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This is to acknowledge that I received

the amount of
____________________________________ Philippine Currency
from the BUYER,
__________________, both of legal age, married to each other, Filipinos and
with residence and postal address at ______________________, as FULL
payment of the parcel of land with all improvements covered by the Deed of Absolute
Sale dated ____________ entered in the notarial registry of _______________ under
Doc. No. ___; Page No. ____; Book No. _____; Series of 2018, over property under
______________ more particularly described below.

A parcel of land (Lot _________) of the subd. Plan,

Psd-____________, being a portion of Lot ___________, Psd-
_______________ located in Barangay ___________________
with a total area of _________________________ square

Done this _______________, 2018 at _______________ City.


CEI: __________________

Signed in the presence of: _____________________ _____________________

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this ________________,

2018, at _____________________, Philippines, Affiant presented to me his valid ID with
Nos. written below his name, as his competent evidence of identity.

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