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Behavioral Ecology

Behav Ecol Sociobiol (1988) 22:37 47 and Sociobiology

9 Springer-Verlag 1988

Patch use as an indicator of habitat preference,

predation risk, and competition
Joel S. Brown*
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

Received January 28, 1987 / Accepted September 25, 1987

Summary. A technique for using patch giving up can be used to investigate the properties of commu-
densities to investigate habitat preferences, preda- nities. A recent example of this includes Rosen-
tion risk, and interspecific competitive relation- zweig's (1979 et seq.) theory of habitat selection
ships is theoretically analyzed and empirically in- where the behavior of individuals behaving opti-
vestigated. Giving up densities, the density of re- mally is used to predict the outcome of intra- and
sources within a patch at which an individual interspecific interactions (Rosenzweig 1981, 1985;
ceases foraging, provide considerably more infor- Pimm and Rosenzweig 1981; Pimm et al. 1985).
mation than simply the amount of resources har- Other examples include short-term apparent com-
vested. The giving up density of a forager, which petition (Holt and Kotler 1987), moose foraging
is behaving optimally, should correspond to a har- dynamics (Belovsky 1978 et seq.), and resource
vest rate that just balances the metabolic costs of theory (Tilman 1982, 1985).
foraging, the predation cost of foraging, and the Testing models of population interactions
missed opportunity cost of not engaging in alterna- based upon the foraging behavior of individuals
tive activities. In addition, changes in giving up often requires measuring habitat or patch use, hab-
densities in response to climatic factors, predation itat preferences, and the rejection or acceptance
risk, and missed opportunities can be used to test of patches. In this paper, I present a measuring
the model and to examine the consistency of the technique to accomplish these goals. The technique
foragers' behavior. The technique was applied to uses artificial or manipulated resource patches to
a community of four Arizonan granivorous ro- measure a forager's giving up density. The tech-
dents (Perognathus amplus, Dipodomys merriami, nique is applicable to communities of active for-
Ammospermophilus harrisii, and Spermophilus tere- agers seeking comparatively immobile prey.
ticaudus). Aluminum trays filled with 3 grams of I begin by discussing the theory which provides
millet seeds mixed into 3 liters of sifted soil pro- an interpretation of patch giving up densities. The
vided resource patches. The seeds remaining fol- theory is an extension of Charnov's (1976) mar-
lowing a night or day of foraging were used to ginal value theorem and it uses what, in economics,
determine the giving up density, and footprints in is called the "marginal rate of substitution" (see
the sifted sand indicated the identity of the forager. Russell and Wilkinson 1979) to include the effects
Giving up densities consistently differed in re- of predation risk and alternative activities on patch
sponse to forager species, microhabitat (bush ver- use. I then give some preliminary results from ap-
sus open), date, and station. The data also provide plying this method to a community of four desert
useful information regarding the relative foraging granivorous rodent species: Arizona pocket mouse
efficiencies and microhabitat preferences of the (Perognathus amplus), Merriam's kangaroo rat
coexisting rodent species. (Dipodomys merriami), round-tailed ground squir-
rel (Spermophilus tereticaudus), and Harris's ante-
lope ground squirrel (Ammospermophilus harrisii).
As first suggested by MacArthur and Pianka Optimal patch use
(~ 966) and Emlen (1966), optimal foraging theory
Theoretical treatments of optimal habitat use are
* Current address: Department of Biological Sciences, Universi- applicable to systems where foragers are able to
ty of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680, USA identify and direct their foraging efforts to subsets

of the environment (i.e. patches) that on average all alternative activites, a. I assume that the realiza-
yield higher harvest rates or benefits than the envi- tion of fitness is discrete and occurs following a
ronment at large. Once a habitat patch is located, fixed amount of time T. If the individual is preyed
a forager must decide whether to accept the oppor- upon during this interval its fitness is zero. The
tunity to harvest the patch (Rosenzweig 1974), and goal of the forager is to divide its time between
it must decide how much time or effort to devote foraging and alternative activities so as to maxi-
to those patches it accepts for harvesting (Charnov mize fitness.
1976). By varying the foraging time allotted to each Net energy gain, e, and the probability of sur-
patch, a forager can vary the total, average, mar- viving predation, p, are functions of time spent
ginal or net reward from each patch. foraging. Assume that time spent foraging is di-
In the simplest case of habitat utilization, an vided over m resource patches. Resource patches
individual can only forage and has no alternative may vary with regard to initial resource density
activities. Assume that resources are distributed in and predation risk. Harvest rate is assumed to be
discrete patches and that foragers deplete the re- an increasing function of patch resource density.
sources as they harvest a patch. However, assume As a forager devotes harvest time to the patch,
also, that the distribution of resources among its resources are depleted and the harvest rate de-
patches remains fixed. In other words, although clines. Let t I = ( 6 , " , tin) denote the vector of times
the resources of a given patch are depleted by a allotted to each of the m resource patches. Assume
forager while it is in the patch, the resources of that there are s alternative activities that contribute
the entire environment are not. Under these as- to the other inputs into fitness, a. Let t " = ( t m + b ,
sumptions, the marginal value theorem (Charnov tm+s) be the vector of times devoted to each alter-
1976) states that the rate of energy gain to a forager native activity. Note that alternative activities may
is maximized, and by assumption its fitness is also also expend energy and incur predation risk. For
maximized, when the forager's quitting harvest accounting purposes, in what follows, I will include
rate in a patch equals its average harvest. these in the vector of inputs into fitness from alter-
The above assumptions, which lead to the mar- native activities. Let
ginal value theorem, are restrictive. More realisti-
cally, foraging in patches will affect not only ener- G [e (ts), p (t~), a (ta)] = p (t y) .f[e (ts), a (ta)]
gy gain, but also other aspects of fitness such as
denote the expected per capita rate of growth (fit-
predation risk. Empirical work suggests that for-
ness) subject to the constraint that the sum of the
agers balance the benefits of energetic reward and
tj's and t~'s equals T where j = 1,..., m and i = m +
the cost of predation when making foraging de- 1,..., m + s. Futhermore, 0 < p (t s) _<1 is the proba-
cisions (Milinski and Heller 1978; Sih 1980; Grubb
bility of surviving to realize fitness as a function
and Greenwald 1982; Werner etal. 1983; Lima
of times exposed to predators while foraging, and
et al. 1985). Furthermore, most organisms can en-
F[e(ti), a(t")]>0 is the expected per capita rate
gage in other fitness-determining activities besides
of growth given the individual survives predation
foraging such as territorial defense, mate finding,
while foraging.
resting, dormancy, grooming, and nest mainte- I assume that energy enhances fitness (i.e. ~ G~
nance. Finally, foraging activity of individuals may ~e> 0) and that spending time foraging decreases
not only depress the resources of a given patch the probability of surviving predation to realize
but also, at least for a time, depress the resources
fitness (i.e. ~p/~tj<O where j = 1,..., m). If patch
of the entire environment. For example, following j has a lower risk of predation than patch k then
sunrise, hummingbirds and nectarivorous insects
~p/~ t; > ~p/~tk.
often deplete their nectar resources (Feinsinger The optimal values of t~ and ta can be found
1976; Schaffer et al. 1979; Brown et al. 1981). through the technique of Lagrange multipliers
In what follows, I relax these restrictive as- (Chiang 1974). I will consider those patches and
sumptions (1) by assuming that foraging activity alternative activities such that the optimal values
affects both net energy gain and predation risk; for tj and ti are greater than zero for j = 1,..., m,
(2) by permitting the foragers to engage in alterna- and i = m + 1,...m+s. Setting the necessary condi-
tive activities; and (3) by permitting the depletion tion for the optimal tj equal to the necessary condi-
of resources over the entire environment. tion for the optimal ti yields for all j = 1,.--,m and
Let fitness, denoted by G, be a function of net i = m + l,...,m+s:
energy gain from foraging, e, the probability of
surviving predation while foraging, p, and a vector [~ G (')/~ el [~e (.)/8 tj] + [~ G (-)/~p] [~p (")/~tj]
of inputs into fitness from engaging in any and = [~ G (')/~ a] [ea (.)/eh]

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