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Areas Great Work! Good Job! Getting there! Not Quite

Assessed 4 3 2 1
Content Subject area mastery is Subject area Basic understanding in Lack of understating of
demonstrated understanding is subject area is subject area is
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
Teamwork Each group member Most group members Some group members Few group members
made contributions to contributed to project contributed to project contributed to project
project material and materials and materials and materials and
presentation presentation presentation presentation
Organization All materials are neat Most materials are Some materials are Materials are not neat
and information is easy neat and most neat and some and are difficult to
to understand information is easy to information is easy to understand
understand understand
Presentation Information is Information is Information is Information is unclear
presented with presented with presented with limited and presented with
knowledge and acceptable knowledge knowledge and little creativity
creativity and creativity minimal creativity

Areas Great Work! Good Job! Getting there! Not Quite

Assessed 4 3 2 1





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