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MOTION 9 : “When Superheroes exist, This House would put them in the

National State Army”

Define 1. Superheroes exist meaning that there
are a real heroes in the city

2. Put them in National State Army

meaning that superheroes join into the
team of the army national military
A1 We agree with this motion is because if
superheroes exist can stop and prevent
vegilanty act.
Reasoning Act of vegilanty like avengers or
spiderman is helpful but even superhero could
make mistake and cloud by misjudgement.
Beside that we believe that attendance from
superheroes make some problem will clear
with easily. Because, we belive that if the
superheroes exist will make the terrorist or
others will be afraid.If they joining the team
military, a superhero will set or given a
command with the mission and the
information that more accurately and then they
will follow with the plan so that there is no
misjudgement. But with thr joining the
syperheroes to caught the crime so make it the
state army will be easily and avoid thr
vegilanty act. Such as anger or vengeance such
as batman, spiderman, or even ironman.
Evidence We can see the evidence the justice of
the truth such as batman who always help the
army to make the crime will lead his rule.
Batman is a superheroes who always have a
plan for every situations to decide to do
something before he does. Or also the
ironman who can help the army as well as
like a batman too.

A2 We agree with this motion because we

believe that it can make youth willing to
join the national state army to protect
their nation.
Reasoning As we know that most country has issue
with the voluntary youth to join the army.
While their nation are huge and need youth to
protect their area such as in borderline or even
in oversea. But when superheroes that kids and
youth idolized join army they will follow
them. And its not only to see them closely or
want to talk to them but also to participate in
action with them.
Evidence We know that many young child always
follow their idol like spiderman or captain
America. A spiderman who always to
eradicate crime in his city. With the power
that he’s got that net of both of his hands
make him become a superhero idol by many
children. He saw the wonderful and amazing
of spiderman. And then by joining in a team
of military soldiers make the children become
to have a desire to also join in to make their
country free of crime. Or when the capt
America is also a lot of the idol of the
children will also be excited and to aspire to
be a good hero at protecting their own
A3 Why we agree with this motion is because
when the superheroes join the national
state army, make the criminal will afraid
do the crime.
Reasoning In this motion, we believe that when the
superheroes exist and join the national state
army make the criminal become more
awareness. They will be more careful to do
something or even they wanna to make some
noisy. Such as terrorists and drug dealer to
mess around with the nation. Surely they will
afraid to bomb it because they have a
superman that bulletproof or the flash that
can run like a bulletspeed.
Evidence we can the example, that is superheros
can make the criminals will scare if the
superheroes into the army.

Rebuttal :
1 st they said that the if superheroes join the team will not
independent again and be controlled by state. And our response is
we believe that the superhero give the benefit from join the state
army because for the case about independent the state can make the
rules to both of team that superheroes will safe the society and the
state army will win the wars.

2nd they said that because the state army has own agenda like wars
so they can’t join this. And our response is that if the state army
have their own agenda we can make their agenda to be plan with
right so the superheroes will follow the agenda from the state army.
Because we believe that the superhero will become follow the
command of state army even they don’t wanna do.

List Of POI to Aff-Neg :

1. State army need a icon like superheroes that bring confident that
they can do their job like in battle or wars.
2. Superheroes will help and protect the soldier with their ability such
as superman or ironman.
3. If superheroes join army will bring more youth to join the army too
because they see their hero or idol is fight their country.
4. Superheroes will make the troop stronger because they train with
extraordinary human, hero with super power.
5. Superhero have amazing ability then the national state army, so we
must put them in there and from it give the benefit to state army.
6. Superhero can make the military defense system will be stronger
then before, and they will not feel to fastigue.

A1 We disagree with this motion because if
superheroes join the team will not
independent again and be controlled by
Reasoning Superheroes like a batman or spidey
would not able to focus on helping society
from crime in cities or firefighter in
conflagration or robbery and etc. Because if
they join army they would go oversea to fight
in war such as middle east or other places.
Evidence We know that the state army should
not make the superhero to join with them.
because in the fact even more good the state
army will be standing alone without the
superhero. If the superhero join the war like
captain America or ironman they will go to
under the sea to help the state army, so how
about the crime who happen in society will
loss their safety in city, because they want to
war in sea. And then, like we know that many
crime that happen, more good if balance with
the superhero focus on crime in city and the
state army in under the sea to fight.

A2 We disagree with this motion is because

the state army has own agenda like wars so
they can’t join this.
Reasoning As we know that superheroes can be
misued to oppress the government like kudeta
or triple down the government. It would be
dangerous if superhero tale inside and
support the army to do coup or revolusion.
Superhero can be deceive and help the junta
such as in Myanmar or Libya.

A3 We disagree with this motion is because the

army have to be independent and not
independent to 1-2 superheroes.
Reasoning Army state is an union of army squad that
train really hard for years to be a soldier. If
superman or batman join the state they will
be too much depent on the power of
superman or captain America rather than the
whole squad of army.
Evidence We know that in the fact superheroes
have their own job or something that make
they will not join the state army. We believe
like a batman have a life who don’t want to
plagued with others moreover the state army.
The state army must to independent to not
depent on the superheros. Because
superheroes has also their independent too
free move with their wanna to fight or
helping the people. We can see that when the
state army always do the exercise to have a
large skill or want to resistant on their
system. If the superman will join the state
army, surely the state army have a less skill
because of course the superman or captain
America have a strong power than the state

Rebuttal :

1 st they said that if

superheroes exist can stop and prevent vegilanty act.
And our response is not all of superheroes can join the state army,
as we know that the fact that is superheroes have a some both of side
like a hulk who can destroy or wanna do the things that he wanna
do. And it can make be fatal too so they cant join the state army.

2nd they said that is it can make youth willing to join the national
state army to protect their nation. And our response is if we want to
make the youth can follow the army just because their an idol be
there, I think its not a good to the child. Because, even more good
that the child will become feel amazing to the state army. The state
army also has a power with the extraordinary ability too than the
List Of POI Neg – Aff :
1. It can create dependency to the heroes while army should be
2. Superheroes also can endanger their own troops such as hulk that
can’t control emotion or superman that weak to crypton
3. Army can train and do their job without superhero. They have
good leader to command and train them.
4. Superhero must be independent team so can help fight crime, but if
they join the army they have to go oversea to win a war.
5. Superhero has an alter ego that sometimes you make them difficult
to control their ego during combat.

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