia) tha fala representation penaina to inutorlal “matter utfocting “substantive fights of v cundidute urd that (b) the false. Presentlion must consist uf deliberate aitempl to wistead, misinlonm, er hide fact ‘Which would’ otlorwisa’ render canuidate ineligible (Su C. GRUND. 1-168) +The petition may bo tiled not tater than days from the thaw of filing of the 1 vartifeate of candiduey. and shall Le wacided, utter due notice and hearing, ot ‘ole then 1 days bufore the lection (Seotion 70 BP. WOT), + dunsdicton over a_prtition to eane eeviicow. “of cangivuey hws will tte COMELE'D in “aivigion, mot wills the COMELES! on vane (Gurvidas, OR W9}11228/2, Soplomnber 10, 1997) 10. Eifoct of ‘Disqualification Caso: Any candidate Wiio has boun doclured by fival judgment to be disquatitiad shull nokbe voted for, and the otes cust fur tim shaw Not be Counted, I for any reason a cancidale js nol declared by lst paggmont botate an election to Ue disqu vificd and ne. we votud for wd facoives tha waning Numba Of vot 36 in such lection, the Court ar Commiasion shal Continue with the lal and lieating of tne action, inquiry, oF protest and, upon tnotian oF 00. kt VOLIBIEAL ACTIVITY Fly 1 vrematy thesiglebtig cantiqae onedpolialgde) A ma ee ? sa Gemelnent yar any otorvonar, may dung the partonsy areal ordér “tne suspension of. the. proclamation of such canuidate whenuver the avidency oF his yult {is strong (S00, 8 RA 6646 oF thy Eloctorul Rotors baw of 1987), + Nolo that the CGMELEC can suspond Proclamation only when of the waning y Gundidate's guilt 1s strong (Codi, Sc. vi Oe Vondcia, ot at, GR te, 150608, Oucombar 10, 2002), * Tho use of the word:*may” inaicatas nut {he suspension of the. proclamal meroly permitsiva, It the COMELEG 4998 nol find any suffclent ground to susgend proclamation, then proclamation, may be made (Grego v. COMELEC, supru). oo ay that sinco, a je lsqualified, ine ded lor the disqualified ‘should, fy effect, be null and vou. | This Would onvount to lacn‘ranchising the electorate in whom sovervignly resiua (Crloge v. SOMELEC, SIA Na. 105411, duly 3, 1992). + Ihe inuligibity “of 8 cendidate receiving majesty volew dogs not entitle the eligible Cancidate tegaiving the next highest numb of vowes to be daclared elected exceptions: 2 The the, wa obtaned. the nignust ‘iret ovatus wy dewuulieds ANG Thay electorate ts aly aware i Tact anc Wo Lave of tha Giundidaie’s disqualification 19 olng seh awuronees wit the “vii Of MOtOrHy but would nonctholass + thal votae fn vor of the et ote on aalg, fragt y wonarLac Nop) Nt see, oe sa NOAM ANS 84 i 1" fair pity, gure Zep oats, ‘tal iets ig} cumoaign orp ibn alpati 79, OFS) res i 105 hove gyy oe Poninvei aaa gure Comeaining Natit oe uhtawtys for Why person to engage Eat tein College ef duns in clecton carnsaiga oF partinny piatinn ot ty except during the ear ype qr p tod 3. itera yot no enicdnva whose ‘erat te 10 ne ‘promoted or dfeatod. thee a Ceeneion 9 any lgaion eampay Barisan poled! ¥elviy. "Acc agi engaging in pantnan poltieal accoiy er iia (1. 6! agansl 8 BerROn who Ti hos nen, ctvtVieate of eancisney fe nat prohinine FAIR ELECTIONS AGT (RA 9006) | awful Ftection Prepaganda Welter (Printed Materiais (dows nol exceec % in width by 14 in. tong, J lanawititteniprinied letters Porters (mot uxeeerting 2.x 3.11), hawavs by_€ ft. strosimers ura allowed wt sony acra 2 Publis meeting or rally, al the site aid oe Pie gceasion of 8 oublie meeting nly may Pe, splayed § days botere the dots «vay Dut shall Be famovedt within 24 tw! aitus save Poot ads '% pace in brordshoels anit, ace in bls cance 3 wook per newer: pun magazine cr othor -publigation dutmo‘me cuny aign pred Rigneast Mada C0. TY and 18 wy) Rational Positions: 120 minutes for “Vang, [8U miniites for radio; Loni esitons. Go minutes for TV ind 90 reinutes Tor rio Election Survey: The Suprene Cov held thal See &4 of ino Fy lestions Act pub: ‘biting, publicalion of survey resulli “days inmerinie, Preceding a mation olaction ana ? days ean [2<8l elehien viointea the conattutonat wrote of sPeech, expinssion, and the + Wimposes » prio: eesti expression, eit ts a gitoct ang fotul suppression of 9 category cf exprosslen ovan though Sart suppression is only for aimited perioy ana * the governmental interest seugh ie “be Promoted can be achioved by mene aitee thon "the "sunoression ef” trendone cy expression | (Social Woather “icin 2 COMELEC, G R. No, 147574 May 5, 2001) PROHIBITED CONTRIBN TIONS 1. Contribution for purposes af partisan activly shail be mada directly of invreely by Any of tho followings 9 Publ or private financial inssitmions: 6 7eF%, Joan mace by financial nsstons ‘egily 9 the businass af tendig res. fod in accordanes with inwe ang) ON the freedam of “if MEMONY AUD iN. ig * SOULE Bitty 0: Aibitctor pavate entity to Fav iticnL Law as, fequiations. 1nd in the ordinary course of busitions; > Natural a jundiea! pereone operating a tbl uty or inp ssonsion of vor exploiting nay’ natural resources of the sation; © Natural ni juriicat persons: who hokd Contzncts er sub-comtracts to supply te government. oF any 9; Its “divisions: fubdisiony: or: ettyrncintaition, “with QOdS'' or 'Aorvieus'siar fo pavtenm consiruction vr other woke, 4 Natural ana juridical persone whe have been granted tranchises. incenlivos exomptio. is! allocatiéns or Priviges ik concessions by Ine Qoversmant:or ary cl hs diistons, Subdivisions ot”. insteumantalie, inetuding © govarnment-owned at Controlled cbinorations, Natural and juridieal persons who, within one year prite-tu tho date of the election, have “‘boen armed loans er otha: Aecommodniins in oxce: § of £100,006 by tho govamvnent of an of is dvistons. Suibdlatons of insvuumertalties including, Suvernmantoxinad or. controliog co:porntions: 4 f Fduentionalddsttuvonet etyeh hee feesived ginis of /pdiite finde antounting tor less nan | 100,000.00, 8 Offelals “or employers inthe Gut Sc-viee, or merbars a! Ihe. Anmed Forces of tha Philippines: and Foreigners ard:loreign corporations. IV shall 'e unlawtul tae any person to soliet or seeawe any contributio’ tom any of the persone © ellos enumeratec herein (Sn, 95, OLE), 2 Wau be uso any perto,ieudng lel Seceee, ciety ghee (a, conten oF hinted SBecary ergy notonay Sty dato. iso toloctsn (See 08, Oey til fat days perso hold let yp af nto N¢'Inetuiig leah Any; of for cts gitlshWhotner ee nF }) OF nctrecty,to'aaien andlor "7 Ghy candidate ior public offen, a 20 12009 CENTRAL'ZED VAR OPERATIONS froin his campaign moneger, agent or fepresontative, or any ipérsoq acting in the behalf, any’ git,” fond, transportation, £ + contibution or donavion In eush oF Is kind % “from the commencanient of the. election eriog up to und Including elaciion day, pl, normal and “customary religious ends, hes, of collections on Sundays and/or olner designated collection days, are excluded from (ws prohiblion (Soc. 97, OC), “LIMITATION | OW EXPENSES’ (Soc 13, » SYNCHRONIZED ELECTIONS AND. FOR ELECTORAL REFORMS (RA 7166), 1. Candidates: Ton pesos (P10.00) ‘or President and Vice-President, and lar owner Sandidates Three Pasoe (P3.00) ter avary » Yolor currently ragi torud tr the constwer “where he iilad his certiiewte of cuncidacy Provided, That” a cundidale winost any ‘ polieal parly and without support frown ary Poltical purty may ba ullowed fo spend Five Poxoe tat for ovary wach ytor dr For palticul purtion: Fva pouos (P5.U0) tar avery volwr “currently registered in he Constituency of consltuensios. what: has official candidates. QTATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS ANU EXPENSES (Sec, f4, RA THU6): (ve Sandidule wid reasurer a! the political pry ‘hall, within uvuty (30) ayy altar tte day uf ine Alection, fle in duplrata we the offiges of th: Conimission the full {rug and ilumieud starement Of all, contibutions “and expenditures connection wih the election Btloct of Fallura to Fite: 1. Prohibited trom entaring upon the duties 1 his otfice 2, Aaministetive tue Pr Cee BOARD OF LLEGTION INSPEGIORS (BL!) Composition and Qualifications: A ehaieman, mem ze end a poll ciesk, whe (i) mest be mubiic schon! teacnes, (i) Of g.90t1 motih charuete™ ars Weproachuble raputute i, (W) & registored vo! oof tes “ity oF muripulity, (99) EVE De Sonvicted of ny ekectinn atfease on any sui Grime punishable by mii than 6 tones mprsoniment, (¥) able to aypuak anid wate Engi fr te local ge x Undue Reputsne Act 9969; YWherw he autor 12 flachow systen (AtS) wiiall OW argpte, at Wea fn Redo College of Lay ‘ane member of:tho BEF shall be an information toctnology-copnble person, who 18 trulnud oF Diaqualificationa: 1. Musi not be relatad withid the 4 civil o by consanguinity of affinity to airy member ut {the BEI o¢ to any candidate Ww be voted for in tne pulling place 2, Must not engage in any partisan pciitcul activity, | Powers: * Conduct the voting and courtrg of votes sn the polling place 2 fet as desuites of the TOELEC in suner'slon and canal of the jong place 3. Manta order vathn the poling place and ts Brersi8eg tu keup access thernto open and ‘nobstrubied und to enforce obedience to ila lawl egere 4. Poiform ‘such omer Aunotions a» prereiibed by the Goda or by the rulos of COMELEC WATCHERS, Qualifications: 1 Cuautied votur of the ety oF municipality % Of youd reputation 3. Maver been cunvicied of any election cliente wy rime ol Snows haw, 40 fad and write english, Caxpino, oF any of tho pravuiing foal diuloct + I tiated within the 4” civil degree Ly cousangulilly OF atinily (9 any meraber of Uie PPL in the ‘poling piace where he seqi uppsantnart ay watehar righ 7 Stay Inge tnggeeprya lor tem insite ie ct AS Py wines" gags aim “inemsalues of taito proseedingh oF tad BHiAS wy! ie rae. pelogtaphyo} proce vy ele obra ay ONES or nenlatige ne ie ttl gn ARERN Gs 01 Amcor ol vue godt gy edlRipgnmlcate any signos ae eae steed is mers of te ma " ot hea ae “an elvction ne cet an cuan prope 6 SOO TE Med” putition by aay swctust a gary wifan inereie vince, tian eka, ee at Sat toss’ or destiuction of election” parapt.ctnaln ur records, force majo,” oretver analogous ‘causos 0} sich a heture thal th fe The election In: eny. poling lade hai det been held on;tie dale. fixed on wcocent of forco mojauro, viclence, terrorist, (aud, oF 7" other analogous causes; 2, The election in any poling place tad burn suspended before the hour fixnd by law fot the closing of : ag ike fot ot Maron 1 nawi'ortployéess foxoopt In faut ao aon Lunt? “tii pe Mion ina iivenporm of ‘eewyspostions at be ». Ny Gradius of be Seri NEO dandy zor hom dre odeed wha ho gl HES raclua of 100 gEBA STI enouph ‘hal the id. ® deadly weapon within tha accused en 94 12009 CENTRALIZED WAR OPERATIONS Bon Beda Collece of Law a ellene ot ay Prohlated radius dunng any of tye day ung hoa specified nha lw Mie Nuno, -AM No. RIMV1 200; diinuury 26, 1995), t, Transfer or dati of government official! emplnyee witout COMELES upproval i Wola: To prove violation two elements ) must concur: iL a Tho fact of transfor or detl) within the glection narod us fixed by the - COMELEC; and . The transfer oF delat was sade without rior ‘approval “ol the COMELEC in Accordance wih ‘te implementing rules and tegulains (Puopla v. Reyes, Gk Ho. 118022, August 14, 1302) + The tanslor or detail of “government aiicer of empoyee wit nat be penalized Mt Gone. fo prema. etieiney. inthe gevernment servea (Poop v. Ae; o% supra) GOOD FAITH IS NOT A DEFENSE, Election allenses are genutally mote prohibia. Proof ol ‘riminal iniant is not necessary. Geos fall ignorance crack vt malice i not a deianse ay SAN DUDA

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